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Monday, July 29, 2019

APEPDCL JLM Junior Lineman Posts Recruitment 2021 Apply Online at

APEPDCL JLM Junior Lineman Posts Recruitment 2021 Apply Online at

Online Applications are invited from the eligible male candidates for filling up 398 Nos. ENERGY ASSISTANTS (Junior Lineman Gr. II) to work in Village/Ward Secretariats in various Districts covered in APEPDCL. Detailed notification with break-up of vacancies etc. may be viewed at APEPDCL
website from 30.08.2021.

APEPDCL JLM Junior Lineman Posts Recruitment 2019 Apply Online at

Educational Qualifications

The candidate should possess the academic qualifications and experience including practical experience prescribed, if any, for the post on the date of the notification.

                    Name of the post

               Educational Qualification





                  Energy Assistant

               (Junior Lineman Gr.II)

SSC/10th Class with ITI qualification in Electrical Trade/Wireman trade or 2 years Intermediate Vocational course in Electrical Domestic Appliances and Rewinding (EDAR)/Electrical Wiring & Contracting (EWC)//Electrical Wiring and Servicing of Electrical Appliances (EW & SEA) and Electrical Technician from a recognized Institution/Board of Combined AP/AP State Education Department. Note: If there is any deviation from the above qualification for the above post, the candidates shall produce the equivalency certificate from the authority issuing the qualification certificate viz. Secretary of the Institute/Board for accepting his application.

Age Limit

1. If a person is less than 18 then he is not eligible for direct recruitment. years of age and if he is more than 35 years of age as on 01.07.2021.
2. Relaxation in upper age limit is permissible up to 5 years for SC/ST and BC candidates.
3. For in-service Contract Workers working in APDISCOMS, the age at the time of entry into the organization as Contract Worker will be considered. If a person has crossed 60 years of age tghen he may no be eligible (superannuation age).

(i) The candidate should be sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity rendering him unfit for such service.
(ii) The candidate’s character and antecedents are such as to qualify them for such service.
(iii) The candidate should possess the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the post.
(iv) The candidate must be a citizen of India and resident of Andhra Pradesh.

How To Apply:
Application Form: The candidates shall apply online through the APEPDCL website ( (or) from 30.08.2021 up to on or
before 24.09.2021 at 17:00 Hrs.
Step-1: Submission of Application:
The Candidate has to logon to the website http://
(OR) and click on the link on APPLY ONE link to view the detailed notification, User Guide and Application Form. The applicants shall invariably fill all the relevant fields in the Application. Immediately on submission of application and payment of fee,
the Applicant will get an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable pdf document. 


Applicant must pay Rs. 700/- (Rupees Seven Hundred only) towards Application processing fee in respect of OC/BC candidates and in respect of SC & ST the application process fee is Rs. 350/- (Rupees
Three Hundred and Fifty only).
Note:Application cannot be accessed unless payment details are entered
by the candidate.

Starting date for Payment of Fee and Application submission is 30.08.2021.
Last date for payment of Fee is 24.09.2021 upto 17:00 Hrs only.
Last date for submission of Application is 24.09.2021 up to 17:00 Hrs

Mode of Payment:
Refer the official notification 

Important Date:


APEPDCL Recruitment Notification
APEPDCL Recruitment
Official Website