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Monday, July 8, 2019

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) 2020 Fellowships Online Application Form Apply at

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) 2020 Fellowships Online Application  Form Apply at

Applications are invited from School and College Students interested in Pursuing Basic Science Courses and Career in Research

The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, offers attractive fellowships (Rs.5,000/- Rs.7,000/-p.m.) and contingency grants (equival to four months fellowship per annum)  to students studying in 1st year program in basic science course such as B.Sc./B.S./B. Stat./B. Math./Int. M.Sc./ Int. M.S. Selection to the program takes into account the academic excellence and skills to take up research career in Basic Sciences.

KVPY Fellowships Online Application, How to Apply : The Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) is an on-going National Programme of Fellowship in Basic Sciences, initiated and funded by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, to attract exceptionally highly motivated students for pusuing basic science courses and research career in science. This Program aims to assist the students to realise their potential and ensure that the scientific talent is groomed for research and development in the country. Generous fellowship and contigency grant are provided to the selected KVPY Fellows up to the pre Ph.D, level or 5 years whichever is earlier, in addition summer camps for the KVPY Fellows are organized in prestigious research and educational institutions in the country.

KVPY 2019 Fellowships Online Application Form Apply at KVPY 2019 Fellowships Online Application Form Apply at

KVPY Fellowships, Scholarships to Inter and Degree Students

KVPY 2020 Application Forms : All the candidates who wish to apply can submit their applications on the official website . This year, KVPY 2020 exam is scheduled for 31.01.2021 in online (computer-based) mode.

Students meeting the eligibility standards could fill KVPY application form in the online mode only. Check KVPY Eligibility.

The forms will be available for all the streams - SA, SX and SB.
The process for applying comprises three steps- registration, entering details and making payment.
Candidates who have registered successfully for the scholarship program can download their KVPY Admit Card, available at KVPY’s website i.e.

Pre-requisites for KVPY Registration :

  • A valid email address and an active mobile number.
  • A credit card/ debit card or net banking (application fee for general & OBC category is INR 1250/- and INR 625/- for SC/ST/PH/Pwd). Download KVPY Practice Papers 
  • Proper Internet connection.


  1. SA Stream- Candidates applying for KVPY after Class XI have to apply under this stream.
  2. SX Stream- Candidates applying after Class XII have to apply under this stream.
  3. SB Stream- Candidates pursuing B.Sc. Basic Sciences (1st year) must apply under this stream.

KVPY 2019 Registration Highlights 

  1. Availability of KVPY Application Form ; 06.09.2020
  2. Official Website ;                              
  3. Basic Eligibility ;                                        Indian Nationals can apply
  4. Mode of Application ;                                Online 
  5. Documents Required ;                                Scanned Photo and Signature
  6. Application Fee ;             INR 1250/- for GEN/OBC and INR 625/- (SC/ST/PwD)

KVPY Eligibility Criteria 2020

Candidates can register for KVPY registration 2020 only after checking the complete eligibility to appear in the examination. The complete eligibility criteria are given below:
  1. Nationality: Applying candidates must be an Indian Nationals.
  2. For Stream SA: Candidates, those studying in 11th standard with science subjects & secured 75% aggregate marks (65% marks for reserved categories) in Mathematics & science subjects in Class 10th can apply.
  3. For Stream SX: Candidates who studying in class 12th & score 75% marks (65% marks in case of SC/ST/PwD category) in aggregate in Mathematics & science in 10th standard can also apply.
  4. For Stream SB: Candidates, those studying in 1st year of UG course in basic sciences & score at least 60% marks (50% for reserved categories) are also eligible. Read More KVPY 2020 Eligibility  
How to Apply for KVPY 2020?
By following the steps given below, students can register themselves and proceed to fill the KVPY application form 2020:

Step 1: Registration

  • Candidates have to register prior to filling the application form of KVPY 2020. They have to click on the link given above for the registration.
  • They have to fill basic details, including email id, mobile number and date of birth and enter the captcha to complete registration.
  • Post registration, candidates will be given registered user Id and password. 
  • Navigate to the official website link (Link is given above).
  • Click on that link.
  • Now, click on the link “Login for Application”.

Step 2: Filling KVPY Application Form 2020

Candidates have to login using their user ID and password to fill the application form of KVPY. Candidates have to fill the following details in KVPY application form 2020:
  • Personal Details - Candidates have to fill their basic details in the KVPY application form, such as gender, category and address and then click on save and next
  • Academic Details - Students have to fill educational qualification details, name and address of the school or college and then click on save and next button 
  • Uploading Documents and Exam Preference - Here, students have to select the language, preference for the test centres (maximum 4), and upload their photograph signature. Now candidates can submit the application form after preview.

Step 3: KVPY 2020 Application Fee Payment

The fee for KVPY application form can be paid online.
  • For online mode, candidates can make the payment via credit card/debit card/net banking.
  • Once KVPY application fee 2020 has been remitted, they can check the updated status of KVPY application form 2020 after logging in.

KVPY Application Fee :

          Category                                Fee 

  • General and OBC                        INR 1250.00
  • SC/ST/PH/PwD                           INR   625.00
  • After making payment candidate will be asked to check a declaration and proceed with ‘Submit and Pay’ option.

