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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

APPSC RIMC Entrance Exam for VIII/8th Class

APPSC RIMC Entrance Exam for VIII/8th Class 

ANDHRA PRADESH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION::HYDERABAD Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun - Entrance Examination 2019.

RIMC Admission July 2020 - Rashtriya Indian Military College RIMC  has issued notification for the Entrance for admission to VIII Class in the R.I.M.C. Dehradun for the Term July 2020. Only Boys are eligible for the exam,The Rashtriya Indian Military College is an Inter-Services Institution and a Category-A established of the Ministry of Defence. The college was established in 1922 with the primary aim of preparing the boys for entry into Defence Services and to provide quality all round education to young boys. RIMC Admission Test for Students which is going to held on 01st & 02nd December 2019 for Admission in Class VIII at the Rashtriya Indian Military College for the Academic Term/Academic Year July 2020 Term. Candidates have to check the RIMC website for regular updates regarding Result and Joining instruction.

APPSC RIMC Entrance Exam for VIII/8th Class /2019/08/APPSC-RIMC-Entrance-Exam-for-VIII-8th-Class.html

In the RIMC, Dehradun only boys are eligible to apply for admission. Candidates can check all the relevant information regarding the admission on this page below.

Educational Qualifications

The Students should have either passed VIIIth Class or must have been pursuing Studies in Class Seventh while being considered for Admission into VIIIth Standard at the National Indian Military College (NIMC) / Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC).


On submitting Demand Draft of Rs.600/- for General Candidates and Rs. 555/- for SC/ST/candidates along with Caste Certificate enclosing self - addressed, along with pin code and contact number with affixing postal stams of Rs.120/- The Prospectus -cum-application form and booklet of question papers cand be obtained directly from the Asst, Secretary 9Exams), A.P. Public Service Commissioin, New Heads of the Department's Building, IInd floor, Near RTA office, Opp:Indira Gandhi Municipal Stadium, M.G.Road, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh -520010, or the Rashtriya Indian Military College, Garhi Cantt, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Pin code-248003.

Selection Process :

Rashtriya Indian Military College will prepare the Final Select List based on the Merit of the Students based on their respective Performance and Total Marks both in the NIMC / RIMC Entrance Test and Personal Interview / Viva-voce for admission at the Rashtriya Indian Military College.

Age Limit (As on 01st July 2020)

Boys Candidates (boys only) appearing for the above test should be less than 11½ years in age but should not have attained the age of 13 Years as on 01st July 2020, i.e., they should have been born not earlier than 02nd July 2007 and not later than 01st January 2009.

Application fee
General / OBC: 600 / -
SC / ST: 555 / -

The Prospectus and Previous Question Papers:
Along with the Application form the prospectus and previous Question papers can also be had from the Assistant Secretary (Exams),  Hyderabad, in person on payment of Rs.430/- for the General Candidates and Rs.385/- for ST/SC candidates along with Caste Certificate through Demand Draft, Payable at SBI, Telephone Bhavan Branch (code No.0156). Dehradun obtained in favour of the Commandant, RIMC, Dehradun. Candidates desirous to obtaining the application form and prospectus by post should enclose the self-addressed cover size of 30x25cm, duly affixing postal stamp worth of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) along with the Demand Draft  should be sent on or before 15.09.2019.

Application Process:

  1. Filled in application forms along with necessary certificates in duplilcate should be sent to the following mentioned Address.
  2. While submitting the application, candidates should enclosed the following documents along with the application.
  3. Two Copies of Original Appliation obtained from RIMC or from O/o, APPSC, Hyderabad.
  4. The student should also send 2 passport size photographs and must be signed by the candidate on the reverse side.
  5. Two copies of Birth certificates from the School or Municipal  Records showing the name of the candidates.
  6. Original school studying certificate with a photograph on it attested by the principal stating the class in which the candidate is studying and the age of the candidate as per school records.
  7. Wether the candidates belongs to SC & ST should enclose the community certificate issued by Tahsildhar.
  8. Send the Photocopy of Domicile Certificate of a candidate which is attested by class 1 Gazetted Officer.
  9. One self - Addressed cover affixing postal stamps for Rs.5/- to filled form along with requisite certificates should be sent to the ASSISTANT . SECRETARY (EXAMS). AP PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, PRATIBHA BHAVAN, M.J.ROAD, BESIDE GANDHI BHAVAN, NAMPALLY, HYDERABAD ON OR BEFORE 15.09.2019.
The Last date for receiving the Applications is : 30.09.2019