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Friday, June 21, 2019

TS D.Ed 2nd Year Results Marks Recounting Application, dates 2019

TS D.Ed 2nd Year Results Marks Recounting Application, dates 2019

TS D.Ed 2nd year year 2019 results  marks recounting application,dates 2019: The Director of Government Examinations has given press note for announcement of TS D.Ed 2nd year 2019 results and invites applications for recounding of TS D.Ed 2nd year 2019 marks. D.Ed, II Examinations February, 2019 results would be released in March 2019 and last date for applying for recounting of marks is July 4th, 2019.

DGE Telangana: The results or D.Ed, II Year examinations April, 2019 were released and hosted in website on June 20th, 2019. The certificates will be dispatched to the principals of the Institutions concerned in the state in due course. The memorandums of marks will be  hosted in website for the concvinience of the candidates/ colleges.
TS D.Ed 2nd Year Results Marks Recounting Application, dates 2019 /2019/06/
TS D.Ed 2nd Year Results Marks Recounting Application, dates 2019

The candidates who want to apply for recounting of marks in any subject have to apply to his office either directly or by post to the name address of Smt.M Nirmala. Last date for applying for recounting of marks is July 4th,2019 with the following documents. Under any circumstances , dates will not extend.

The required documents are:

Representation either by self or through the Institute concerned
Dummy marks memo printout
Self addressed cover with sufficient postal stamps.
A fee of Rs.500 only per subject through a Government Challan to the following head of account.

Head of Account:

Through a Government Challan to the following Head of Account.
''0202 - Education, Sports,Arts and Culture
01- General education
102 - Secondary education
06- Director of Government Examinations
800 - User Charges''
DDO CODE: 25000303001

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Recounting Announcement by BSE Telangana