Andhra Pradesh Navaratnalu Welfare Schemes of YSRCP Information Download
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, the Chief of the YSR Congress party (YSRCP) has come up with an elaborate model of governance comprised of welfare schemes which are based on the Navaratnalu of the party. Relevantly the name is marked through nine large-scale welfare programs, the party plans to offer benefits which are worth a minimum of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh per year.
1.à°µైà°Žà°¸్ఆర్ à°°ైà°¤ు à°à°°ోà°¸ా
2.à°«ీà°œు à°°ీà°¯ింబర్à°¸్à°®ెంà°Ÿ్
5.మద్యపాà°¨ à°¨ిà°·ేà°§ం
6.à°…à°®్à°® à°’à°¡ి
7.à°µైà°Žà°¸్ఆర్ ఆసరా
8.à°ªేదలందరిà°•ీ ఇళ్à°²ు
9.à°ªెà°¨్à°·à°¨్à°² à°ªెంà°ªు
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Navaratnalu Welfare Schemes pdf
YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, the Chief of the YSR Congress party (YSRCP) has come up with an elaborate model of governance comprised of welfare schemes which are based on the Navaratnalu of the party. Relevantly the name is marked through nine large-scale welfare programs, the party plans to offer benefits which are worth a minimum of Rs 1 lakh to Rs 5 lakh per year.
నవరత్à°¨ాà°²ు ఇవే :
1.à°µైà°Žà°¸్ఆర్ à°°ైà°¤ు à°à°°ోà°¸ా
2.à°«ీà°œు à°°ీà°¯ింబర్à°¸్à°®ెంà°Ÿ్
5.మద్యపాà°¨ à°¨ిà°·ేà°§ం
6.à°…à°®్à°® à°’à°¡ి
7.à°µైà°Žà°¸్ఆర్ ఆసరా
8.à°ªేదలందరిà°•ీ ఇళ్à°²ు
9.à°ªెà°¨్à°·à°¨్à°² à°ªెంà°ªు
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Navaratnalu Welfare Schemes pdf