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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

GATE 2020 Admissions, Registrations for PG Master's, Doctoral Program end on October 1

GATE 2020 Admissions, Registrations for PG Master's, Doctoral Program end on October 1

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2020, the entrance examination for post-graduation studies in engineering, will be conducted by IIT Delhi...

Admissions to Postgraduate Programs (Master's and Doctoral) with MHRD and other Government Scholarships / Assistantships in Engineering / Technology /.../ Architecture / Science are open to those who qualify in GATE. The GATE score is also used by some PSUs for their recruitment. GATE 2020 score will valid for three years from the date of announcement of results. 

GATE 2020 Admissions, Registrations for PG Master's, Doctoral Program end on October 1 /2019/07/

The opening of online registration and application form will begin on September ...3, 2019 and will be closed on September 24, 2019.

October 1, 2019 would be the end of extended period for online applications.

Last date for requesting change of examination city (an additional fee will be applicable) is November 15, 2019.

The Last date for requesting change of examination city (an additional fee will be applicable) is January 3, 2019.

Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2020:

  1. Bachelor's Degree holders in Architecture (Five years course) and those who are in the final year of such Programs.
  2. Bachelor's Degree holders in Engineering/Technology (4 years after 10+2 or 3 years after B.Sc./Diploma in Engineering/Techonology and those who are in the final year of such programs.
  3. Bachelor's degree holders of 4 year programme in Science (B.S) and those who are in the final year of such programs.
  4. Master's degree holders in any branch of Science/Mathematics/Statistics/Compute Applications or equivalent and those who are in the final year of such programs.
  5. Holders of 4 year Integrated Master's degree (Post B.Sc,) in Engineering/Technology and those who are in the second or higher year of such programs.
  6. Holder's of 5 year Integrated Master's degree or Dual Degree in Engineering/Techonology and those who are in the fourth or higher year of such programs.
  7. Holders of 5 year Integreated M.Sc. or 5 year Integrated B.Sc./M.Sc. Degree and those who are in the final year of sucj programs.
  8. The candidates with qualifications obtained through examinations conducted by professionals societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed secion  A of AMIE oe equal.

Application Fee Details:

  • For SC/ST/PWDs ccategory candidates : Rs. 750/-
  • For other candidates : Rs. 1500/-

During the Extended Period:

  • For SC/ST/PWDs ccategory candidates : Rs. 1250/-
  • For other candidates : Rs. 2000/-

GATE 2020 Examination details:

The examinations will be conducted on 2019 February 1, 2, 8 and 9 in forenoon (9:30 am to 12:30 pm) and afternoon (2:30 pm to 5:30 pm) sessions. 

  • GATE online Application Processing System (GOAPS) Website opens on 03.09.2019.
  •  And the closing date for submission of Online application through wwbsite on 24.09.2019.
  • Extended closing date for submission of Online application through website is on 01.10.2019.
  • The last date for requesting change of examination city (an additional fee will be applicable) is on 15.11.2019.
  • Admit card will be available in the Online Portal (for printing) is on 03.01.2020.

Announcement of the Results in the Online Application Poral is on : 16.03.2020.