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Monday, August 19, 2019

HPCL Recruitment 2019 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Officers Posts Total Vacancies 164 Last Date 16.09.2019 Apply online @

HPCL Recruitment 2019 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Officers Posts Total Vacancies 164 Last Date 16.09.2019 Apply online @

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation  Limited (HPCL)  Recruitment  Notification 2019: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has released recruitment notification for the posts of Project Engineers, Technician, Industrial Engineer, Mechanical etc.  The vacancy of this post is around 164. HPCL requires experienced candidates to fill this vacancy so, that they open the online applications from 19 August to 16 September 2019.  The detailed eligibility and application process are given below.HPCL (Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited) is a Government of India Enterprise with a Navratna Status and Global Fortune 500 company too. Candidates can also go through official website for more detail information.

HPCL Recruitment 2019 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Officers Posts Total Vacancies 164 Last Date 16.09.2019 Apply online @ /2019/08/

HPCL recruitment 2019 apply online and notification will be uploaded in HPCL careers ( Before apply to these Hindustan Petroleum Corporation jobs candidates must check their eligibility (i.e.) educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. Aspirants who have shortlisted in HPCL recruitment process those candidates will be appointed as officers with prescribed salary. More details of HPCL recruitment vacancy, upcoming notices, syllabus, answer key, merit list, selection list, admit card, result, upcoming notifications and etc. will be uploaded on official website.

Recruitment Details of HPCL 2019, as follows

Post wise Vacancies:
  1. For Project Engineer: Mechanical: 63 posts
  2. For Project Engineer: Civil: 18 posts
  3. For Project Engineer: Electrical: 25 posts
  4. For Project Engineer: Instrumentation: 10 posts
  5. For Refinery Engineer: Chemical: 10 posts
  6. For Law Officer: 4 posts
  7. For Quality Control Officer: 20 posts
  8. For Human Resource Officer: 8 posts
  9. For Fire & Safety Officer: 6 posts

Age Limit(As on 19 August 2019):

For Project Engineer/Refinery Engineer/Law Officer: Maximum age 28 years
For Quality Control Officer/ Human Resource Officer/ Fire & Safety Officer: Maximum age 30 years
Age Relaxation:
  1. 5 years for SC & ST
  2. 3 years for OBC-NC
  3. 10 years for PwBD (UR)
  4. 13 years for PwBD (OBC-NC)
  5. 15 years for PwBD (SC/ST) candidates.
  6. 5 years for candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir between 01.01.1980 and
  7. 31.12.1989.

Salary Details:

For Quality Control Officer: Rs.40,000-1,40,000/Month
For Others: Rs.60,000-1,80,000/Month

Details of Application Fees:

For UR, OBCNC and EWS candidates: Rs.590/-
For SC, ST & PwBD candidates: No Fees
Payment Mode: To be paid online using credit card/ debit card

Selection Process:
The selection will be based on the written test, interview, group task, moot court (only for law officers) etc.
The written test paper shall have subjective and/or objective questions with no negative marking

Mode of Application

Applications via online mode only will be accepted.

How to apply Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Jobs 2019

  1. Go to official website
  2. Click “Career” find the advertisement for above said Posts, click on the advertisement.
  3. HPCL notification will open read it and check Eligibility.
  4. To apply enter you details correctly and make the payment.
  5. Finally click submit button and take the print of the application form.

HPCL Recruitment – Officers Selection Process:

  1. Candidates fulfilling all of the above eligibility criteria for respective positions will be called for a Computer Based Test (CBT) comprising of General Aptitude Test and
  2. Technical / Professional Knowledge.
  3. Candidates qualifying in CBT will be called for Skill Test, on the basis of category-wise
  4. and position wise merit list. Skill test shall be of “qualifying nature” only.
  5. Final selection will be subject to clearing document/certificate verification and pre-
  6. employment medical examination.

Hindustan Petroleum Recruitment Detailed Eligibility:

Assistant Process Technician: B. Sc. with Chemistry as Principal Subject or Diploma in Chemical Engineering recognized by AICTE.

Assistant Boiler Technician: SSC or equivalent with 1st Class Boiler Attendant Competency Certificate

Assistant Laboratory Analyst: B.Sc. with Chemistry as principal subject and 60% aggregate in Principal Subject recognized by AICTE.

Assistant Maintenance Technician: Diploma in Electrical Engineering / Electrical Instrument Engineering / Mechanical Engineering recognized by AICTE.

Fire Operator:

Intermediate/XII with Science recognized by respective State Board and
Certificate in Basic Fire Fighting Course for Fireman from State Fire Training Centre or
Sub Officers Course from Nagpur Fire College or similar or any other equivalent course
from recognized institute and
Valid heavy vehicle driving license.
Note: Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as AMIE, B.E., MBA, CA, LLB, MCA or any such equivalent qualification shall not be eligible.

Age limit (As on 01.10.2018): 18 to 25 years

Relaxations in upper age limit:

3 years for OBC (NCL) candidates
5 years for SC Candidates
10 years for PWD (UR), 13 years for PWD (OBC-NC) and 15 years for PWD (SC/ST)
Others as per Govt rules.

Important dates:

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 19.08.2019
Closing Date for Submission of Online Application: 16.09.2019


Notification Official Website