How to Add or Edit or Remove of Employee & Employee's Beneficiary Data on AP/TS Health Cards
HOW TO ADD/EDIT/REMOVE ADDED BENEFICIARY DETAILS OF EMPLOYEE AND EMPLOYEE'S UNDER EHS SCHEME: Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Employees are availing Health Cards under Employeed Health Care Scheme by their state Governments. Learn here How to Add or Edit or Remove Your and Your Beneficiary Data on Health Cards. Employee Health Card Details, How to Add or Delete or Edit your data on Health Cards, Steps for modification of Health Card: Here we are providing information to make you understand how to add beneficiary or to remove already added beneficiary in the EHS scheme. The details and User Guide/Proceadure/Guidelines is to make the user/employee to understand how to Add Beneficiary, or how to Remove already added beneficiary under the EHS Scheme.
The following document will give a complete screen shots (Images) to how the employees needs to Add/Remove/Edit Beneficiary under the Scheme.The purpose of the tutorials is to make understand to the beneficiary.
Below are given Conditions for Adding Beneficiary:
- If the dependent family members DOB is above 5 years, then it request for Aadhaar Card Certificate and a photo.
- If the dependent family members DOB is below 5 years;, then it requests for DOB Certificate and photo.
- If The Beneficiary once added for any relationship, he/she cannot be added twice in indepndent family members details.
- If the Son's age is greater than 25 cannot be added. If son is disabled, then the age greater that 25 will be accepted.
- Dependent's daughter age is greater than 25 is acceptable.
- The Relationship of candidate and Gender must match.
Follow the given (Images) to How to Add/Remove/Edit Beneficiary Details
Click Here to Login TS EHS Web Portal
Click here to Login AP EHS Web Portal
1. Login as Employee with Respective Employee ID & Password as shown below Image.
2. Click on 'Registration Tab' as shown in below Image Initiate New/Rejected Beneficiaries
3 .On clicking 'Initiative New/Rejected Beneficiaries' a page will be displayed depicting 'Beneficiary Worklist' as shown in below image
4. On clicking 'Add Beneficiary' a popup window will be displayed as shown in below Image
Note: If the dependent family member DOB is below 5 years, then it requests for DOB certificate and photo
5. Note: If the dependent family member DOB is above 5 years, then it requests for Aadhaar certificate and photo
6. As shown in the above Image the user has a provision to
Save: Save tab is to partially save the beneficiary details.
Reset: Reset tab is to erase the entered data and re-enter the details
Submit: is to submit the saved beneficiary details.
On clicking save' a message 'Beneficiary details saved successfully' will popup as shown below Image.
7. On clicking 'OK' a page will be displayed wherein the user here has a provision to Edit/Remove the details of the added beneficiary.
8. Once the user cross verifies the saved details he has a provision to submit the saved beneficiary details as shown in below Image.
9. Note: Once the beneficiary details are submitted, the user will not have any provision to Edit/Remove, the details on clicking 'submit' a message 'Beneficiary details added succesfully' will popup as shown in the below Image.
Click here for TS Health Card Website
Click here for AP Health Card Website