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Saturday, July 6, 2019

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2023-24 Admission Notification : B.Tech + M.Tech Dual Degree Programmes

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2023-24 Admission Notification : B.Tech + M.Tech Dual Degree Programs

For the academic year 2023–2024, the Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Directorate of Admissions is accepting applications from qualified individuals for admission to different B.Tech.+ M.Tech. programs provided at the Dr. YSR ANU Engineering & Technology College in a self-supporting capacity.  Candidates are urged to carefully read the ANUEET-2023 Information Brochure, which is accessible on the Acharya Nagarjuna University website at or The course offerings, eligibility requirements, and information on available seats are listed in Annexure I. By checking the necessary boxes on the online application form, the applicant should submit a request for admission under the appropriate categories of reservation. Under no circumstances will requests for inclusion or category changes be considered after a claim has been made. Applications will only be handled based on the candidates' assertions, and admittance will depend on the veracity of those claims. 

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2023-24 Admission Notification : B.Tech + M.Tech Dual Degree Programmes

The admissions procedure would adhere to the reservation policy already in place by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the SC, ST, BCs, EWS, CAP, PH, NCC, and sports categories. Passing the exam does not entitle you to course enrollment just by showing up. A applicant must meet the requirements set forth for that course in order to be admitted to that course. Wherever appropriate, applicants from reserved categories would be given a 5% mark relaxation in the qualifying examination. Hostel accommodation is available for candidates admitted into Dual Degree Courses. The university reserves the right to fill or not to fill the seats earmarked for a particular course on administrative reasons. Each and every admission is completely provisional, and the university has the right to revoke it at any time. In addition, it retains the right to run or not run a specific course based on the number of candidates who sign up for it. Any course offered in the self-support option must have a minimum of 10 applicants to operate. All disputes pertaining to the admissions shall fall within the court’s Jurisdiction of Guntur only whether regular or consumer courts. 

Applications are invited from Intermediate / 10+2 candidates for admission into self- supported engineering courses such as B.Tech (with exit option), B.Tech. + M.Tech. Dual Degree Programs in CSE, ECE, EEE, Civil, Data Science, Al& ML, Cyber Security and Mechanical Engineering for the academic year 2023-24 through Online mode. The Information Brochure and Application are available in the website or

Important Dates:
  1. Last Date for the submission of Online Applications : 19th June 2023
  2. Last Date for the submission of Online Applications with a late fee of Rs. 750/- : 22nd June 2023
  3. Download of Hall Tickets from the website is from 23-06-2023 (5.00 PM onwards) (Tentative)
  4. Downloading of Hall-Tickets from website (Tentative) : 23rd June 2023
  5. Date of Entrance Test (Tentative) : 25th June 2023
  6. Date of publication of Result(Tentative) : 27th June 2023
Application Fees:
  1. Rs. 1200/- for OC/BC Candidates
  2. Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST/PH Candidates
Course details and no. of seats:

Name of the Course

No. of seats

B.Tech CSE + M.Tech.


B.Tech+M.Tech.(Electronics & Communications Engg)


B.Tech+M.Tech.(Mechanical Engineering)


B.Tech+M.Tech. (CivilEngineering)


B.Tech+M.Tech. (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)


B.Tech+M.Tech. ( Data Science)


B.Tech+M.Tech. (AI & ML)


B.Tech+M.Tech. ( Cyber Security)


Eligibility Criteria:
  1. 10 + 2 with Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry with minimum 45% Marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to reserved category).
NOTE: the students enrolled in this program are not entitled for any fee reimbursement/ scholarship”

