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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

TS EdCET 2020 B.Ed Entrance Test , rank cards and results

TS EdCET 2020 B.Ed Entrance Test , Rank cards and Results

A common Entrance Test, designated as Telangana State Education Common Entrane Test 2020 will be conducted by the CONVENER,TSEd CET 2020, Osmania University , Hyderabad on behalf of the Telangana State Council of Higher Education for admission into B Ed (2 years) regular course in the colleges of education in Telangana State.

TS EdCET 2019 B.Ed Entrance Test , rank cards and results /2019/06/

TS EdCET B.Ed Admissions 2020 Exam date has been released by Telangana State Council Of Higher Education Masab Tank, Hyderabad. TS EdCET B.Ed 2020 is conducted by Osmania University, Telangana. This entrance exam is conducted at the state level once in a year. The exam offers admission in 2-years regular B.Ed courses in the Telangana colleges and universities. Interested candidate can go through the following article for the detailed information regarding TS EdCET exam.

TS EdCET 2020 B.Ed Entrance Test , rank cards and Results
TS EdCET Results and rank cards 2020 to be released on June 11. The result for the Telangana State Education Common Entrance Test (TSEdCET) 2020 was scheduled to be released on June 11 , 2020

The results of TS-EdCET 2020 will be declared on 11-06-2020 at 11:30 am

How To Apply:
Step 1: Candidates have to go Go to the official website for TS EdCET (

Step 2: Fill your basic details in the registration form and click on “Proceed to payment”.

Step 3: Pay TS EdCET 2020 application fee using eligible payment methods. You can also check your payment status using the direct link on the homepage of the exam website.

Step 4: Click on “Fill Application Form” link. Enter your reference id, qualifying exam hall ticket no, mobile no. and date of birth to proceed to fill application form.

Step 5: Fill your personal, educational, address, category etc details in TS EdCET 2020 application form. Select preferences for the test centres and upload your signature and photo as per the format. Submit the application form.

Step 6: Take a printout of the filled application form and keep it safe.

Osmania University issued the Telangana State Education Common Entrance Test(TS EdCET 2020) notification on and invited online applications for the eligible candidates for admissions into 2 year B.Ed course in the colleges of education in Telangana State for the academic year 2020-2021

Age limit
Candidates should be minimum 19 years in age as on July 1 of the year in which TSEdCET notification is out
There is no maximum age limit required to appear for TSEdCET exam

Educational qualification
All candidates should clear their graduation in BA/ BSc/ BSc (Home Science)/ BCom/ BE/ BTech/ BCA/ BBM or post-graduation in relevant subject or five-year integrated course in the relevant subject of methodology or any other equivalent qualification with at least 50 per cent aggregate marks. For candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ BC (A/B/C/D/E)/ PH category minimum marks required in the qualifying exam is 40 per cent.
Candidates securing a minimum of 55% marks in BE/ BTech with Science/Mathematics as one of the subjects or any other equivalent qualification are also eligible to apply
Candidates who have cleared MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BL/ LLB/ BA (Languages)/ BOL and any other such professional course are not eligible for BEd admissions via TSEdCET

The common entrance test will be of objective type (multiple choice) examination. Candidate has to
answer 150 questions in two hours time.

 Part-A: General English – 25 questions for 25 marks

1) General Knowledge –15 questions for 15 marks
2) Teaching Aptitude –10 questions for 10 marks
Part-C: Methodology: Candidate has to choose one of the following subjects. It consists of 100 Questions for100 marks.
1) Mathematics –100 questions for 100 marks
2) Physical Sciences –100 questions for 100 marks
 (i) Physics –50 questions for 50 marks
 (ii) Chemistry –50 questions for 50 marks
3) Biological Sciences –100 questions for 100 marks
 (i) Botany –50 questions for 50 marks
 (ii) Zoology –50 questions for 50 marks
4) Social Studies –100 questions for 100 marks
 (i) Geography –35 questions for 35 marks
 (ii) History –30 questions for 30 marks
 (iii) Civics –15 questions for 15 marks
 (iv) Economics –20 questions for 20 marks
5) English –100 questions for 100 marks
6) Oriental Languages
1. Marathi –100 questions for 100 marks
2. Telugu –100 questions for 100 marks
3. Hindi –100 questions for 100 marks
4. Urdu –100 questions for 100 marks
5. Arabic –100 questions for 100 marks
6. Sanskri–100 questions for 100 marks

Note: Part-A and Part-B are common for all the candidates irrespective of Methodology chosen in

Application Fee: Online Application Registration Fee Rs. 650/- & in case of SC/ST Candidates Rs. 450/- The applicants have to pay amount by using a debit/ credit card/ net-banking or by submitting cash at TSOnline/APOnline centers. This fee structure is as per previous year data.

TS EdCET 2020 results/rank cards:

 Eligible candidates can apply their applications through online mode for this stream for applied EdCET 2020. Candidates who have appeared the entrance exam can get their results after completion of evaluation of answer scripts and they can get results on its web portal.Candidates can download the result/rank card from the official web portal OU officials uploaded the results in their web portal.

Steps to download TS EdCET 2020 Rank cards:

Step 1: Go to the official website for TS EdCET (
Step 2: Click on the Link at home page rank cards(results)
Step 3: Enter your details like Hall Ticket number and date of birth details
Step 4: Download the rank card and take a print out for your future reference

Important Dates
Date of Commencement of Submission of Online Applications: 27-02-2020
Last date for Submission of Online Applications
a) Without Late Fee: 20-04-2020
b) With a Late fee of Rs. 500/- : 25-04-2020
c) With a Late fee of Rs.1,000/- : 30-04-2020
d) With a Late fee of Rs. 2,000/- : 04-05-2020.

Date of Examination : 23-05-2020 (Saturday)
Time of Examination : 11.00 AM To 1.00 PM
3.00 PM To 5.00 PM

Click here for 

TS EdCET Notification
TS EdCET 2020 Rank Cards
TS EdCET 2020 Results
Download Instruction Booklet
Official Website