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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

TS-EDCET 2023 Counselling, Certificate Verification, Web Options Dates at

TS-EDCET 2023 Counselling, Certificate Verification, Web Options Dates at

TS EDCET Counselling 2023: Telangana B.Ed entrance web counselling dates and rank wise Certificate Verification schedule, detailed notification, web options entry process, required certificates for counselling and etc information is available below. Candidates who appeared and qualified this Ed.CET entrance exam can check and download complete details from below.

TS Ed.CET / B.Ed 2023 Certificate Verification & Web Counseling Notification will be released by TSCHE in 3rd Week of September, 2023 at TSCHE conducts Certificate verification which will be commence from 20th – 30th September, 2023 & Web Options Entry Process starts in October tentatively.

TS EDCET 2023 1st & 2nd phase Counselling Dates: As we know the Telangana State has conducted Telangana Education Common Entrance Test (TSEDCET) by Osmania University on Behalf of Telangana State. The TS EDCET exam was conducted to provide Admissions into 02 years B.ED course. Plenty of members has attended this exam, conducted on 18th May and TS EDCET Results are Declared in the last week of June. Now the aspirants are Eagerly waiting for TS EDCET 2nd Phase Counseling 2023 Dates. The candidates who have secured highest marks in B.ED Entrance Exam 2023 are excited to know the dates of B.ED Entrance 2nd Phase Counselling 2023 of Telangana, BEd Admission Counselling Dates of Telangana or TS EDCET 2023 1st & 2nd phase Counselling Dates.

TS-EDCET-CounsellingCertificate-Verification -Web-Options-Dates at /2019/07/

All the qualified candidates of TS EdCET-2023 Examination are informed to attend the certificate verification for exercising web options for admission into two years B.Ed. course for the academic year 2023-24 on the dates mentioned against their state-wide rank and methodology, in any one of the Helpline Centers (HLCs) with all required documents.

Candidates are called for registration rank-wise. The candidates are required to sign in the register and pay the processing fee and proceed for verification of certificates. Candidates belonging to SC / ST category have to pay Rs. 500/- and all others have to pay Rs.800/- towards processing fee which is non-refundable.

Every candidate shall furnish a mobile number at the time of Verification. One Time Password will be communicated to this mobile number after saving option. Request for change of mobile number will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Important Dates:

  1. Notification for TS EDCET 2023 Counselling started on : September 19, 2023
  2. Certificate Verification Starts: 20th September, 2023
  3. Certificate Verification Last Date: 30th September, 2023
  4. Commencement of Exercising Web Options scheduled: 3rd October, 2023
  5. Last date for Exercising Web Options: 5th October 2023
  6. Web Options freezing : 6th October 2023
  7. Seat Allotment : 9th October 2023
  8. Reporting to Allotted College : 10th to 13th October 2023
  9. Official Websites: &

Required Documents for TSEDCET Certificate Verification:

All original certificates and 2 sets of Xerox copies like
  1. TS EDCET Rank Card
  2. TS EDCET Hall Ticket
  3. Degree certificate of qualifying exam and memorandum of marks
  4. Intermediate Memo-cum pass certificate or its equivalent
  5. S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo
  6. IX to Degree Study Certificates (Bonafieds)
  7. Transfer Certificate (TC)
  8. Residence certificate (in case where the candidate had private study without any institutionalized education).
  9. Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for 10 years in case of non-local candidates excluding the period of employment outside the state. This certificate should be obtained from the Tahsildar.
  10. Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2023.
  11. Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority.
  12. Aadhar Card
  13. PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority/Anglo-Indian Certificate if applicable.

TS EDCET Web Counselling Procedure to Exercise Options

1. Open the website Home page displayed as follows
2. Click on the Web Options link for Exercising options.
3. Instructions to candidate window will be displayed as follows.
4. Read the instructions carefully, then click I Understood button.
5. Enter the details as shown in the option form and click on Submit button.
6. Option form will be displayed as shown below with colleges on the left side. This window displays all the eligible colleges based on gender and specialization.
7. The Saved options can be viewed and/or print through the Print options link from home page also.
8. The options exercised will be closed at 00.00 Hrs mid night on the last date specified for web options in the notification.
9. The options registered in the server will be frozen automatically on the last day specified in the notification and shall be used for seat allotment.
10. The options will be processed on the dates specified and the results will be communicated through SMS message to the registered mobile number, which you have provided and you can also take a print of the provisional allotment order from the website.

PH Category: In respect of PH category, candidates have to produce a certificate issued by the District Medical Board. Candidates who have disability of 40% and above will only be considered under PH category.

CAP Category: In terms of G.O.Ms. No. 19 School Education (Training) Department, dated: 07.08.2016, the Children of Armed Forces i.e., Ex-Servicemen, Defence Personnel including the Children of Border Security Force and Central Reserve Police Force who are Domiciled in Telangana based on the permanent address/Home town declared by them while joining the service and as recorded in their service Register are alone eligible to be considered under “CAP” Category. Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer, Identity Card and Discharge Book in case of Ex-servicemen and Service Certificate in case of Servicemen issued by the Competent Authority shall be produced at the time of Certificate verification.

NCC & Sports Category: Candidates have to produce concerned original certificates issued by the Competent Authority.

Minorities: Graduation or Post Graduation TC containing Minority status or certificate from the Head of the Institution.

Candidates are informed to carefully check all the documents mentioned in “Check List for TS EDCET Certificate Verification” above.

Important Note for all the candidates: 
You are allowed to attend for certificate verification with all the documents which you have now. Remaining pending documents can be submitted after counselling at your allotted college.


Official Website