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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

TS KGBV Staff and Teachers Transfers Schedule and Guidelines 2019 (SOs, PGCRTs, CRTs, PETs, ANMs ) Applications Submit at

TS KGBV Staff and Teachers Transfers Schedule and Guidelines 2019, Online Applications (SOs, PGCRTs, CRTs, PETs, ANMs ) Applications Submit at

KGBV బాలికా విద్యాలయాల్లో ఒప్పంద పద్ధతిపై పనిచేస్తున్న ప్రత్యేక అధికారులు, పీజీసీఆర్‌టీలు, సీఆర్‌టీలు, ఏఎన్‌ఎంలు, పీఈటీలకు  సంబంధించి అక్టోబరు  23 నుంచి కేజీబీవీ బదిలీలకు దరఖాస్తులు

కస్తూరిబా గాంధీ బాలికా విద్యాలయాల్లో బదిలీ కోరుకునే వారు అక్టోబరు 23 నుంచి 25వ తేదీ వరకు ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తు చేయాలి.

TS KGBV Staff and Teachers Transfers Schedule and Guidelines 2019 (SOs, PGCRTs, CRTs, PETs, ANMs ): Guidelines for shifting of SOs/PGCRTs/CRTs/PETS/ANMs of Telangana Kasturba  Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas. 1. The Spl. Officers, PG CRTS, CRTS, PETs and ANMs who are willing to take fresh contractual services at vacancies notified for the following categories by shifting process may submit their online applications. Applications will be entertained from Agency Area to Agency Area and Plain Area to Plain Area  only.

a. Within the District Mutually willing candidate (Same subject for PGCRTs and CRTs)
b. Inter District Mutually willing candidates (Same subject for PGCRTs and CRTs)
c. Within the District willing candidates
d. Inter District willing candidates.

Instructions to DEOs: 

A) To receive the uploaded applications of the individuals (SOs, PGCRTS, CRTS, ANM, PET) to be submitted by the concerned Special Officers of KGBVs within the scheduled period duly ascertaining the prescribed documents to be enclosed to the uploaded applications. A separate register has to be maintained for this purpose.

B) The list of Spl. Officers, PG CRTS, CRTS, PETs and ANMs who applied for shifting with their entitled points is to be downloaded from the website for the categories (within the district willing candidates and Inter district willing candidates).

C) To verify the uploaded applications with reference to enclosed documents and to verify the genuineness of the documents furnished by the individuals claiming preferential categories by constituting verification team with HMs/Teachers.

D) After taking verification duly following the above procedure and only after satisfying that the individual's application is supported with the prescribed valid documents, the DEOs have to confirm through online within due date.

E) If the applications are not supported with either prescribed documents or found not genuine, such applications shall be rejected and these applications are not to be confirmed by the DEOs through online.

F) In regard to claiming “Spouse” preferential category, the individuals are eligible to opt to move nearer towards spouse only and not to opt other places that are far away towards spouse. After downloading the web options exercised by the spouse category candidates on the prescribed date, the DEO has to verify the options as per guidelines and if any individual's options are found against the guidelines, those options shall not be confirmed in online with specific remarks.

Online KGBV Staff and Teachers Transfers Schedule:

Time Schedule for Entire Process :

1. Availability of online application with guidelines and vacancies particulars in the Samagra Shiksha Website 23-10-2019

2. Submission of Online Applications by the candidates: 23 to 25-10-2019

3. Due date for submission of documents by the willing PGCRT, CRT ANM PET for shifting to the Special Officer of the respective KGBV: 25-10-2019

4. Due date for submission of documents by the willing Special Officer of KGBV tor shifting to the respective DEO: 26-10-2019

5. Due date for submission of documents received from the willing PGCRT/ CRTs/ANM/PET for shifting to the respective DEO by the Special officer: 26-10-2019

6. Confirmation by the DEOs: 28-10-2019

7. Publication website of list with entitled point and preferential category details in respect of Candidates within the district & Inter district willing cases: 26-10-2019

8. Filing of objections it any by the candidate on the list to the DEOs: 30, 31-10-2019

9. Disposal of objections and edit the list if required by the DEOs: 01-11-2019

10. Publication website of final list with entitled posts and preferential category details in respect of candidates within the district & inter district willing: 02-11-2019

11. Exercising web options by the willing candidates (within the district and inter district): 
04, 05-11-2019

12. Verification of web options of spouse category by the DEOs as per guidelines and confirmation in online: 06-11-2019

13. Web allotment for shifting of candidates within the district inter strict willing cues and mutually willing cases: 07-11-2019

14. Termination of contract at old place and afresh contractual service at new place by the candidate as per web allotment by reporting to the DEO concerned: 08-11-2019.


TS KGBV Teachers, CRTS, SOs Transfers Schedule Guidelines
Official Website