NTA UGC NET June 2019 Exam Question Paper and Responses released on www.ntanet.nic.in
NTA UGC NET June 2019 Exam Question Paper and responses released, answer key will be released soon on its official web portal. The National Testing Agency, NTA has released UGC NET question paper and responses on its official website. Candidates can download their individual answers attempted or answer sheet and question papers from the NTA official website- ntanet.nic.in
NTA UGC NET June 2019 Exam Question Paper and Responses
Web note: (28-06-2019)- The UGC-NET June 2019 has been conducted throughout the country between June 26, 2019 through the Computer based test (CBT) mode in which 6,81,718 candidates appeared. The NTA has uploaded the candidate question paper and the responses attempted by each candidate on NTA UGC-NET website https://nta.nic.in
The link is available on the website and you need to click on it to view your question paper and responses. Please ''login and click link for display of your question papers and your responses''. This facility will remain available upto 03-07-2019 (5 pm) only, candidates are advised to save their question papers and responses for future reference and for challenging answer keys, the facility for which will be made available shortly on the website of NTA UGC-NET
The NTA had conducted the next UGC NET for 'Assistant Professor' or for 'junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor' from June 20 to June 28, 2019. The Test was conducted in computer based test mode only.
The NTA has been established by Ministry of Human Resource Development as an independent autonomous, self-reliant and self-sustained premier testing organization. The conduct of the UGC-NET examination has been entrusted to the NTA by Government of India. Around 9.5 lakh students had appeared UGC-NET June examination conducted in 615 centres in 237 cities across India.
Steps To Download NTA UGC NET June 2019 Exam Response sheet, question paper
Step 1: Log onto the UGC NET official website- ntanet.nic.in
Step 2: On the homepage, click on 'UGC NET response sheet' link
Step 3: A new login page will appear on your screen
Step 4: Log in using your credentials
Step 5: Download the question paper and response sheets
According to the official information Bulletin for NTA-UGC NET the result will be declared by July 15, 2019. Two lists will be released online on the official website. Those who make it through JRF get an additional fellowship for research while those who clear NET are eligible for lecturership jobs.
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NTA UGC NET June 2019 Exam Question Paper and Responses