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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

APCOB Staff Assistants Managers Recruitment 2019, Apply Online till 28th July @

APCOB Staff Assistants Managers Recruitment 2019, Apply Online till  28th July @ 

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Limited Recruitment 2019

Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Limited invites application for the position Staff Assistant etc. Read details, eligibility criteria mentioned below for the vacancy and eligible candidates can submit their application directly to Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank Limited before 28-07-2019.


APCOB Recruitment 2019 All Latest and Upcoming Notifications released on APCOB Recruitment 2019-20 are updated right here. Instant availability of Information provided on APCOB Recruitment 10 July 2019 are for the benefit of the jobseekers and aspirants looking for jobs with APCOB. Subscribe now to achieve your dream job through APCOB Recruitment 2019-20.

APCOB Staff Assistants Managers Recruitment 2019, Apply Online till 28th July @ /2019/07/
APCOB Staff Assistants Managers Recruitment 2019, Apply Online till  28th July 

All the interested candidates searching for APCOB jobs 2019 can check this page for all latest recruitment 2019 updates. Find more details and updates about APCOB recruitment 2019, exam results, dates, schedules etc in Hirelateral. Here you can find jobs vacancies for both fresher and experienced candidates. Subscribe to Hirelateral free Email Job alert service and receive daily notification on all government jobs 2019 in India APCOB recruitment 2019 page updated on 10 July 2019.

Age Limit:

18 - 30 Yrs

Application Fees:
1. SC / ST / PC / EXS (application fee + intimation charges): Rs.350 for Direct Recruitment and Rs.250/- for In service Candidates of PACS. 2. OC/BC (application fee + intimation charges) Rs.600/- for Direct Recruitment and Rs.500/- for In-service Candidates of PACS.

General instructions:

1. Before applying, the candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned into his notification. Bank would be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post. The decision of the Bank shall be final on qualification and other eligibility norms.

2. Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn.

3. Candidates already in employment should produce ‘no objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of interview, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered.

4. Process for Arriving at The Scores of Online Examination are obtained by adopting the following procedure: (i) Number of questions answered correctly by a candidate in each objective test is considered for arriving at the Corrected Score after applying a penalty for wrong answers. (ii) The Corrected Scores so obtained by a candidate are made equivalent to take care of the minor difference in difficulty level, if any, in each of the objective tests held in different sessions to arrive at the Equated Scores Scores obtained by candidates on any test are equated to the base form by considering the distribution of scores of all the forms. (iii) Test wise scores are reported with decimal.

5. A declaration is required to be submitted in the prescribed format by candidates seeking reservation under BC category, that he / she does not belong to the creamy layer as on 31.03.2019. The BC certificate containing the creamy layer status should have been issued during the period of 1 year prior to 31.03.2019.

Qualification in Details:

1. Education Qualification: Graduation of a recognized university and Knowledge of English and proficiency in the local language (Telugu) is essential.

2. No. of Vacancies: 71 (25% of the posts under this category (subject to maximum of 14) (*) are earmarked to be filled up with staff working in our affiliated PACS, subject to eligibility criteria laid down).

3. The full details of notification such as qualification, age, reservations of posts as per rule of reservation, age and other relaxations, online fee payment etc., and for on-line registration of applications etc. please visit our website from 17.06.2019.The candidates are advised to take a printout of the complete notification and read carefully before making fee remittance and submitting the application on-line.

4. Pay Scale & Emoluments:- The scale of pay for the post of Staff Assistant is presently Rs.11765 -570 / 5 – 14615 – 655 / 6 – 18545 – 815 / 5 – 22620 – 980 / 2 – 24580 -1145 / 5 – 30305 (24 stages) + 4 stag. Increments of Rs.1145/- each biannually after reaching maximum in the scale. At present, the total starting emoluments are around Rs.20,248 /- per month, inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rates.(Pay Revision pending from 01.11.2017).Meanwhile, IR @15% on Basic pay is applicable Note: Other allowances & perquisites admissible as per the rules of the Bank.

APCOB Recruitment 2019 Details :

 Job Role                                       Staff Assistant/ Clerk

Education Requirement                                            Any Graduate
Total Vacancy                                                                77 Posts                                                          
Staff Assistants                                                               54
Managers  (Scale-1)                                                        23
Age Limit                                                             18 - 30 Yrs
Experience                                                               Fresher
Salary                                                             11765 - 30305(permonth)
Posted on                                                             25-06-2019
Last Date To Apply                                             28-07-2019

Instructions to Apply Online:

  1. Before applying online,the candidate should have a valid personal email ID, Mobile No. & Scanned (Digital) image of Photopgraph & signature.
  2. Log on to websie
  3. Click on "Recruitment".
  4. Select the details carefully & submit the form.
  5. Fill all the derails carefully & submit the form.
  6. Take a print out of online application form for the future reference.

Important Date for Application:

  • Opening Date for Registration is on : 10.07.2019.
  • Closing Date for Registration and payment  of Application fee is on : 28.07.2019.
  • Tentative date of online test is on : 25.08.2019.