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Thursday, February 6, 2020

TS GURUKULAM Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society NOTIFICATION 2020

TS GURUKULAM Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society NOTIFICATION 2020


Applications are invited through online for admission into Intermediate 1st year in TTWR Jr.Colleges/TTWUR Jr.Colleges for General and Vocational courses functioning under the control of Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (Regd.), Gurukulam, Hyderabad (TTWREIS) for the academic year 2020-21.

TS GURUKULAM Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society NOTIFICATION 2020 /2020/02/TTWREI-Society-ts-gurukulam-telangana-tribal-welfare-residential-educational-institutions-society-notification-2020.html

Eligibility  Criteria :

1) The students who are appearing for SSC Public Examinations to be held in March2020/10th Class from ICSE/CBSE on regular basis are eligible to apply. The student who pass in March,2020/10th class from State Board (BSE)/ CBSE/ICSE during the academic year 2019-20 on regular basis are eligible for admission into Intermediate 1st year in General and Vocational courses.

2) The Annual Income of the parent should not exceed Rs.1,50,000-00 in rural areas and Rs.2,00,000-00 in urban areas per annum. A certificate issued by the MRO should be submitted at the time of admission.

3) The students are studying in Telugu Medium or English Medium are eligible for the
entrance test.

4) The age of the students should not exceed (17) years as on 31-08-2020. Age relaxation for (2) years will be allowed for the ST students.

5) The students should produce all relevant original certificates at the time of admission, then only the admission will be confirmed.


Community-wise reservations will be implemented as per G.O.Ms.No.13, TRIBAL WELFARE (EDN.1), DEPARTMENT, dated:27-06-2015 as mentioned below:-

Reservation of seats to the castes/categories i.e., OC, BC, SC, AEQ, Sports quota, PHC, Agency quota for General groups and Vocational courses in Agency  Area (Scheduled area) are furnished in Detailed Official Notification. Kindly go through it.

Payment : 
Registration fee for submission of application through online is Rs.100/- (Rupees One
hundred only). 

Admission procedure/Selection process :

1) The applicant must submit his/her application through ONLINE by visiting website

2) Before filling the application through online, the candidate have to read the information/prospectus already uploaded in the website (Advice : It is informed to prepare a hard copy first and then fill through online to avoid mistakes).

3)  Please upload the photo and signature of the candidate within 100 kb size only.

4)  The candidates must opt the colleges while applying on-line. The candidates shall be
considered for admission into the colleges according to their option, based on the availability of seats in those Institutions and based on their merit in that caste. The option once exercised is final and cannot be changed. Erstwhile district is the basis of criteria for allotment of seats.

5)  The candidates can choose both General and Vocational Colleges. The Group/College
preferences should clearly be noted (or) selected in the application.

6)  The candidates are advised to download the Hall Ticket from 28-02-2020 to 05-03-2020 for appearing entrance test scheduled on 08-03-2020. The candidate should fill the bonafide certificate (provided at the bottom of the Hall ticket) and get it signed by the Headmaster/Principal concerned where he/she is studying 10th class and handed over it to the Invigilator at the time of entrance test.

Admission Test :
1) Date of test 08-03-2020 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
2) The test is OMR based. The test shall be for (100) marks.
3) The Questions will be multiple choice type (MCQs).
4) Each question carries ONE mark. Each Question has only one correct answer answer.
5) The admission shall be provided based on the merit in Erstwhile district, group opted, College, gender and community reservation.
6) The subject-wise allocation of marks shall be as follows:-

Subjects                                                       Marks
  1. Maths                                                                   20
  2. Physical Science                                                  20
  3. Bio. Science                                                         20
  4. Social Studies                                                      20
  5. English (Comprehension & Grammar)               20
  6. T o t a l                                                              100
7) The entrance test question paper shall be in bilingual form (i.e., in both English and Telugu Media).
8) Medium of Instruction :-
a) The medium of instruction at Intermediate level shall be English only.
b) The medium of instruction at Intermediate level shall be Telugu to the
following (03) TTWR Jr.Colleges only.
i) TTWR Jr.College (Girls), Muduchekkalapally at Narsampet, Erstwhile Warangal district.
ii) TTWR Jr.College (Girls), Manthani, Erstwhile Karimnagar district
iii) TTWR Jr.College (Boys), Redyala at Mahabubabad, Erstwhile Warangal district

Final Selection :-
1) Selection will be made on merit basis subject to fulfillment of criteria prescribed
(Eligibility and Reservation).
2) The candidates who passes through in one attempt in SSC Public Examinations March, 2020 are eligible for admission.

Hall tickets can be downloaded from 28-02-2020 to 05-03-2020.

All the candidates who downloaded the hall ticket shall be knowing the centre which shall be mentioned in the hall ticket with clear address and mobile number of the Principal of the centre. Therefore, the candidates are advised to visit the centre at least one day in advance for overcoming the confusion in finding location and make their own transport arrangement to reach the centre safely on time. No claim or complaint shall be entertained from any candidate/parent/relative for difficulty in finding location (in respect of locationof difficulty) and late report. 

Last date to Apply : 23.02.2020

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