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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) DMS, JE, CMS Posts Admit Cards 2019 for CBT 2 Exam, Exam on September 19

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)  DMS, JE, CMS Posts Admit Cards 2019 for CBT 2 Exam, Exam on September 19

Railway Recruitment Board will release RRB JE Admit Card 2019 on September 15, 2019. Candidates who will have to appear for the examination can download the admit card through the official site of regional RRBs like RRB Mumbai, RRB Chennai, RRB Bangalore, RRB Ajmer. The Board has already released the Exam City and Date Intimation details and also have activated mock test link on September 9, 2019. The official notice released by the Board states that the dates of exams are rescheduled on technical reasons. Candidates are advised to keep checking the official websites of their regional RRB for the latest update. Candidates can download their admit cards directly through the official website

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) DMS, JE, CMS Posts Admit Cards 2019 for CBT 2 Exam, Exam on September 19 /2019/09/rrb-je-dms-cms-posts-admit-cards-for-cbt-2-exam.html

RRB JE Recruitment 2019 details: Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) invited application for junior engineer (JE) recruitment earlier on January 2, 2019. A total of 14033 vacancies were announced in the advertisement but later it was reduced to 13, 847 vacancies. The recruitment  process of RRB JE will involve two stages of exam: CBT 1 Exam: 1st stage Computer Based Test (CBT), CBT 2 Exam: 2nd stage CBT, and document verification/ medical examination as applicable. Selection will be as per merit, on the basis of CBTs.

RRB JE, DMS, CMS Posts CBT 2 Admit Card 2019 to be out soon: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the admit cards of the Junior Engineer (JE) examination 2019 soon. All the candidates who have successfully cleared the RRB JE CBT I Exam 2019 can download the admit cards from the official websites of regional RRBs.

RRB JE, DMS, CMS Posts CBT 2 Admit Card 2019: 
As per the schedule, the RRB JE, DMS, CMS Posts CBT 2 Exam 2019 will be held as per the new schedule. RRB JE Admit Card 2019 will release on September 15, 2019. The CBT 2 exam will be conducted on September 19, 2019. Download admit card from official sites.  All the shortlisted candidates shall be advised through Website/ SMS/ email to download their city intimation advice prior to examination. The Railways Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the city intimation and free travel authority letters for the second stage CBT.

RRB JE, DMS, CMS Posts Vacancy details:

RRB JE, DMS, CMS Division of posts

Number of posts for Junior Engineer: 12844
Number of posts for Junior Engineer (Information Technology): 29
Number of posts for Depot Material Superintendent: 227
Number of posts for Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant: 387

RRB JE, DMS, CMS CBT 2 Exam Pattern:

  1. Duration of CBT: 120 minutes (160 minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with scribe)
  2. Number of questions: 150
  3. Section-wise marks and syllabus:As published in the CEN.No:03/2018 in websites of RRBs on 29-12- 2018 at Para 13.2
  4. Types of questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
  5. Negative Marking: 1/3rd for every incorrect answer

RRB JE, DMS, CMS Posts CBT 2 Admit Card Contains:

The E- Call letter would mention the exam city, time and exam centre. Candidates are advised to bring one original photo ID card, passport size colour photograph, along with a printed copy of e- call letter without which candidates won’t be allowed to enter the examination hall.
The RRB JE admit card includes a number of things, such as:
The name of the candidate
The name of the examination centre
The date of the exam
The address of the examination centre and directions to reach.

How to Download RRB JE Admit Card 2019
  1. Go to the official site of regional RRBs at RRB Mumbai, RRB Chennai, RRB Kolkata
  2. Click on the first link available on the home page as 'Download RRB JE Admit Card 2019'
  3. A new page will open in front of you
  4. Click on the city link and enter your registration number and date of birth
  5. Click on the login bar
  6. Your admit card will be displayed on your screen
  7. Download the admit card and take a print out for future uses.
All Candidates, whose 2nd stage CBT was rescheduled, may log in with their credentials below mentioned dates through the link to be provided on the official websites of RRBs for knowing their Exam City, Date, Session, downloading Train Travel Authority (for eligible candidates only) and E-Call letter.

Important Dates and Time for Re-Scheduled 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT):
  1. Viewing of the Exam City and Date Intimation 09.09.2019
  2. Downloading of Train Travel Authority for eligible Candidates (This is only to make travel arrangements in train and not an E-Call letter): 09.09.2019.
  3. The download of E- Call Letter: 15.09.2019
  4. Activation of Mock link for CBT: 09.09.2019
  5. Date of Re-Scheduled 2nd stage CBT: 19.09.2019 ( 1day)