The following information must be kept ready for filling the details in online application form and submission
  • a. Hall-Ticket Number of Qualifying Examination.
  • b. Percentage of marks and year of Passing of Qualifying Examination, if Passed.
  • c. Date of Birth as per SSC records.
  • d. Caste in case of SC/ST/BC/EWS candidates.
  • e. PH/NCC/SPORTS /CAP etc.
  • f. Study or Residence (from M.R.O) or relevant certificate for proof of local status. 
Courses Offered:
  1. B.Tech + M.Tech Dual Degree Programmes (with Entrance test Annexure -II for Syllabus)
  2. Admissions into B.Tech.+M.Tech. Dual Degree Programmes will be processed as per rank obtained in the Entrance Test conducted by Directorate of Admissions, A.N.U.
  3. The Candidates admitted in B.Tech + M.Tech Dual Degree Programmes can avail exit option after the completion of 4 Years course period, by paying Rs.10,000 as exit fee. Such candidates will be considered for B.Tech. alone, and not for PG.
How to apply online?

  1. Visit the website or
  2. Click on "online registration" button appearing on top of the page. 
  3. You will be sent to the Online Registration Form after clicking the "online registration" option.
  4. Complete all fields for students, reservations, qualifying examinations, addresses, SSC data, and areas of study, then submit scanned copies of your photo and signature.
  5. Check the box next to "Terms and Conditions." Select "Save & Preview" from the menu. It shows a preview of the application. 
  6. There are two buttons at the page's bottom. One says "Back to edit" so you may change the details you've supplied, and the other says "Proceed to pay" so you can finish the application by paying the required sum. 
  7. Select "Proceed to pay" You will now see a screen containing payment information.
  8. Click the "Online Payment" option. Your browser will transport you to the Bill Desk Online Payment page. You will receive an SMS on your registered cellphone number following a successful payment.
  9. You will be led to the application printout page after a successful payment.
  10. Make a printout, then save it. 
Click Here For More Details


ANU CDE UG & PG  Distance Education 2019-20 Admission Notification

ANUCDE Distance Education 2019-20:Application,Exam Dates


Centre for Distance Education, Acharya Nagarjuna University conducts Entrance Examination on 28.07.2019 for admission into UG (All Courses) and PG (MBA & MCA) courses for the academic year 2019-20 batch. ICR (Printed) Applications are available at ANU-CDE office and also at ANUCDE Study Centres. Entrance Examination Applications can also be downloaded from the

ANU CDE UG & PG Distance Education 2019-20 Admission Notification /2019/07/ANU-CDE-UG-PG-Distance-Education-2019-20-Admission-Notification.html

ANUCDE Distance Education 2019-20 Admissions: Acharya Nagarjuna University Centre For Distant Education (ANU CDE) was established in 1976. ANUCDE is located in the region of Namburu, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. The University is a major centre of learning in the reign that provides world-class education in various fields such as Undergraduate/Postgraduate/PG Diploma/Certificate Courses/ Diploma Courses.  It is acknowledged by the Distance Education Council (DEC), New Delhi, Association of Indian Universities (A.I.U). Candidates can check the further details regarding the university in the article given below.

Admission into MBA/MCA is conducted through the entrance exam.
Admission into the UG/PG courses is conducted through the personal interview.

The University provides admission on the basis of entrance test and personal interview as per the courses which are held every year. Admission process for the year 2019 has been started now. Interested candidates who want to take admission in the university must apply for the application form before the last date which was in June 2019. Candidates can fill the application form both through online mode as well as offline mode. Only those candidates who have successfully submitted their application form along with the fees will be considered.

Date of Examination : 28.07.2019

Time Schedule :

UG Courses : 28.07.2019 from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
MBA & MCA : 28.07.2019 from 01.30 pm to 4.00 pm.

Eligibility Criteria:

The applicant should have completed 18 years by 01.07.2019.
Applicant should have been born on before 30.06.2001.
There is no maximum age limit for admission.
Applicant should produce SSC certificate or Birth Certificate issued by Panchayat Office as evidence of Date of Birth at the time of admission.
Affidavit certified by Notary or any other undertaking is NOT ACCEPTED as evidence pf Date of Birth.


For UG Courses : No Qualification is required
For MBA & MCA : Should have passed any degree with 50% of marks (45% for SC/ST's).
If ICET (TS-ICET/AP-ICET) qualified no need to write entrance exam.