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Friday, August 2, 2019

Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment for Junior Trainee Apply Online at

Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment for Junior Trainee Apply Online at


Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment 2019: Vizag Steel Plant is going to fill the Junior Trainee and Operator Cum Mechanical Trainee Vacancies. This is the right time for the applicants to hold a career in Vizag Steel Plant Jobs. The application for Vizag Steel Plant recruitment will be available at the official website for filling 559 vacancies. Likewise, the applications for the Vizag Steel Plant Notification through the online mode. Here, The apply online link will get activated from 01st August 2019. Also, the final date for the submission of the application will get ends by 22nd August 2019. So, applicants can check the eligiblity criteria before start applying for the Vizag Steel Plant Jobs. To know more information about the selection process of Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment 2019, candidates can check the details from the below link.

Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment for Junior Trainee Apply Online at /2019/08/

Vizag Steel recruitment notification 2019 out for Junior Trainee and Mechanic Trainee! There are a total of 530 vacancies of Junior Trainee and 29 vacancies for Mechanic Trainee vacancies. The online application link for Vizag Steel Junior Trainee recruitment 2019 has been activated from 01st August 2019. Vizag Steel recently released advertisement regarding Junior Trainee, Operator cum Mechanic Trainees recruitment 2019, last date for application submission is 21-08-2019.

Vizag Steel Plant Junior Trainee Recruitment 2019 – Details
  1. Conducting Board Name: Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Vizag Steel Plant
  2. Job Designation: Junior Trainees & OCM Trainee Posts
  3. Total no. of vacant posts: 559 Vacancies
  4. Category of Job: All India Government Jobs
  5. Advertisement No: 04/2019
  6. Starting date to fill application form: 1st August 2019
  7. Closing date to submit the application form: 21st August 2019
  8. Last date to pay the application fee: 22nd August 2019
  9. Application mode: Online
  10. Official portal:

The discipline wise & category wise splitting of vacancies is as follows:

Junior Trainees: 530 posts

Mechanical: 260 (UR-104, OBC NCL-72, SC-44, ST-6, EWS-34)
Electrical: 115 (UR-46, OBC NCL-32, SC-19, ST-2, EWS-16)
Metallurgy: 86 (UR-35, OBC NCL-24, SC-15, ST-1, EWS-11)
Chemical 43 (UR-17, OBC NCL-12, SC-7, ST-1, EWS-6)
Electronics: 5 (UR-2, OBC NCL-1, SC-1, EWS-1)
Instrumentation: 9 (UR-4, OBC NCL-2, SC-2, EWS-1)
Civil: 2 (UR-1, OBC NCL-1)
Refractory: 10 (UR-4, OBC NCL-3, SC-2, EWS-1)

Operator cum Mechanic Trainees (OCM Trainee): 29 Posts

Total No. of Vacancies: 559 Posts

Vizag Steel Junior Trainee Recruitment 2019 Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit
For General candidates: 18-27 years.
The relaxation in the upper age limit is applicable to the reserved candidates as follows:

OBC-NL: 30 Years
SC/ST: 32 years.
Ex-servicemen: As per the rules.

Educational Qualification

  1. Junior Trainees: Passed Matric / SSC with full-time ITI / Diploma in Engineering in respective Trades/ Disciplines.
  2. OCM (Trainees): Passed Matric /SSC (10th Standard) with full-time ITI (two years and above duration with NCVT Certificate in any trade) (or) Diploma in Engineering courses in any discipline (conducted by State Board of Technical Education and Training) with valid Heavy Motor Vehicle License (Transport).
  3. Candidates should have 60% marks in regular ITI / Diploma in Engineering for Gen/OBC-NCL/ EWS candidates, 50% marks for SC/ST/PwBD candidates in all subjects of all semesters/years.


Selected candidates will be given a monthly stipend of Rs. 10,700/- during the first year of the training period and Rs. 12,200/- during the remaining period of training.

After the completion of the training period, the minimum basic pay of Rs. 16,800 in the pay scale (Pre-revised) of Rs. 16,800-3%-24,110/- (S-3 Grade)

Selection Process
The selection of the candidates will be done through the Online Computer Based Test followed by Certificate Verification and Medical Examination

How to apply for Vizag Steel Operator cum Mechanic Trainees Posts?

  1. Log on to the RINL’s website & click on the link “Careers”.
  2. Then, click on the registration link “Recruitment of Junior Trainee & OCM (Trainee) (Rectt Advt No. 04/2019)”.
  3. Read the instructions provided in the official notification carefully before starting the Online Application form.
  4. Fill the basic registration form and note down the Registration Number.
  5. Login and fill the application form.
  6. Upload the scanned copies of photo & signature.
  7. Make a payment of fee through Credit card/Debit Card, Net-banking. (as applicable).
  8. Print confirmation page after the successful remittance of fee for those it is applicable.
  9. After successful submission of the application form, the registration slip is downloaded from applicant dashboard.
  10. Finally, keep the hard copy of the form for future correspondence.

All the interested & eligible candidates have to apply for RINL Vizag Steel Plant Junior Trainee Recruitment 2019 through the official portal i.e, No offline applications are accepted by the officials. The last date to submit the application form is 21/08/2019.

Application Fee

For General/ OBC candidates, the processing fee is Rs. 180/- + GST @ 18%.

For SC/ST/PWD candidates: Nil.

The fee payment can be done through the payment gateway by using Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking.

Important Dates (Tentative):
Commencement of On-line submission of application forms:  01 August 2019
Last date for submitting the Online application form:              21 August 2019
Last date for payment of Processing fee (if applicable):           22 August 2019


Recruitment Notification
Apply Online Link