Bhartiya Vijnana Mandali (BVM) Koushal Science Talent Test for AP Schools Online Registration
Bhartiya Vijnana Mandali (BVM) , Andhra Pradesh Head Quarter is situated at Vijayawada, registered under AP Societies Act 2006. It is having units and contacts in all the districts in Andhra Pradesh. Bhartiya Vijnana Mandali as a part of its nation-building activities is promoting traditional and modern sciences,. Many Scientific Programs were organized like science talks and scientific competitions for educating the masses at large, particularly the younger generation on "Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics." by specialists in the respective fields. DEO CV Renuka said that Koushal-2020 is organizing talent competitions to promote and nurture creativity in public school students and also said that each school should promote one each from Classes 8th, 9th and 10th for this talent test.
Level I : Preliminary Exam (Online)
- A written test will be conducted by using online devices for the classes of VIIIth, IXth & Xth, Students. The written test will be an open book exam with multiple choice questions on Mathematics, Science & Indian Contributions to science from their respective class (AP State Syllabus) for 120 Marks and Time will be 1 hour.
- Top three students from each class from each school will get e-Certificate.
- A three member Team for each school will be selected with Topper from each class ( 8th,9th & 10th ).
Level II : District Level Competition.
- Top 12/24/36 Teams in District will be allowed to participate in District Level Competition. The eligibility for District Level will be decided depending on total number of registrations in that particular District.
- Quiz Competition Cash Awards: 1st : 6000/-, 2nd : 4500/-, 3rd : 3000/-, Consolation: 1500/-
- Poster Competition Cash Awards: 1st: 2000/-, 2nd: 1500/-, 3rd: 1000/-, Consolation awards : 500/-
Level III : State Level Competition
- Top Two teams selected in District level from each District shall be allowed for the State Level Koushal Competition.
- Quiz Competition will be conducted in two rounds: Preliminary Round and Final Round.
- Preliminary Round of Quiz will be conducted for teams of all districts.
- Final Quiz will be conducted for the top six teams selected from preliminary Round.
- Poster Competition will be conducted for Top three students of each district.
- Cash Awards will get forTop Three Teams in Quiz and Top three Students in Poster Competition.
- Quiz Competition Cash Awards: 1st: 12000/- 2nd: 9000/- 3rd: 6000/-, Three consolation awards: 3000/- each.
- Poster Competition Cash Awards: 1st: 3000/- 2nd: 2000/- 3rd: 1500/-, Consolation awards : 500/-
- All the participants are requested to follow the competition rules at the venue. Quiz will be conducted by using Digital Projectors. The decision of the quiz-master will be final and will not be subjected to any change.
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à°ªూà°°్à°¤ి à°µివరాలకు à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబర్à°²ు : 94988 18271, 94405 07133, 94410 50024, à°œిà°²్à°²ా à°•ోఆర్à°¡ిà°¨ేà°Ÿà°°్ à°¶ివరామకృà°·్à°£ à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబరు : 91829 78499, గణపతి à°«ోà°¨్ à°¨ెంబరు : 99120 44021 లలో à°¸ంà°ª్à°°à°¦ింà°šాలని à°•ోà°°ాà°°ు.
Registration Fee:
No registration fee. All students can be registered by entering into site.
KOUSHAL questionnaire will be from e State Board syllabus, and 80% of the questions will be from Physical Science, Biological Science and Mathematics Textbooks of 8th, 9th and 10th Standard. Remaining 20 % of the questions will be on “Indian Contributions to Science.
A) Swachch Bharat
B) Climate Change
C) Water Conservation
D) Biodiversity
E) Contemporary Agriculture
KOUSHAL questionnaire will be from e State Board syllabus, and 80% of the questions will be from Physical Science, Biological Science and Mathematics Textbooks of 8th, 9th and 10th Standard. Remaining 20 % of the questions will be on “Indian Contributions to Science.
A) Swachch Bharat
B) Climate Change
C) Water Conservation
D) Biodiversity
E) Contemporary Agriculture
About Koushal Programme:
Bharatiya Vijnana Mandali is conducting KOUSHAL Science Talent Test covering all Government/Zilla Parishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh. Koushal - 2018 received a huge response from students from every rural corner of Andhra Pradesh. Keeping in view of the interest & Scientific tempo of rural students are planning to take this science movement for this year also
Objectives of Koushal Programme:
- To Create a platform to explore Rural Talent and to encourage the best scientific minds.
- To enlighten the students on Indian Contribution in the field of Science and Technology.
- To inculcate scientific tempo and to encourage them to take up research careers in science.
- To instill sportive and competitive spirit among children.
- To enlighten students on flagship programmes of State & Central Govts on water conservation, Environmental Protection, Swachh Bharath & Organic farming.
Important Dates :
The Last date of Online Registration is on : 31.01.2021
Online Examination : 09.02.2021
District Competition : 16.02.2021
State Competition : 27.02.2021