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Friday, July 5, 2019

Apply for AGRICET and AGRIENGGCET 2019- (Last date to apply- 17-07-2019)

Apply for AGRICET and AGRIENGGCET 2019- (Last date to apply- 17-07-2019)

Apply for AGRICET and AGRIENGGCET 2019- (Last date to apply- 17-07-2019): Online Application forms for AGRICET and AGRIENGGCET 2019 are invited by the Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University for Diploma holders in Agriculture and seed technology for admission into first year BSc (Hons) Agriculture Degree programme through a CBT test AGRICET 2019 and Diploma holders in Agricultural Engineering for admission into first year B.Tech degree programme through a CBT test AGRIENGGCET for the academic year 2019-20 and for which the last date is 17-07-2019.

Apply for AGRICET and AGRIENGGCET 2019- (Last date to apply- 17-07-2019) /2019/07/
Apply for AGRICET and AGRIENGGCET 2019- (Last date to apply- 17-07-2019)


85% of the seats are reserved for local candidates and 15% seats will be treated as unreserved quota, as per rules of Telangana Government.

Application Fees

For General/OBC Categories: 1200 Rs
For SC/ST/PwD Categories: 600 Rs

Medium of entrance test:

AGRICET- telugu langyuage
AGRIENGGCET- English Language

Important Dates:

  1. Opening date of online application form: 23-06-2019
  2. Closing date of online application form: 17-07-2019 (4pm)

Required Documents:

  1. SSC Memorandum of marks or equivalent exam certificate, showing evidence of Date of birth
  2. Bonafied/study certificate from 4th to 10 th class
  3. Diploma overall grade point average (OGPA) Certificate.
  4. Diploma Transfer Certificate
  5. The latest certified copy of the social status certificate issued by the competent authority in case of applicants belonging to BC, SC and ST
  6. Physically challenged certificate
  7. National Cadet Corps certificate (NCC)
  8. Sports and game certificates
  9. Children of Armed Personnel Certificate / Defence Personnel Certificate
  10. Income certificate

Steps to apply online:

  1. Log on to the official website
  2. Click on AGRICET & AGRIENGGCET Application form
  3. Fill the details like date of birth, name, caste, gender, phone number, nationality etc..,
  4. Click on submit button
  5. Application form will be displayed on the new webpage
  6. The scanned passport size (3.5cm x 4.5cm) photo should be in JPEG format and should not exceed 100 kb file size
  7. The applicant signature should be scanned in JPEG format of (3.5 x 1.5 cm) and should not exceed 100kb file size
  8. Pay the fee through online
  9. Download a copy of application form for the future reference
  10. The e-admit card/ hall ticket can be downloaded from the University's website from 22nd July, 2019 (10 am ) onwards
  11. Candidates are requested to visit the official website for regular updates

Documents to be scanned and uploaded:

  1. If the applicant belongs to PH, should upload PH certificate
  2. If he belongs to BC/SC/ST, should upload caste certificate
  3. Photograph 
  4. Signature
  5. All the certificate uploads are mandatory except Diploma transfer and income certificate( option uploads)

Click Here For

Official Website
Online Application
User manual pdf