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Saturday, July 27, 2019

AP Village Surveyors Grade III Recruitment 2019 Apply Online till August 10th

AP Village Surveyors Grade III Recruitment 2019 Apply Online till August 10th

Applications are invited online for recruitment for the posts of Village Surveyor Grade III in AP Survey and Land Records Subordinate Services.

No. of Vacancies of Village Surveyor Grade III: 11158 Posts

Qualification: Must have obtained NCVT Certificate in Draughtsman (Civil) Trade (Two years course with surveying as one of the subject in any Industrial Training Institute recognised by the Govt. of A.P. or Govt. of India). OR Must pass passed Intermediate (Vocational) Course with Surveying as one of the subject conducted by the Board of Intermediate of Andhra Pradesh. OR Must have passed Diploma in Civil Engineering from any Institute recognised by any State Govt. in India. OR Must have passed BE/ B.Tech. in Civil Engineering (or) its equivalent under the Acts, by Govt. AP or Govt. of India. OR Must have obtained the Licensed Surveyor Certificate issued by the Commissioner/ Director of Survey, Settlements & Land Records, A.P., and such Licensed Surveyor Certificate shall be a valid one with renewal as per the instructions/ rules in force.

 Examination Fee: Rs. 100/- However, the categories of SC, ST, BC & Ex-Service Men Candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee.

AGE LIMIT : 42 Years

PAY SCALE : Rs. 14,600 - 44,870

FEE RS: 200/-

Subject                                     No. of Questions         Duration(Minutes)                 Max Marks

Part- A: General Studies                   50                                     50                                    50

Part–B: Subject Knowledge            100                                   100                                   100

Total                                                150                                    150                                   150

Note: For each correct answer 1 mark will be awarded and each wrong answer will carry 0.25        negative mark.


Opening date for receipt of online application form: 27.07.2019
Closing date for receipt of online application form:  10.08. 2019
Examination Date  : 01.09.2019

AP Village Surveyors Grade III Recruitment Notification
Apply Online