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Friday, February 28, 2020

AP EAPCET 2023 Results Released : Click Here

AP EAPCET 2023 Results Released : Click Here

AP EAMCET 2023 or AP EAPCET 2023 has been declared by the Andhra Pradesh State Council Of Higher Education (APSCHE). The official test website,, will include a direct access to check scores. Live Updates on the AP EAMCET Result 2023.

How to Check the AP EAPCET 2023 Result?
  1. Navigate to
  2. Now, proceed to EAPCET 2023.
  3. Navigate to the scorecard download page.
  4. Log in by entering the necessary information.
  5. Check and save your results.


AP EAMCET 2020  Download Halltickets

AP EAMCET 2020 – Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada is conducting the AP EAMCET 2020 for the admission for Engineering, Medical and Agricultural Courses in the state of Andhra Pradesh in the third week of April 2020. JNTU will be releasing the notification of AP EAMCET in early February. The AP EAMCET is a National Level Exam conducted in online mode only. AP EAMCET 2020 will contain objective type questions. Candidates can get here all the important information such as eligibility criteria, application form, hall ticket, result, counselling, etc. Keep reading the article below for the same.

The AP EAMCET 2020 exam dates have been released by the Education Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Adimilapu Suresh. The official notification for the same will be released on February 22, 2020, by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada on the official website of 

Interested candidates can apply for the Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test, EAMCET till March 27, 2020.

AP EAMCET 2020 examination will be held once in a year and those candidates who want to take admission in government and private engineering and pharmacy colleges will have to appear for the examination.

AP EAMCET 2020 Application Exam Dates, Eligibility, Pattern and Syllabus Check complete Details here /2020/02/AP-EAMCET-2020-Application-Exam-Dates-Eligibility-Pattern-Syllabus.html

All those candidates who want to apply for the examination will have to pay Rs 1000 as application fees if belonging to other students and Rs 500 if belonging to SC, ST category. The late fee is Rs 500 for candidates applying after the completion of the last date. For more related details candidates can visit the official site of AP EAMCET or Manabadi.

How To Apply for AP EAMCET?
AP EAMCET Application Form will be available for submission from February 28, 2020  on the official website. Follow thebelow given  steps to fill up the AP EAMCET application form and apply for AP EAMCET 2020:

Step 1: Payment of Fees

The AP EAMCET application form fees are to be paid first. Details about AP EAMCET fees are provided in the following section.

Step 2: Registration

Fill in the details mentioned below in the AP EAMCET application form to register yourself
a.   Admit card for Class 10 and 12 board exams
b.   Stream/Field applied for
c.   Category of the candidate
d.   Quota if any (like NCC, PH, etc.)
e.   The annual income of the family
f.    Residence proof

Step 3: Personal Details and Documents Submission

Personal details like name, nationality, gender, parents’ name, Aadhaar Card details, choice of exam center, contact details like mobile number and email ID are to be provided in the AP EAMCET application form. Students whose signature and photographs are not available in the Intermediate Board’s database to have to upload the same while filling up the AP EAMCET application form.

Step 4: Take a Print Out

Followed by the submission,  take a print out of the AP EAMCET application form.

AP EAMCET 2020 Application Fees :

Engineering : Rs 450.00
Agriculture and Pharmacy : Rs 450.00
Both Engineering and Agriculture-Pharmacy : Rs 900.00

Payments can be made through net-banking, credit card or debit card. Refer to the below details on AP EAMCET 2020 Application form fees.

AP EAMCET 2020: Admit card
The AP EAMCET Admit Card / Hall Ticket will be issued on the official website on 10th Sept 2020. Follow the steps mentioned below to download the AP EAMCET Hall Ticket 2020:

Candidates will have to enter their date of birth and registration number to download the AP EAMCET Admit Card.

1st Step: Visit the official website of AP EAMCET @
2nd Step: Click on the AP EAMCET Admit Card download link.
3rd Step: Enter the following details such as registration number and date of birth to login to your account.
4th Step: AP EAMCET Admit Card will appear on the screen. Download and a take a print out of the same.

To download Admit Card submit the following information:
  1. Name of the Candidate
  2. Course Applied for
  3. Registration ID
  4. Exam Center
  5. Exam Time
  6. Photograph
  7. Signature
AP EAMCET 2020: Exam Pattern
AP EAMCET 2020 will be conducted for Engineering from 17.09.2020, 18.09.2020, 21.09.2020, 22.09.2020 & 23.09.2020, and for the Agriculture from 23.09.2020, 24.09.2020 & 25.09.2020 and the mode of this examination is purely online i.e., Computer-based. The examination will be set in two sessions (morning and afternoon) taking place on the same day.

Type of the Question paper: Similar to many other competitive exams, AP EAMCET 2020 also has objective type questions, which means each question will be provided with four key options from which the right one has to be picked.

The language of the exam: AP EAMCET test is conducted in both English and Telegu (a regional language of Andhra Pradesh).

Marking scheme: Each question carries one mark each for the right answer and there are no negative marks allotted for the wrong ones.

Time Duration: The testing time is 3 hours for each session.
Subjects for engineering: The questions on the test are based on the 3 core subjects of engineering such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

Subject                     Marks      Number of Questions
Mathematics                 80                80
Physics                         40                40
Chemistry                    40                40
Total                160 Marks       160 Questions

AP EAMCET 2020: Important dates
  1. AP Eamcet Notification Release Date- February 27, 2020
  2. Opening date of application- February 29, 2020
  3. Closing date of application- June 15, 2020
  4. Last date for submission of online application with late fee of Rs. 500/- 30.06.2020
  5. Correction of online application data already submitted by the candidate - 04.07.2020 t0 07.07.2020
  6. Last date for submission of online application with late fee of Rs. 1000/-  09.07.2020
  7. Last date for receipt of online applications with late fee of Rs.5,000/-  17.07.2020
  8. Downloading of Hall-Tickets from the website  - 05.09.2020
  9. Last date for receipt of application with late fee of Rs. 10,000/- 05.09.2020
  10. Engineering exam dates-  17.09.2020, 18.09.2020, 21.09.2020, 22.09.2020 & 23.09.2020.
  11. Agriculture and Medical stream exam dates-  23.09.2020, 24.09.2020 & 25.09.2020
  12. Download of Hall Tickets from 10.09.2020
  13. Declaration of Preliminary Key (Engineering)-26.09.2020
  14. Declaration of Preliminary Key (Agriculture)-26.09.2020
  15. Last Date for receiving of objections on Preliminary Key-28.09.2020
  16. Declaration of Results  - will be updated soon

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