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Monday, August 5, 2019

Telangana HIGH COURT JOBS SYLLABUS | PREPARATION PLAN | కోర్టుల ఉద్యోగాల సిలబస్|ఎలా ప్రిపేర్ అవ్వాలి?

Telangana HIGH COURT JOBS SYLLABUS | PREPARATION PLAN | కోర్టుల ఉద్యోగాల సిలబస్|ఎలా ప్రిపేర్ అవ్వాలి?

Hello Friends..
Recently on 31st July a notification has been released from the High Court for the State of Telangana for Direct Recruitment Notification of Various Ministerial Staff like Junior Assisstants Process servers,Field Assisstant Stenographers , Copyist Office Subordinates etc ..Therefore the eligible candidates are requested to apply for the posts through online mode from the Offficial website The online applications starts from 05-08-2019 and ends on 04-09-2019. For the aspirants to apply online we have given a clear information on How to Apply online for Telangana High Court Ministerial Staff Recruitment Posts 2019. The aspirants will get a clear idea on how to apply online for these vacancies.

Now after Online Application Submission , in the aspirantsa minds there runs a doubt on syllabus of the particular Exam  , how to make a preparation plan and what study materials should be used to prepare for the exams.. Therefore to clear there doubts  here we are providing a video in which there is a clear information on COURT JOBS SYLLABUS|PREPARATION PLAN|కోర్టుల ఉద్యోగాల సిలబస్|ఎలా ప్రిపేర్ అవ్వాలి?

Watch Video on COURT JOBS SYLLABUS|PREPARATION PLAN|కోర్టుల ఉద్యోగాల సిలబస్|ఎలా ప్రిపేర్ అవ్వాలి?

Click Here

For more information on TS High Court Recruitments