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Monday, July 8, 2019

TS Teachers Work Adjustment - Relocation Orders 2019: Relocating Students and Teachers where the enrollment is low

TS Teachers Work Adjustment - Relocation Orders 2019: Relocating Students and Teachers where the enrollment is low

TS Teachers Work Adjustment - Relocation Orders 2019: Relocating Students and Teachers where the enrollment is low /2019/07/work-adjustment-of-ts-teachers-relocation-orders-relocating-students-teachers-where-the-enrollment-is-low.html
TS Teachers Work Adjustment - Relocation Orders 2019: Relocating Students and Teachers

Proc Rc.No.Spl/B1/SS/2019, Date : 3.07.2019

Sub:- Samagra Shiksha, Mahabubabad - Relocating the students and teachers
where the enrollment is low - Orders lssued.
Ref: - 1. lnstructions of the Secretary to the Education through the Video
Conference on 11.06 .2019.
2. lnstructions of the Commissioner & Director of Schciol Education,
T5. Hyderabad throrg}ffI,"* meeting on 29.06.2019.

, All the MEOs in the district are hereby informed that, based on the
instructions issued in the Video Conference hetd on 11.06.2019 by the Secretary and
vide reference 2"d cited, the students of Primary schools having less than lO
Enrolment and High school having tess than 3O enrollment may be relocated to the
nearby school. The teachers shatt be retocated under deputation to the needy
schools in mandal where the teachers are required as per the present enrolment.
The students who were retocated to the nearby schoots may be eligibte for
transport atlowance. Hence, all the MEOs in the district are instructed to send the
proposals for transport allowance of such students.
Hence, all the MEOs are hereby informed to strictly to adhere to the
instructions of the Secretary to the Education, T5, Hyderabad through the Video
Conference held on l1 .06.2019 and instructions given by Commissioner & Director
of school Education, TS, Hyderabad through review meeting on 29.06.2o1g.
Hence, all the MEOs in the district are instructed to submit the compliance
report to this office by 08.07.2019.

All the MEOs in Mahabubabad district
copy submitted to the District collector and chairman, 5s, Mahabubabad for kind information
copy submitted to the Director of school Education, TS, Hyderabad

Work Adjustment -Relocation of TS Teachers MHBD
Work Adjustment - Relocation of TS Teachers Medak