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Monday, July 29, 2019

NTSE 2021-22: National Talent Search Exam for class X- Important Dates, Eligibility and Application Form

NTSE 2021-22: National Talent Search Exam for class X- Important Dates, Eligibility and Application Form
NTSE 2020 - The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) for students studying in Class X is meant to identify and nurture talent. The examination is conducted every year at two levels: Stage-I (State Level) and Stage-II (National Level).

NTSE 2020: National Talent Search Exam for class X- Important Dates, Eligibility and Application Form /2019/07/
NTSE 2021-22: National Talent Search Exam for class X- Important Dates, Eligibility and Application Form

What are the Important Dates of NTSE 2021-22:
a) Last date for remittance of Examination fee in the shape of Challan 22-11 -2021
b) Last date for registered of Applications online 24-11-2021
c) Last date for submission of printed copy of online registered Application form along with fee in the shape of Challan (original only), and copies of caste certificates in case of SC/ST/OBC non creamy layer/ for EWS(Economically Weaker Section) income & assets certificate and medical certificates in 
case PHC candidates and NR (two copies of NRs) by the candidate/Head Masters of the schools concerned in the office of concerned District Educational Officer. (Printed Application forms, & NR must be attested by concerned Head Master.) (Attested copy of the caste, non-creamy layer certificates for SC/ST/ OBC non-creamy layer respectively, medical certificate for PHC and income & assets certificate for EWS should be enclosed otherwise they will be treated as general candidates).. 29 -11-2021
d) Last date for submission of Printed Application forms and Nominal Rolls attested by concerned Head Master, along with Original Challans by the concerned DEO’s to the O/o the Director of Government Examinations., T.S., Hyderabad. 02 -12 -2021

What are the Scholarship Details
About One thousand (1000) scholarships are awarded for different stages of education as follows:

Scholarship of Rs.1250/- per month for Class-XI to XII
Scholarships of Rs.2000/- per month for Undergraduates and Post graduates
Amount of Scholarship for PhD be fixed in accordance with the UGC norms

What is the Eligibility Criteria:

  1. All students of Class X studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the Stage-I examination, conducted by the States/ UTs in which the schools are located. There is no domicile restriction for students
  2. Students registered under Open Distance Learning (ODL) will also be eligible for scholarship, provided the student is below the age 18 years (as on 01st July of the particular year), the student is not employed and she is appearing in Class X examination for the first time
What are the Documents Requiree for NTSE?
1. Students Pass Port Size Photo.
2. Caste Certificate
3. Family Income Certiifcate.
4. Students Aadhaar Card
5. StudentsBonofied Certificate.
6. Studenys Self Declaration Form (for BC Students)
7.Bank Challan Token Number and Date.
8. Bank Challan per Student 100/-
9 BC Student have to apply for OBC NCL Certificate

What is the Selection Process? 

Stage-I, selection will be done by States/ UTs and those who qualify Stage-I, will be eligible to appear for Stage-II examination, conducted by NCERT NTSE  Exam Pattern

Paper Pattern:

Stage I  and II Examination will comprise of two parts, namely
1. Mental Ability Test (MAT)
2. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

Stage- I & II Pattern

Examination at the States/UT level will comprise of two papers i.e.
Paper-I: Mental Ability Test (MAT) - 100 No. of Questions; 100 No. of Marks; Duration: 120 Minutes
Paper-II: Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) - 100 No. of Questions; 100 No. of Marks; Duration: 120 Minutes
There will be no negative marking in State-II examination

Qualifying Marks

  1. Qualifying marks for candidates from General Category is 40% in each paper and for candidates from SC, ST and PH is 32% in each paper
  2. Language Test Qualifying in nature and marks obtained for Language Test will not be counted for final merit


