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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Clarifications on Prevention of preserve Earned Leaves for Teachers on various duties

Clarifications on Prevention of preserve Earned Leaves for Teachers on various duties  

వేసవి సెలవుల్లో పరీక్షల నిర్వహణలో పాల్గొన్న బోధన మరియు బోధనేతర ఉద్యోగులకు సంపాదించిన సెలవులను సంరక్షించడం. సి & విడిఎస్ఇ-టిఎస్ 21.01.2020 ద్వారా వివిధ విధులపై సంపాదించిన ఆకుల సంరక్షణ (ఎన్నికల విధి) నివారణపై స్పష్టీకరణలు

Clarifications on Prevention of preserve  Earned Leaves ( Election Duty) for Teaching and Non Teaching staff certain instructions and Guidelines issued by Department of School Education, Telangana for preventing of summer vacations on various duties such as Spot Valuations, Elections, and Examination duties certain instructions issued by DSE-TS 21.01.2020.

Clarifications on Prevention of preserve Earned Leaves for Teachers on various duties /2020/01/preservation-of-el-earned-leave--to-teachers-dse-telangana-latest-instructions-issued.html

Latest instructions of EL Preservation to teachers by DSE 

The teaching and non-taching staff working in the schools/Educational Institutions who have availed the vacation/Summer vacation, 6 days of EL, in two spells i.e, three (3) days from 1st January to 30th  June, and three (3) days from 1st July to 31st December in a calender year may be credited to their leave account as per G.O.Ms.No.317, Education (Ser.V), dated 15.09.1994. Prevention may be accorded during vacation including summer vacation as per the need and neccessity and exigencies of work viz, examination related work/training etc.

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