Coal India Limited (CIL) Recruitment for 1326 Management Trainees Apply Online
COAL INDIA LIMITED (CIL) Recruitment 2020: Coal India Limited (CIL), a Maharatna Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Coal, Government of India has published the recruitment notification for the post of Management Trainee (MT) Posts. A total of 1326 vacancies are notified for various disciplines such as Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Coal Preparation, Systems, Materials Management, Finance & Accounts, Personnel & HR, Marketing & Sales and Community Development.
COAL INDIA LIMITED (CIL) - a Schedule 'A' - MAHARATNA Public Sector Undertaking under Ministry of Coal, Government of India, is the single largest coal producing company in the world and one of the largest corporate employers of the country with manpowerof 2.85 Lakhs approximately. CIL invites applications from young, energetic and dynamic persons for recruitment THROUGHONLINE APPLICATION MODE only for the post of MANAGEMENT TRAINEE in differentdisciplines as per details given below:
Eligible and interested candidates can apply for Coal India Management Trainee recruitment through online application mode only. CIL Management Trainee online applications will start from 21 December 2019 and will continue till 19 January 2020. Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria.

Educational Qualification and Experience:
- Personnel & HR - Graduates with at least two years full time Post Graduate Degree/ PG Diploma/ Post Graduate Program in Management with specialization in HR/ Industrial Relations/ Personnel Management or MHROD or MBA or Master of Social Work with specialization in HR (Major) from recognized Indian University / Institute with minimum 60% marks.
- Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil BE/ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in relevant branch of Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- Community Development - Minimum two years full time Post Graduate Degree or Post Graduate Diploma of two-year duration from a recognised University/Institute in Community.
- Coal Preparation - BE/ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in Chemical/Mineral Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- Systems -BE/ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg) in Computer Science/ Computer Engg. / IT or MCA with minimum 60% marks.
- Materials Management - Engineering Degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering with 2 years full time MBA/ PG Diploma in Management with minimum 60% marks.
- Finance & Accounts - Qualified CA / ICWA.
- Marketing & Sales - Recognised Degree with 2 years full time MBA / PG Diploma in Management with specialization in Marketing (Major) from recognized Institute / University with minimum 60% marks.
- Development/Rural Development/Community Organisation and Development Practice/ Urban and Rural Community Development / Rural and Tribal Development/Development Management / Rural Management with minimum 60% marks. OR Minimum 2 years Full time Post Graduate Degree (from recognised University/Institute) in Social Work with specialization-Community Development / Rural Development /Community Organization & Development Practice/Urban & Rural Community Development/ Rural & Tribal Development/Development Management with minimum 60% marks.
Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria. Admission to Computer Based Online Test will be purely provisional. Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents when the candidate reports for interview, if shortlisted or at any stage of the recruitment process/appointment.
TEST CITIES: The Computer Based Online Test will be held at Test Cities as mentioned in the
online application. Candidates may opt for three Test Cities from the list as per their preference and the same cannot be changed after the online form is submitted. CIL reserves the right to allocate any Test city or change the Test city opted by the candidate. CIL reserves the right to add or delete any city(s) from the list based on the number of applicants.
The duration of Computer Based Online Test will be for 3 hours (in one sitting) consisting of two papers (Paper-I & Paper-II) of 100 marks each. Paper-I will consist of General Knowledge/Awareness, Reasoning, Numerical Ability and General English and Paper-II will consist of Professional Knowledge (Discipline related) with 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) in each paper. Each question will carry 1 mark and there is no penalty for wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. The question paper shall be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi only. However, in case of any error in Hindi version, the English version of the question shall be valid & final. The qualifying marks for the Computer Based Online Test will be as under:
Selected candidates will be placed as Management Trainee in E-2 Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 50,000 – 1,60,000/- at the initial Basic of Rs. 50,000/- per month during the training period. On successful and satisfactory completion of 1-year training period and passing the test conducted for the purpose, regularization will be in E-3 Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 60,000 – 1,80,000/- at the initial Basic of Rs. 60,000/- with probation for 1 year, if not extended.
Candidates belonging to GENERAL (UR) / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non-Creamy Layer) / EWS category are required to pay a Non-Refundable fee of ` 1000/- (` One Thousand only). SC / ST / PWD candidates / Employees of Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries are exempted from the payment of application fee.
The candidates shall apply through online mode available on CIL website
only under Career with CIL >>>> Jobs at Coal India >>>> Current Job Notifications
section as per the qualification and eligibility criteria indicated above.
While applying online, candidate needs to upload the following documents:-
a) Scanned copy of the recent passport size colour photograph (not older than 3 weeks in
jpg/jpeg format).
b) Scanned copy of signature with Black ink pen (in jpg/jpeg format)
c) Scanned copies of the documents (in pdf format), as follows:
1. Self-attested copy of Matriculation / Secondary Board level certificate in support of age.
2. Final / Provisional Degree / Certificate for Graduation and Post-Graduation, as applicable.
Starting date for filling application form - 21 December 2019 from 10.00 AM onwards
Last date for submitting online applications - 19 January 2020 till 11.00 PM
Computer Based Test Date - 27 February and 28 February 2020