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Thursday, March 12, 2020

English Language Proficiency Course (ELPC) Admissions by DSE for SGTs Apply

English Language Proficiency Course (ELPC) Admissions by DSE for SGTs Apply

English Language Proficiency Course 

State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Telangana in colloboration with Azim Premji University (APU) is introducing a Nine Week Certificate Course "English Language Proficiency Course" in a blended mode (i.e, Face to Face and Online) in order to enhance the Enlglish Language Proficiency among Secondary Gradae Teachers working in Government Primary Schools.

English Language Proficiency Course (ELPC) Admissions by DSE for SGTs Apply /2020/03/

The interested Government Secondary Grade Teachers may visit the Official Website ( and submit their application from 05.03.2020 onwards. Only one teacher from each primary School will be considered. Further, the first 1000 applications received will be admitted into the Present Batch.

How to Apply for ELPC Course:
  1. Visit the TS SCERT Website(
  2. Search for ELP Course Admission Link
  3. Then ELP Course web portal will be open.
  4. Click on the ELP Course Online Application form.
  5. Fill the details in the required fields.
  6. Then submit the Application form and download it.
  7. Finally take a print out for future reference.
Helpline Numbers: 8978488566, 9866530054, 8328529147.

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