At the National Level for State-II Exam15% for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% for students belonging to the ST category and 27% for students belonging to OBC category (Non-Creamy Layer) as per central list available on and 4% for Physically Challenged Group of Students, with benchmark disabilities of which, one percent each shall be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (a), (b), and (c) and one per cent for persons with benchmark disabilities under clauses (d) and (e) namely:
blindness and low vision (BLV); deaf and hard of hearing (DH); locomotor disability including curable palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfish, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy (LD) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness (AID) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disability (MD)

NTSE 2021-22 Application Form:

  1. You may contact the State/ UT Liaison officer for procuring application form
  2. The completed application form should be signed by the Principal of the School much before the last date of submission. The candidates as well as the Principal of the school must adhere to the last date for submission of the Application Form. Different states may have different last dates for submission
  3. Please confirm from the liaison officer of your state, the address at which the completed forms are to be submitted
  4. The State wise contact of the Liaison officers are given below and are also available in the NCERT Website

Other Details

  1. States and Union Territories may notify the fee required which will be paid for the Stage-I Exam. Therefore, before submitting the application form, you may find out the fees charged for Stage-I exam and also the mode of payment from the respective State Liaison Officers (LOs)
  2. However, NCERT does not charge any fee for Stage-II Exam
  3. Indian Students Studying Abroad in Class X can appear directly for Stage-II NTS Exam under conditions prescribed in the NTS brochure which is available on the NCERT website
  4. Candidates may fill up the application form, available on the NCERT website and send to the undersigned along with a photocopy of the mark sheet of previous exam, latest by 31st December 2019
  5. Application Form for students studying abroad will be uploaded on NCERT website in the month of October 2019
  6. Announcement for students of Indian Nationality studying abroad will be announced separately
  7. For the addresses and phone numbers of Liaison Officers of other States and UTs, visit the NCERT Website

జనవరి 23 న ఎన్టీఎస్ఈ పరీక్ష

జాతీయ ప్రతిభాన్వేషణ పరీక్ష ( ఎన్ టీఎస్ఈ ) 2022 జనవరి 23 న నిర్వహిస్తున్నారు

పదో తరగతి చదువుతున్న విద్యార్థుల నుంచి ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు ఆహ్వానిస్తున్నారు

గుర్తింపు పొందిన విద్యాసంస్థలు , కేంద్రియ విద్యాలయాలు , సీబీఎస్ఈ , ఐసీఎస్ ఈల నుంచి గుర్తింపు పొందిన విద్యాలయాల్లో చదువుతున్న విద్యార్థులంతా ఈ పరీక్షకు అర్హులు

 18 సంవత్సరాల్లోపు వయస్సు కలిగి దూర విద్య ద్వారా మొదటిసారి పదో తరగతి పరీక్షలకు హాజరయ్యే విద్యార్థులు కూడా ఈ పరీక్ష రాసేందుకు అర్హులు

జాతీయ ప్రతి భాన్వేషణ ఉదయం 9.30 నుంచి 11.30 గం టల వరకు పేపర్ -1 , మధ్యాహ్నం 2 నుంచి 4 గంటల వరకు పేపర్ 2 ఉంటుంది

ఈ పరీక్ష రాయదలచిన ప్రతి విద్యార్థి రూ .200 రుసుమును ఎన్టీఎస్ఈ పేమెంట్ ట్యాబ్ ద్వారా మాత్రమే చెల్లించాల్సి ఉంటుంది

 ఆన్లైన్లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకునేందుకు ఈనెల 30 చివరి తేదీ, పరీక్ష రుసుమును డిసెంబర్ 1 వ తేదీలోపు చెల్లించాలి*

 దరఖాస్తులను ఆన్లైన్లో మాత్రమే స్వీకరిస్తారు

పూర్తి వివరాలకు ప్రభుత్వ పరీక్షల సంచాలకుల కార్యాలయ వెబ్సైట్ లో కాని , సంబంధిత ఉప విద్యాశాఖ అధికారి కార్యా లయంలో సంప్రదించాలి

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NTSE Notification