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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

GMC Nizamabad Recruitment 2019 for Professors, Asst Professors and Tutors,

GMC Nizamabad Recruitment 2019 for Professors, Assistant Professors and Tutors

GMC Nizamabad Recruitment 2019:  Government Medical College, Nizamabad invite the applicants for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Junior Resident, Senior Resident, and Tutors. There are a total of 67 vacancies.

GMC Nizamabad Recruitment 2019 for Professors, Asst Professors and Tutors, /2019/07/GMC-Nizamabad-Recruitment-2019-for-Professors-Asst-Professors-and-Tutors-

However, the recruitment is based on Contract of one year.  Selected candidates work in Government Medical College/Government General Hospital, Nizamabad.

GMC Nizamabad Recruitment 2019


1. Job Title                                           :              Professors, Junior & Senior Residents

2. Job Type                                           :            Contract-Based Jobs

3. Official Notification                         :             Professor & Associate Professor
                                                                           Junior, Senior Resisents& Tutors

4. Application Starting Date                 : 01-July-2019

5. Closing Date of Application             :             03-July-2019

6. Interview Date                                  :             04-July-2019

7. Age Limit                                         :            39 to 45 years

8. Educational Qualification                 :             Degree/ MD/ MS/ DNB/ MBBS

9. Website (URL)                                  :  

10. Application forms                           :            Professor&Associate Professor
                                                                          Junior, Senior residents&Tutors

11. Selection process                             :            Interview

12. Apply Mode                                    :             Offline

13. Pay Scale                                         :             Professors – Rs.1,90,000/- and Associate
                                                                            professors will get Rs.1,50,000/-
                                                                            Jr. Residents&Tutors – Rs.15,600/-
                                                                             and Sr. Residents – Rs.70,000

14. Total no of vacancies                      :              67

How to Apply for GMC Nizamabad Recruitment 2019:

All candidates Register their names at Principal office, Govt. Medical College,
Nizamabad and submit original certificates for Verification from 01.07.2019 to 03.07.2019 from 10.30 AM to 04.00 PM at Conference Hall of Govt. Medical College, Nizamabad.
Interviews are scheduled on 04.07.2019 at 10:30 AM in the office of the Joint Collector, Nizamabad.


Official Notification