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Friday, July 5, 2019

ANGRAU PG, PhD Entrance test for Admission into PhD, MSc, MBA, MTech 2019

ANGRAU PG, PhD Entrance test for Admissions into PhD, MSc, MBA, MTech 2019

ANGRAU PG, PhD Entrance test for PhD, MSc, MBA, MTech Admissions 2019:  Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) has given the post Graduate Courses admission notification on May 18, 2019 and online applications are invited by the Agricultural University for the eligible candidates for admission into the following PG courses. ANGRAU PG Entrance Exam 2019 for PG, PhD, MSc, MBA, MTech Admissions, online applications forms, last date to apply, examination date, counselling dates are available on the official website.

ANGRAU PG, PhD Entrance test for Admission into PhD, MSc, MBA, MTech 2019 /2019/07/
ANGRAU PG, PhD Entrance test for Admission into PhD, MSc, MBA, MTech 2019

Last date for Receipt of Applications: Applications duly filled those who have sent through Employers should reach ''The Registrar, ANGRAU, Vijaya Durga Towers, MG Inner Ring Road, Guntur- 522 509:

NOTE: Closing date of application: 30-07-2019

Courses offered:

PhD(Ag)- 37 seats / PhD (H.Sc)- 04 seats / PhD(Ag Engg & Tech)-   04 seats / MSc (Ag)-119 seats / MTech(Agri Engg)- 143 seats / MA (Agri business management)- 16 seats / MSc (H.Sc)- 15 seats and MSc Food Technology


For admission into MSc level courses, candidates of AP who fulfill the residential requirements of AP Educational Institutions order 1974( Presidential order) possessing Bachelor Degrees in the concerned fields accredited by ICAR only are eligible. Candidates from other states should seek admission into MSc and PhD courses through the all India examination conducted by the Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi.

Age limit: Candidates upper age limit should be 40 years as on 01-07-2019.

Candidates can apply through online mode at official website:

Click Here For

Official Website