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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Stenographers Recruitment Notification in TS Judicial Dept District Courts released

Stenographers Recruitment Notification in TS Judicial Dept District Courts released

Stenographers Recruitment Notification in TS Judicial Dept District Courts released Applications are invited through  ONLINE for direct recruitment to the posts of Stenographer Grade - III in the Judicial Districts of State of Telangana in the Telangana Judicial Ministerial Service as per the Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Service Rules, 2018, carrying scale of pay of Rs.22,460 - 66,330. The online application portal will be available in the High Court’s  official website "" and  also in the websites of all the  District Courts in the State of  Telangana from 05-08-2019 to  04-09-2019. The Last date for submission of application  through online is 04-09-2019  upto 11.59 p.m. The hand  written/typed/photostat  copy/printed application form  will not b entertained either directly or by post or by courier or in person .
The detailed examination  schedule for the centralized recruitment of Judicial  Ministerial posts conducted by  the High Court, will be posted in  the High Court’s official website "" and also in the websites of all the District Courts in the State of Telangana i.e., “”, after the last date for submission of applications.

Stenographers Recruitment Notification in TS Judicial Dept District Courts released/2019/08/

Telangana High Court  Recruitment 2019 Notification  details are as under mentioned
Issue of Notification:31-07-2019
Online Application starts on : 05-08-2019
Online Application Ends on 04-09-2019

Stenographers Recruitment  Qualification:

1. Must be a Graduate from any recognized University, and
2.Must have passed Telangana Government Technical Examination in English Typewriting by Higher Grade (45 words per minute), or equivalent examination
3. Must have passed Telangana Government Technical Examination in English Shorthand by Higher Grade (120 words per minute) or equivalent examination.
Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grade are not available, those who have passed the examination by Lower Grade will be considered.
4. Must have knowledge or qualification in computer operation.
S. The candidates who have higher than the prescribed academic and technical qualifications, if any, shall submit the concerned certificates at the time of oral interview along with other required certificates Linguistic Qualification Candidates shall not be eligible for appointment if they do not posses an adequate knowledge of the language or languages of the district in which they are to be appointed. The list containing the languages of the districts are  specified in the User Guide available in the official website of the High Court. Provided that where two or more languages are specified for a district and sufficient number of candidates who have an adequate knowledge of all the languages are not available, candidates who have an adequate knowledge of any one of the said languages according to the needs of the district will be selected and such candidates shall be eligible for appointment in that district.


1. As on 01.07. 2019, the candidate must have completed  the age of 18 years and must not
have completed the age of 34 years.
2. The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of SCs/STs/BCs is 5 years and in case of candidates with physical disabilities they shall be given age relaxation of 10 years.
3. The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of Ex-servicemen will be as per Rule 12(1)(c) (i) of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules.

Selection Procedure:

Computer Based Online Examination will be conducted and skill Test as per the Qualifications mentioned in the notification

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