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Thursday, September 5, 2019

ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Recruitment 2023 for Various Positions

ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Recruitment 2023 for Various Positions 

Notification for ICMR NIN Recruitment 2023 : Through the ICMR NIN Recruitment 2023 announcement, the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has made an important job announcement. A brief announcement requesting applications for 116 open posts in various categories has been made. Technical Assistant, Technicisn-1, and Laboratory Attendant-1 roles are all open. Aspiring Applicants may anticipate applying for these opportunities and contributing significantly to the industry starting on July 20, 2023.

Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Recruitment Notification for Personal Assistant, Stenographer, UDC & LDC /2019/09/Institute-of-Nutrition-NIN-Recruitment-Notification-for-Various-Posts.html

On its official website, the ICMR- National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, has announced job openings for a variety of positions, including technical assistant, laboratory attendant, and others. The recruiting effort aims to fill 116 positions of which 45 are laboratory attendants. On or before August 10, 2023, qualified applicants may submit their applications for these positions.

You can find all the information about the hiring drive here, including the requirements, how to apply, application procedure and others. On July 20, 2023, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) will post a complete advertising on its website.

ICMR NIN Recruitment 2023 Details:

Name of the organization

ICMR National Institution of Nutrition

Name of the posts

Technical Assistant, Technician-1, Laboratory Attendant-1

No. of posts


Starting date to apply

24th July 2023

Last date to apply

14th August 2023

Mode of application


Official Website

ICMR NIN Recruitment Imporant Dates:

  1. Opening Date for Online Registration : 24th July 2023
  2. Closing Date for Online Registration : 14th August 2023
  3. Opening Date of Release of Admit Cards : 15 days before the exam
  4. Computer Based Test (CBT) Test for 100 marks : September 2023

ICMR NIN Vacancy Details:

  1. Technical Assistant : 45
  2. Technician-1 : 33
  3. Laboratory Assistant : 38

ICMR NIN Salary Details:

  1. Technical Assistant : Level 6- Rs. 35,400 to Rs. 1,12,400
  2. Technician-1 ; Level 2- Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 63,200
  3. Laboratory Assistant : Level 1- Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 56,900

ICMR NIN Recruitment Application Fee:

  1. For UR/ OBC : Rs.1200/-
  2. For SC/ ST/ ESM/ Female candidates : Rs.1000/-

Steps to Apply Online:

  1. Visit the official website at if you are interested and eligible.
  2. Please visit the official website for open positions.
  3. Check the official notification by clicking on the necessary notification.
  4. Candidates who meet the requirements can complete the online application and provide the necessary documents.
  5. Candidates are requested to print out their registration confirmation page after completing their online registration.

Click Here For More Details


ICMR-NIN Recruitment  Notification
Applications are invided from eligible candidates by speed post forthe following posts under the project entitled "Impact evaluation of screen and treat approach for anaemia reduction: a 
cluster randomized trial in rural Telangana" funded by ICMR-NIN . The last date for receiving of applications will be 21 days from the date of uploading the advertisement inICMR-NIN   and ICMR websites or as on 2 FEB 2022. Applications recieved after due date will not be considered under any circumstances. Incomplete applications i.e, without mentioning Advt No, SI No, Name of the Post, Category to which applied will be directly rejected without intimation . The candidates have to download the application from and fillin his/her own handwiting and maybe sent by speed post to The Director, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, Jamai Osmania Post, Tarnaka, Hyderabad- 50007, Telangana State duly superscribing the post. SI.NO, Name of the Post and Category along with self attested copies of requisite supporting documents of essentisl qualifications, latest caste certificate etc., compulsory.