Important Instructions Before Applying KVPY Application Form

  • Before starting their KVPY application process 2020, students have to first check some of the important instructions. We have listed some for you below:
  • Candidates can fill the application form of KVPY 2020 in the online mode only.
  • Before filling up KVPY 2020 application form, candidates must check KVPY eligibility criteria and other important instructions
  • Students should keep the required documents ready before proceeding to fill KVPY application form 2020.
  • In case of incomplete applications or a student found to be ineligible at any stage, their candidature will be cancelled right away
  • The application fee for KVPY is non-refundable. No money will be returned to students in case their KVPY 2020 application form is rejected
  • Before submitting the KVPY application form 2020, candidates should carefully verify the data. Once submitted, no changes in the application form will be entertained.

KVPY Application Form 2020: Correction and Preview :

  • Candidates must preview the application form of KVPY 2020 prior to the final submission.
  • There will be no option for correction once the form is submitted successfully.
  • They must, therefore, preview the KVPY application form 2020 before submitting it.

KVPY Application Form Submission Status

  • Candidates can check the status of KVPY 2020 application form by logging in using their user Id and password.
  • It is advisable for candidates to download and keep a printout of the KVPY application form 2020 for future reference.

Degree Fellowship: డిగ్రీ విద్యార్థులకు నెలకు రూ.5,000... అప్లై చేయండిలా

డిగ్రీ విద్యార్థులకు శుభవార్త. నెలకు 5,000 ఫెలోషిప్ పొందే అద్భుతమైన అవకాశం ఇది. ఇండియన్ ఇన్‌స్టిట్యూట్ ఆఫ్ సైన్స్-IISC బెంగళూరు కిశోర్ వైజ్ఞానిక్ ప్రోత్సాహన్ యోజన-KVPY ద్వారా ఈ ఫెలోషిప్స్ అందిస్తోంది. కేంద్ర ప్రభుత్వానికి చెందిన డిపార్ట్‌మెంట్ ఆఫ్ సైన్స్ అండ్ టెక్నాలజీ తరఫున ఈ ఫెలోషిప్స్ లభిస్తాయి. ఆసక్తి గల విద్యార్థులు వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో దరఖాస్తు చేయాలి.

దరఖాస్తు ప్రక్రియ ఇప్పటికే ప్రారంభమైంది. అప్లై చేయడానికి 2020 అక్టోబర్ 5 చివరి తేదీ. ఇంటర్మీడియట్‌తో పాటు బ్యాచిలర్ ఆఫ్ సైన్స్, బ్యాచిలర్ ఆఫ్ స్టాటిస్టిక్స్, బ్యాచిలర్ ఆఫ్ మ్యాథ్స్‌తో పాటు ఎంఎస్సీ, ఎంఎస్ లాంటి కోర్సుల్లో మొదటి సంవత్సరం చదువుతున్నవారు దరఖాస్తు చేయొచ్చు.

జాతీయ స్థాయిలో ఆన్‌లైన్ యాప్టిట్యూట్ టెస్ట్‌లో వచ్చిన మార్కుల ఆధారంగా ఎంపిక చేస్తారు. డిగ్రీ విద్యార్థులకు రూ.5,000, మాస్టర్స్ విద్యార్థులకు రూ.7,000 చొప్పున ఫెలోషిప్‌తో పాటు ఏడాదికోసారి కంటింజెన్సీ గ్రాంట్‌ లభిస్తుంది. శాస్త్ర సాంకేతిక రంగంలో పరిశోధనలు చేసేవారికి ఈ ఫెలోషిప్స్ లభిస్తాయి

Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana 2020: గుర్తుంచుకోవాల్సిన అంశాలు ఇవే...

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దరఖాస్తుకు చివరి తేదీ- 2020 అక్టోబర్ 5
యాప్టిట్యూడ్ టెస్ట్- 2021 జనవరి 31
దరఖాస్తు ఫీజు- జనరల్, ఓబీసీ అభ్యర్థులకు రూ.1250.00 ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, దివ్యాంగులకు రూ.625.00
విద్యార్హతలు- ఫిజిక్స్, కెమిస్ట్రీ, మ్యాథ్స్, బయాలజీ సబ్జెక్ట్స్‌తో డిగ్రీ, మాస్టర్స్ ఫస్ట్ ఇయర్ విద్యార్థులు దరఖాస్తు చేయొచ్చు.
ఎంపిక విధానం- జాతీయ స్థాయిలో ఆన్‌లైన్ యాప్టిట్యూట్ టెస్ట్‌లో వచ్చిన మెరిట్.
పరీక్షా కేంద్రాలు- తెలంగాణలో హైదరాబాద్, కరీంనగర్, వరంగల్. ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్‌లో కర్నూల్, రాజమండ్రి, తిరుపతి, విజయవాడ, విశాఖపట్నం

ఫెలోషిప్- డిగ్రీ విద్యార్థులకు నెలకు రూ.5000 చొప్పున మూడేళ్లు, పీజీ విద్యార్థులకు నెలకు రూ.7000 చొప్పున రెండేళ్లు ఫెలోషిప్ లభిస్తుంది. దీంతో పాటు ఏడాదికోసారి డిగ్రీ విద్యార్థులకు రూ.20,000, పీజీ విద్యార్థులకు రూ.28,000 కంటింజెన్సీ గ్రాంట్ కూడా లభిస్తుంది.


Opening of online application portal:  6th September 2020
Date for closing of online application: 5th October 2020
Date of Examination:                              31st January 2021