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Thursday, June 27, 2019

MANIT Recruitment 2019, Apply 88 Non Teaching Vacancies @

MANIT Recruitment 2019, Apply 88 Non Teaching Vacancies @

MANIT Recruitment 2019: Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology( MANIT ), Bhopal has released the notification for Deputy Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Deputy Librarian, Librarian, Medical Officer, Senior Students Activity & Sports (SAS) Officer, Technical Officer, Junior Assistant, Senior Assistant, Junior Engineer, Students Activity & Sports (SAS) Assistant, Technical Assistant, Pharmacist, Technician Posts.

MANIT Recruitment 2019, Apply 88 Non Teaching Vacancies @ /2019/06/
MANIT Recruitment 2019, Apply 88 Non Teaching Vacancies @

Here we are providing the advt released in the newspapers by the MANIT. The detailed information about the notification of each post, Candidates can check the official website. Interested candidates can check the notification before applying.

Details of the Recruitment:

         Criteria                                                                  Details
  1. Job Title                                                Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology                                                                            Recruitment  
  2. Job Type                                                Medical Superintendents, Medical Officers
  3. Official Notification                        MANIT Recruitment 2019
  4. Application starts from                       24-June-2019
  5. Application closing date                       16-July-2019
  6. Age Limit                                        As per notification
  7. Educational Qualification                Bachelors Degree/ Masters Degree
  8. Post Experience                                Required for each post
  9. Website (URL)                      
  10. Job location                                        Bhopal
  11. Apply mode                                        Online
  12. Selection process                               Written test, Trade test, and Personal Interview
  13. Application fee                                As per notification
  14. Total no of vacancies                        88

How to Apply for MANIT Recruitment 2019:

  1. Eligible candidates go to the official site
  2. Click on the “Non-Teaching Recruitment 2019″.
  3. Now candidates can read each post notification separately.
  4. Interested candidates click on the Apply Online link to apply for the post.
  5. Candidates apply for the post online only.
  6. After that, Candidates make the payment for the application process.
  7. Send the hard copy of the application along with scanned documents to the given address on or before 23rd July 2019. 
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