After verifiction of the applications the names of the eligible candidatses will be displayed on the official website for online interviews. Based on the Selection Committee decision, the applications will be shortlisted and the link will be sent to the shortlisted candidates for online interviews through video call/ Video conferncing . The candidates have ro make their own arrangenments for video call/ video conferenving. The selected candidates will be given an offer of engagement as per the project rquirement as and when  required. The candidates are advised to visit the website regularly fo any updates and changes in the recruitment process.
Terms and Conditions:
1. The above positions/posts are on temporary contract basis.
2. The Director and Appointing Authority has the right to accept/reject any aplication without assigning any reasons(s) and no correspondance in this matter will be entertained.
3. the seleced candidate should work atleaest for a perid of six months failing which the salary drawn by him/her has to bre refunded.
4. "Age Relaxation" is admissible in respect of Retrenched Government Employees, Departmental Candidates (including projects) and Ex-Servicemen in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time. Age concession to the extent of service renderd in other research projects will also be admissible for experienced and skilleed persons. Age, Qualifications etc., will be reckoned as on the last date of recipt of applications.
5. Candidates applying for EWS category posts must possess Income and Assest certificate to be issued from District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy   Comissioner/Additional Deputy Comissioner/1st class stependiary Magistrate/ Sub divisional Magistrate/Taluka Mgistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Comissioner as per the DoPT  OM dated 31st January, 2019. Candidates who are not covered under the scheme of  reservation for SC s or STs and OBCs and whose family annual income below Rs. 8 Lakhs are to be identified  as EWSs for the benefit of EWS reservation. 
6. Uppeer age limit is relaxable upto 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST and 3 years in case of OBC category. The candidates should ensure that they belong to OBC Category while  applying the projects posts. Such candidates should produce a valid OBC-Non Creamy Layer Certificate in the prescribed format during document verification that he/she does mot belong to the  creamy layer. The OBC certificate shall not be not older than one year at the time of joining the post. In case of not compyling with these stipulations, thaeir candidature or OBC reservation will  not be entertained.
7. The appointment can be terminated with one-month notice fro either side without assigning any reason.
8. Since the posts are temporary, the imcumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointment at ICMR-NIN or continuation of his/her services in any other projects.
9. Other allowances like CCA, LTC, Medical Claim and PF are not applicable.
10. The results of the final selection will be placed on NIN website only. No intimation will be sent by e-mail or phone. 
11. The recruited project staff is eligible for leave as per project recruitment rules/guidelines and will have to give an undertaking before joining.
12. At the time of joining duty ., the candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualifications (from SSC onwards), Experienced, Aadhar Card, Community and PWD Certificate  (if applicable) for availing age relaxation, passport size photograph along with one set of photocopies of the certificates duly attested (can be self attested) for verification.
13. The conditions of employment will be the same as that of the project staff on contract basis. 
14. Canvasing in any form will lead to----- disqualification. 
Click Here to Download

ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Recruitment Notoficatiobn 2021 for Various Positions Apply Online 
ICMR - National Institute of Nutrition (Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India)
ICMR-NIN Recruitment : Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following positions through email under the project entitled 'MYAS-NIN Department of Sports Science under Indian Institute of Sports Sciences & Research (IISR) of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS). GOI". Applications will be received from the individuals by email to upto 5th July 2021. Applications received after the due date will not be considered under any circumstances. 

The candidates have to download the application from and fill it with his/her own handwriting and send the same to the above mentioned mail along with supporting documents of essential qualifications and experience certificatesif any (Scanned Copies).
Vacancy Details, Qualification Age and Salary :
1).Project Teaching Associate (Physiology)
Qualification : Candidate should posses 1st class master's degree in physiology or 
zoology or equivalent and Ph.D with specialization in physiology or equivalent from a  recognized university OR MBBS+MD Physsiology.
Age Limit :50 years
Salary : 70,000/-

2). .Project Teaching Associate (Nutrition)
Qualification : Candidate should posses 1st class master's degree in Food & Nutrition  from a recognized university OR 2nd class MSc +Ph.D Degree in Nutrition equivalent from a 
recognized university 
Age Limit :50 years
Salary : 65,000/-

3). Project Training Associate-II (Nutritional Biochemistry)
Qualification : Candidate should posses 1st class master's degree in biochemistry or 
equivalent from a recognized university 
Age Limit : 40 years
Salary : 60,000/-

4). Project Lecturer (Statistics)
Qualification : Candidate should posses 1st class master's degree in Statistcs or 
equivalent from a recognized university.
Age Limit : 40 years
Salary : 50,000/-

5). Project Teaching Assistant (Sports Nutrition)
Qualification : Candidate should posses 1st class master's degree in Sports Nutrition or equivalent from a recognized university.
Age Limit : 35 years
Salary : 50,000/-

6). Project Teaching Assistant (Biochemistry)
Qualification : Candidate should posses 1st class master's degree in Biochemistry or 
equivalent from a recognized university.
Age Limit : 35 years
Salary : 40,000/-

7). Project Data Entry Operator C
Qualification : Bachelor's degree from recognized university with a speed test of 15000 key depression per hour through speed test on computer and/or 2 years experience in EDP work inGovernment Autonomous. PSU or any other a recognized university.
Age Limit : 30 years
Salary : 30,000/-

8). Project Laboratory Assistant
Qualification : Candidate should have passed a high school (X Clasas) or equivalent 
candidate should have completed the DMLT-2-years diploma course from a recognized board with five years laboratory experience in related field from a government institution or a recognized organization.
Age Limit : 25 years
Salary : 32,000/-

9). Project Lab Attendant :
Qualification : High Scool OR Equivalent, working experience in government institution Labs.
Age Limit : 30 years
Salary : 25,000/-

Place of Work : ICMR-NIN, HYDERABAD.

Selection Process:
The applications are shortlisted for the interview based on the decision of the selection committee as per the project requirements. Interview will be conducted for the shortlisted candidates through online (Video call/Video-Conferencing) to select suitable candidate in later course. The link will be sent to the shortlisted candidates for online interviews.

Last Date for Submission of Application: 5th July, 2021.

Official Notification