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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

SKLTSHU Ph.D Horticulture Entrance Test 2019

SKLTSHU Ph.D Horticulture Entrance Test 2019

SKLTSHU Ph.D Horticulture Entrance Test 2019-TS Horticultural University: SKLTSHU will publish the Ph.D Horticulture courses Admissions notification 2019 and applications will be invited for admission into Ph.D (Hort) with specialization in Fruit science(1), Vegetable Science(1), Floriculture and Land scape architechture(1), Plantation, Species, Medicinal and aromatic crops (1) seats with a total of 4 seats. Application form, selection procedure, last date for apply, hall tickets, exam date, results, councelling dates and certificates verification dates are available at SKLTSHU web portal

SKLTSHU Ph.D Horticulture Entrance Test 2019 /2019/06/
SKLTSHU Ph.D Horticulture Entrance Test 2019

Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University (formerly part of Dr. Y.S.R Horticultural University)invites applications for admission to Master’s Degree Courses and PhD Courses in Horticulture at its constituent Colleges at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad andMojerla, Mahabubnagar District in Telangana Statefor the year 2019-20

Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University (formerly part of Dr. Y.S.R Horticultural University) was established during 2014 with mandate for Education, Research and Extension in Horticulture & Allied fields in the State of Telangana
University imparts instructions leading to the Master’s Degree Courses & PhD Courses in Horticulture at its constituent Colleges at Rajendranagar, Hyderabad &Mojerla, Mahabubnagar District in Telangana State

Number of Seats

Ph.D (Hort.) with specialization in Fruit Science (01), Vegetable Science (01), Floriculture & Landscape Architecture (01), Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops (01) Seats with a total of 4 Seats

Eligibility Criteria Educational Qualifications

Sc. (Horticulture) /PhD (Horticulture): Candidates seeking admission into Master’s Degree Course in Horticulture must have passed the relevant Bachelor’s Degree i.e. B.Sc. (Hons.)Horticulture /B.Sc. (Hort.) with a minimum OGPA of 5.5/10.0 and for Ph.D. a minimum of6.50 /10.00 OGPA in M.Sc.(Horticulture) with specialization in Fruit Science, Vegetable Science, Floriculture & Landscape Architecture and Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops are eligible from ICAR recognized University

Age Limit

The upper age limit is 40 years as on 01st July 2019


Reservations for Local & Unreserved merit (Non-Local) Candidates: Reservation of Seats for local and Unreserved merit shall be as per rules
Reservation for SC/ST & BC Candidates:15%, 6% & 29% of the seats in the course of study shall be reserved for the candidates belonging to SCs, STs, & BCs,respectively
3% seats in the course are reserved for Physically challenged candidates as per the Govt. norms (1% Visually Impaired, 1% Hearing Impaired, 1% Locomotively Impaired)
5% seats in the course are reserved for NCC/Sports/Games and Ex-Servicemen as per the Govt. norms(2% Ex- Servicemen /, 1% NCC, 0.5 % Games and Sports)

Selection Procedure

M.Sc. (Horticulture)
The selection shall be based on the previous academic record (B.Sc.(Hons.) Horticulture / B.Sc. (Hort.) – 40% and performance in Entrance test -60%). General And OBC Candidates with 50 % Marks in the entrance relaxable in case of SC/ST candidates with 25 % Marks in the entrance test are eligible for counseling
The Entrance Test shall be comprehensive one, covering all relevant subjects prescribed for the Bachelor degree in Horticulture of SKLTS Horticultural University. The candidates should appear for the entrance test at their own expenses

The entrance test is for 2 hrs. duration with multiple choice questions for 200 Marks and answers must be written in English with ball point pen
Answers written with pencil are not valued

PhD (Horticulture)
Selection shall be based on the previous academic record B.Sc.(Hort.) – 10%, M.Sc. (Hort.) – 30%, Entrance test – 50% and performance in Interview- 10%). General and OBC Candidates with 50 % Marks in the entrance, relaxable in case of SC/ST candidates with 25% Marks in the entrance test are eligible for interview

The Entrance Test will be objective type for 200 Marks, with 100 Marks from specialization in the respective subject and 100 Marks will be comprehensive one covering all relevant subjects prescribed for Master’s Degree requirements of SKLTS Horticultural University
The candidates should appear for the entrance test at their own expenses. The entrance test is for 2 hrs. duration with multiple choice questions for 200 Marks and answers must be written in English with ball point pen
Answers written with pencil are not valued.

Application Process :

Application Form can be downloaded by filling out of the form
Online downloaded application should accompany Demand Draft from SBH / SBI / ANDHRABANK for Rs.1500/- for General/ OBC and Rs.750/- for SC, ST & PH categories(M.Sc./Ph.D. courses) for each course and drawn in favour of Comptroller, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, payable at Hyderabad. (Postal orders/ Money orders will not be accepted)

Applications for all courses duly filled in with Demand Draft and all the prescribed academic certificates should be sent to “The Registrar, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 on or before 17th July 2019 by 04.00 PM
Postal delays will not be condoned. Last date for submission of applications is20th July 2018 with a late fee of Rs.2000/- for General/ OBC and Rs.1000/- for SC, ST and PH categories (M.Sc./Ph.D. Courses) for each course
If the Candidate is employed, application should be sent through employer before last date prescribed with enclosures of service particulars and attested copies of academic certificates
All the eligible candidates in P.G Entrance Test should bring their original certificates at the time of counseling

Important Dates

Applications for all courses duly filled in with DD and all the prescribed to University: 17th July 2019 by 04.00 pm

Last Date for Submission of Applications is 20th July 2018 with a late fee of Rs. 2000 for General and Rs. 1000 for SC, ST and PH categories (Ph.D courses) for each course

All the eligible candidates in PG Entrance Test should bring their original certificates during the time of councelling

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