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Thursday, September 19, 2019

TS NMMS Beneficiaries Fresh Renewal Registrations at National Scholarship Portal

TS NMMS Beneficiaries Fresh Renewal Registrations at National Scholarship Portal  

TS NMMS beneficiaries Fresh and renewal Registrations at National Scholarship Website for getting Pre Matric and Post Matric Scholarships: Govt of Telangana, Director of Government Examinations has given instructions for Online submission of applications of beneficiaries for fresh as well as renewal Verification of registered proposals at institutions and DEOs on national scholarship portal for payment of scholarships under National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme. NMMSS 2019-2020 beneficiaries are required to register on NSP Website as new user and then login to apply for fresh candidates i.e class IX beneficiaries who were selected in NMMS November 2018 and to renew with the previous year IDs for class X, XI. XII of the beneficiaries who have already registered and submitted in previous year on NSP Portal and these applications are to be verified and submitted by concerned HM in institution login and DEO in district login respectively for payment of scholarships. Otherwise NMMSS scholarships will not be sanctioned. General Guidelines of NMMSS have been issued on this subject.

TS NMMS Beneficiaries Fresh Renewal Registrations at National Scholarship Portal /2019/09/TS-NMMS-Beneficiaries-fresh-Renewal-Registrations-at-National-Scholarship-Portal.html

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Subject: National Means-Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme -Online submission of applications of beneficiaries for fresh as well as renewal Verification of registered proposals at institutions and DEOs on national scholarship portal for payment of scholarships - Reg.

National Scholarship Portal (NSP) Registrations Schedule 2019:

The Schedule of opening of National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for Academic Year 2019-2020

  1. Opening of Portal for submission of Pre-matric, Post-Matric: 15 July 2019.
  2. Last date for making pre-matric i.e. for class IX & X scholarship applications: 15 October 2019.
  3. Last date for making post-matric ic. for class XI & XIl scholarship applications: 31 October, 2019.
  4. Last date for first level (school) verification for pre-matric i.e. for class IX & X scholarships: 31 October, 2019.
  5. Last date for second level (District) verification for pre-matric ic. for class IX & X scholarships: 15 November 2019.
  6. Last date for first level (school) verification for post-matric i.e. for class XI & XII scholarships: 15 November 2019.
  7. Last date for second level (District) verification for post-matric i.e. for class XI & XII scholarships.: 30 November 2019.