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Saturday, March 21, 2020

National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) Recruitment for 120 Graduate Engineers Posts through GATE 2020 Apply Online

National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) Recruitment for 120 Graduate Engineers Posts through GATE 2020 Apply Online


National Aluminium Company Limited NALCO is looking for young and dynamic Graduate Engineers to join as Graduate Engineer Trainees in various disciplines like Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Chemical, Metallurgy, Civil & Mining. Recently NALCO has starts the online process for NALCO GET Recruitment on 20.03.2020 (11.30 am). A new job NALCO Notification [Advt No: 10200207] was circulated at NALCO careers for NALCO Recruitment through GATE 2020. According to the NALCO Jobs notification, overall 120 vacancies are allocated for NALCO GET Vacancy. Applicants those who are looking for Engineering Jobs in Central Govt can apply to this recruitment on or before 15.06.2020.

National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) Recruitment for 120 Graduate Engineers Posts through GATE 2020 Apply Online /2020/03/

NALCO Recruitment 2020 notification regarding filling of Graduate Engineers through GATE Job Vacancies. The PSU organization invites online application from eligible candidates having B.Tech, Engg Graduate qualifications. These 120 Graduate Engineers Posts through GATE 2020 are in NALCO, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha.

NALCO invites applications through online mode only. Candidates should possess Full Time regular Bachelor Degree in Engineering or Technology and Candidates in the final year of their engineering may also apply. NALCO will be utilizing GATE 2020 score for recruitment of GETs. Candidates will be shortlisted on GATE 2020 Score then will be called for Personal Interview. Selected candidates will be appointed at anywhere in India. NALCO Recruitment through GATE 2020 notification & NALCO online application is available @  More details of NALCO Bhubaneswar recruitment, upcoming NALCO Jobs notices, syllabus, answer key, merit list, selection list, admit card, result, upcoming NALCO Graduate Engineer Recrutimene notifications and etc. will be uploaded on official website.

NALCO Graduate Engineer Vacancy Details

Total No. of Posts - 120

  1. Civil - 5
  2. Mining - 4
  3. Chemical - 9
  4. Electrical -29
  5. Mechanical - 45
  6. Metallurgy - 13
  7. Instrumentation - 15

Salary Details :

Rs. 40000 - 3% - 140000 during one year training

Educational Qualification - NALCO Recruitment 2020

1. Full Time regular Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology with not less than 65 % marks in aggregate for UR & OBC and 55 % for other.

2. Candidate in the final year of their Engineering may also apply. 

Application Fee

Rs.500 for Gen/ OBC/ EWS candidates and Rs.100 for all other candidates including departmental aspirants.

How to Apply:
  1. Go to Official Website
  2. Click on "Career" find the advertisement "Recruitment of Graduate Engineers through GATE-2020." click on the advertisement.
  3. Notification will be open and read it & check eligibility.
  4. To apply enter your details correctly and make the payment.
  5. Then finally click on submit button and take a printout for future reference
Fill up Online Application Form:
  1. Candidates should make registration and apply through Login.
  2. Candidates shall fill up the online form with the required details.
  3. Upload your photograph & signature.
  4. Then make payment through online.
  5. Click on to view application form.
  6. Candidates will be provided opportunity to edit their application form before submission.
  7. After the submission check once whether the information of the application or correct or not.
  8. Then generate a pin & Print your Registration slip.
Important Dates :
Starting Date to Apply Online : 20.03.2020
Closing Date to Apply Online : 15.06.2020

Click Here for

Official Notification
Apply Online Registration Link
Official Website
Extension Date Notice