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Monday, August 5, 2019

How to Apply for IBPS POs Recruitment 2019

How to Apply for IBPS POs Recruitment 2019

How to apply for Institute of Banking Personel Selection (IBPS)  Pos 2019 Recruitment. The Institute of Banking Personel Selection IBPS has released the Notification for recruitment of 4336 Probationary Officers.  Since this is one of the biggest Banking Exams Conducted every year. The candidates are invited for Online application  for above said posts the process of Online application  will begin at the official website Candidates are required to note that the registration Process for the IBPS Probationary Officers 2019 will going to be start on  7th ofAugust 2019 onwards.

How to Apply for IBPS POs Recruitment 2019 /2019/08/how-to-apply-for-ibps-pos-recruitment.html

Institute of Banking Personel Selection (IBPS) invites applications for Online Examination (forPreliminary and Mains) for the next Common Recruitment. The process for selection of personel for Probationary Officer, Management Trainee posts in the participating  Organisations is tentatively Scheduled in October/November 2019.  The details of exams and important dates are given below.

The Important Dates of IBPS PO Exam 2019:

Openining date for Application : 07.08.2019

Last date for Application : 28.08.2019

Date of Preliminary Exam : 12, 13. 19 and 20 of October 2019

The Main Exam Date is on : 30.11.2019

Educational Qualifications : Any Bachelor Degree.

Age Limit : 20 to 30 years (As on 01.08.2019)

Application Fees: Rs.100/-for SC/ST/PWD Candidates, and Rs. 600/- for OC/BC & other candidates.

Selection Process: Through Online Prelilinary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview. The exam will be in two tiers i.e,  the online exam will be held in two phases 1. oneline preliminary and 2. online main.

for Online Registration Process follow the below given steps:

Step 1 : Candidates should have valid email ID, and it should be active fill the decleration of the 
IBPS PO 2019 results, the exam will be made through email ID.
Step 2 : Candidates should keep the necessary bank details, the fee payment is through online mode only. The payment cand be made by using Debit/Visa/Master Card/Maestro Cards.
Step 3 : Candidates should scan the photograph, signature, left thumb impression.
Step 4 : The candidates should fill up the application form precisely, Wrong or misleading information can lead to rejection of the form.

How to Apply for IBPS PO 2019 :
  1. Log on to the Official EWebsite,
  2. On the home page, click on to the relevant Link.
  3. Complete the registratioin process by entering the required details.
  4. Pay the required application fee.
  5. Then click on the submit button.
  6. Take a printout of the online submitted form for further reference.
  7. The applicant must possess a valid mark-sheet/Degree certificate that He/She is a graduate on the day He/She registers and indicate the percentage of marks ontained in graduation while registering online.
Requirement of Photo and signature.
Size of photo : 20kb to 50kb in jpg file.
Signature: 10kb to 20kb in jpg file.
Thumb Impression : 10 kb to 20 kb in jpg file.
Scanned copy of handwritten declaration : 10kb to 20kb in jpg file.

Step by step Process for How to Apply:
  1. Go to the Official Website
  2. Click on the activated link for Common Recruitment Process.
  3. on the new window page, click on New Registration at the top righthand corner of the page.
  4. The registration page will open, the first step is to provide personal information like name, mobile No, and email ID, once the same is provided, then click on save and next button on the bottom right corner.
  5. On the next page, your provisional registration number and password would be provided, at the page candidates are required to upload the pictures and signatures. Please go through the guidelines for the picture and signature upload, please note , in case the screen would show an error, once the image is uploaded, the picture would be clearly visible. Follow the process for signature upload, once done then click on next to proceed.
  6. On the next wondow. enter the details as asked and proceed. Onece the complete details are submitted, the application form, as filled by you would be visible preview. All the candidates are advised to go through the entire application carefully, Plese note that candidates would not be permitted to make any changes in the information provided after the fees is paid.
  7. After tjhe preview, the candidates are required to upload the relevant documets. Please go through the guidelines regarding the upload of documents. In case the size requirements don't match, the server would not accept the application forms.
  8. The final step is to pay the fees. General and OBC category candidates are required to pay Rs. 600/- for the IBPS Exam 2019. The fees for the reserved category candidates is set at Rs.100/- On the payment of the fees, the application process would be complete.
All the candidates to please note that the application would be close on September 4th 2019. Candidates are again advised to go through the detailed notification. also the process of filling the online application form should be compleed at once go to avoid concerns at a later date.

The online Registration process will Begin on 07.08.2019
The last date of Application 28.08.2019.


Recruitment Notification