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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

India Post Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competitions Last date 30 November

India Post Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competitions Last date 30 November

Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competitions 2019 by India Post: India Post All India Letter Writing Competitions - Letter Writing Campaign Dear Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi), you are immortal. Government of India, Ministry of Communications Department of Posts (Philately Division). Holding of National Letter Writing Competition under the 'Dhai Akhar /Letter Writing Campaign'. Hon'ble MOS (I/C) C will be launching the letter-writing campaign as one of the activities under the promotion of Philately for the year 2019  during the closing session of the Heads of Circles Conference.

India Post Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competitions Last date 30 November /2019/09/India-Post-Dhai-Akhar-Letter-Writing-Competitions.html

India Post Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competition 2019 is now begun for the year 2019. the title of this Year's Writing Competition is 'Dhai Akhar' decided by Manoj Sinha who is Union Minister of State for Communication. India Post Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competition 2019 is open for all the age groups. The letter can be written in English/Hindi/Local Language. Interested candidates have to post their entries in the specially designated letter boxes by 30 November, 2019. There are two categories for Letter Writing Competition such as;

Inland Letter Card Category : Should be in 500 words.
Envelope Category : Should be in 1000 words.

Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign  started from 01-08-2019 and the last date for posting letters under Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign will be 30-11-2019.


The theme of the Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign will be “Dear Bapu, you are immortal I प्रिय बापू आप अमर हैं” letter, to be written in English/Hindi/Local Language, may be addressed to Chief Postmaster General of the respective Circles.


The categories for National Level Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign are as follows:

Up to 18 years:
Inland Letter Card Category
Envelope Category

Above 18 years:
Inland Letter Card Category
Envelope Category

Rules and Regulations.

Word Limit: The letter can be written on plain A-4 size paper with a word limit of not more than 1000 words under envelope category, or in an Inland Letter Card (ILC) with a word limit of not more than 500 words for ILC category. Only handwritten letters will be accepted.

Permitted Stationery: The embossed envelope/ envelope with required stamp affixed and Inland Letter Card (ILC) will be the permitted stationery for participating in the campaign.

Proof of Age: The participants have to give a certificate of proof of their age on the letter such as “I certify that I am below/above the age of 18 as on 01/01/2019”. In case of winning letters, the age and other ID certificates will be verified by the Circle before sending the three best letters in each category to the Directorate.

Shortlisting: Top three letters in each category will be shortlisted by every Circle and prize will be awarded to these three entries at circle level. The selected letters at Circle level will be sent to the Directorate for further evaluation in each category at the National Level.


Circle Level (There are 23 circles)

Prize to be given to the winners in each Category at Circle Level:

First Prize in each Category: Rs. 25,000/- (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand only)
Second Prize in each Category: Rs.10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only)
Third Prize in each Category: Rs.5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand only)

Prize to be given in each Category at National Level:

First Prize in each Category: Rs. 50,000/- (Rs. Fifty Thousand only)
Second Prize in each Category: Rs. 25,000/- (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand only)
Third Prize in each Category Rs.10,000/-(Rs. Ten Thousand only)

Important Dates
Last date of posting letters: 30-11-2019

Tentative date for declaration of Result

State Level:        31.01.2020
National Level:  31.03.2020


Official Notification