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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Rashtriya Military School Announces Admission 2020 for Class VI and IX

Rashtriya Military School Announces Admission 2020 for Class VI and IX

RMS Common Entrance Test for Academic Year 2020-21

Rashtriya Military Schools Admissions through RMS Entrance Test 2019: Rashtriya Military Schools Entrance Test for Admission into Class VI and IX, Rashtriya Military Schools (RMS) Admissions 2019, Rashtriya Military Schools - Admission to class VI & IX and Last date is 20.10.2019). Applications are invited for admission to class VI & IX in Rashtriya Military Schools located at Chail (Himachal Pradesh), Ajmer (Rajasthan), Belgaum (Karnataka), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Dholpur (Rajasthan). invite applications for admission to class VI & IX for academic session 2020-21

Rashtriya Military School Announces Admission 2020 for Class VI and IX /2019/10/Rashtriya-Military-School-Admission-2020-for-Class-VI-and-IX.html

Military Schools located at Chail (Himachal Pradesh), Ajmer (Rajasthan), Belgaum (Karnataka), Bengaluru (Karnataka) and Dholpur (Rajasthan). Rashtriya Military Schools are CBSE affiliated, fully residential public schools, which function under the aegis of Ministry of Defence.

Age Criteria:

Class VI - Only boys aged between 10-12 years as on 31 March 2020 (born between 01 April 2008 to 31 March 2010, both days inclusive) are eligible.

Class IX - Only boys aged between 13-15 years as on 31 March 2020 (born between 01 April 2005 to 31 March 2007, both days inclusive) are eligible.

Six months relaxation in upper age limit is permissible for the wards of personnel Killed in Action
Education for Class VI: No previous education qualification is mandatory

For Class IX: Candidate should have passed Class VIII from a govt/recognized school before the date of admission to Rashtriya Military School. Students studying in Class VIII are also eligible to appear in the entrance test for class IX.

Medical: Selected candidates will have to undergo medical exam at Military Hospitals as nominated by the Director General of Medical Services prior to admission and only those found medically fit will be offered admission.

Rashtriya Military School Admission 2020 Eligibility Criteria
Age Criteria:
Class VI - Only boys aged between 10-12 years as on 31 March 2020 (born between 01 April 2008 to 31 March 2010, both days inclusive) are eligible.

Class IX - Only boys aged between 13-15 years as on 31 March 2020 (born between 01 April 2005 to 31 March 2007, both days inclusive) are eligible.

Reservation of Vacancies

(a) 70% for wards of JCOs/OR of Army, Navy and AF (including ex-servicemen).
(b) 30% for wards of officers of Army, Navy and AF (including retired officers) and wards of civilians.
(c) 50 seats are reserved for wards of service personnel Killed in Action.

Note: 15% and 7.5% seats are reserved for SC and ST in all categories.

Entrance Exam Pattern

The Common Entrance Test (CET) for admission to Class VI & IX will be held on 22nd December 2019 (Sunday). The exam will be based on automated OMR.

Class VI: It will be of class V standard in subjects of Intelligence, General Knowledge, Mathematics & English.

Class IX: It will be of class VIII standard in subjects of English, Hindi, Social Science, Mathematics & Science.
Admit Cards, Interview & Results

Candidates who clear the CET and are figuring in the merit list will be required to appear for Interview at respective Rashtriya Military Schools. Final merit list will be prepared after the Interview.

Admit Cards & results will be hosted on the School website on internet.

Important Instructions

The parents/candidates should exercise due care while filling up the application form. If on verification or otherwise at any subsequent stage, incorrect entries or some variations are found, then the candidature will be liable to be rejected Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents is taken up only after the candidate has qualified for Interview/Admission Test.

Rashtriya Military School Admission 2020 Application Forms :

Prospectus and Application forms can be obtained by hand from any of the Rashtriya Military Schools by paying Rs.600/- (Rs.300/- in case of SC/ST) through Cash/DD

Prospectus and Application form can also be obtained through post by forwarding self- addressed slip and Rs.650/- (Rs.350/- for SC/ST) (including Rs.50/- for postage) through Demand Draft payable at respective Rashtriya Military School (in favour of “Principal, Rashtriya Military School”)


Last date of submission of completely filled application forms is 20th October 2019

Rashtriya Military School Admission 2020 Important Dates

Last Date of Submission of completely filled Application Forms is 20th October 2019
Date of Examination; 22nd December 2019

Rashtriya Military School
PB No 25040, Museum Road Post Office, Hosur Road, Bangalore-560025 (Karnataka), Tel: +91-080-25554972, Email:, Website


Detailed Notification
Official Website