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Monday, July 29, 2019

APSPDCL JLM Junior Lineman Posts Recruitment (Energy Assistants) Apply Online at

APSPDCL JLM Junior Lineman Posts Recruitment (Energy Assistants) Apply Online at

APSCPDCL Recruitment 2019 Notification

The Andhra Pradesh Southern Distribution Company Limited is going to release huge Employment News this week to recruit the candidates for Energy Assistants (JLM Grade-II) posts. The officials invite the application forms through online mode for the recruitment of 5107 candidates for Energy Assistants (Junior Lineman Grade-II) on consolidated pay to work in Village secretariats /Ward secretariats.

APSPDCL JLM Junior Lineman Posts Recruitment (Energy Assistants) Apply Online at /2019/07/apspdcl-jlm-junior-lineman-posts-recruitment-energy-assistants-apply-online.htm.html

APSPDCL Recruitment 2019: Andhra Pradesh Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (APSPDCL) has invited applications for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical). The eligible candidates can apply to the post through Online.

APSPDCL Jr Lineman Vacancy 2019

Name of the Posts: Energy Assistants (Junior Lineman Grade-II)
Total No. of Vacancies: 5107 Posts.

APSPDCL Junior Lineman Gr-II Recruitment 2019 Eligibility Criteria

Age Limit

Minimum: 18 years
Maximum: 35 years.

Upper age relaxation is applicable to the reserved candidates as per the norms of the AP Govt.

Educational Qualification

Candidates who have completed SSC/SSLC/10th Class with ITI in the relevant trade are eligible to apply for APSPDCL JLM Recruitment 2019.

APSPDCL JLM Recruitment 2019 Application Process

Eligible candidates can apply for APSPDCL Junior Lineman Vacancy 2019 on or before the deadline to avoid the last-minute rush. The step by step procedure of filling the application form is provided below.

How to apply for Andhra Pradesh Sothern Power Distribution Company Limited Jobs?

  1. Log on to the official portal i.e,
  2. On the homepage, find the latest advertisement notification.
  3. Download the official notification & read the details twice for better understanding.
  4. Ensure the eligibility criteria.
  5. If eligible, then click on “Apply Online” tab.
  6. Fill the application form with personal, academic & other information, etc.
  7. Pay the application fee through the proper channels.
  8. Upload the scanned copies of the signature & photograph.
  9. Recheck all the details once before submitting the form.
  10. Then, hit on “Submit” button.
  11. Download it on the desktop & take the printout of the application form.
  12. Keep the hard copy of the application form for future correspondence

Application Fee:

Each applicant must pay Rs.200/- towards application processing fee.
Applicants under General Category must also pay Rs.500/- towards examination fee in addition to Rs.200/-
Note: Applicants belonging to SC/St/BC Communities and PH need not to pay.

Important Dates:

Starting date for application and Payment of fee submission is

Last date for submission of Application and for payment of fee is

17.08.2019 up to 23:59 Hrs
Downloading of Hall Tickets : 25.08.2019
Date of Examination : 01.09.2019.