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Thursday, June 13, 2019

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Posts Admit Cards,Main Exam Dates 2019

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Posts Admit Cards,Main Exam Dates 2019

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer(AAO) Posts 2019 Recruitment:s are invited by LIC for appointment to the following posts of Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalist/Chartered Accountant).Life Insurance Corporation of India,LIC has released the notification for recruitment of 590 Assistant Administrative officers.The online application process for the said recruitment commenced on March 2,2019.Interested candidatAAO Posts Recruitment Notification was issued by Life Insurance Corporation of India.Online applicationes can apply online on before March 22,2019.

LIC AAO main admit card 2019:

The admit card for Life Insurance Corporation (LIC)Assistant Administrative Officers (AAO) main exam 2019 was released on June 11,2019.The LIC AAO main examination will be conducted on June 28.Candidates can download the LIC AAO main exam admit card from the LIC Careers page.LIC has also released an information handout for the LIC AAO main exam which contains details pertainingto various aspects of the online main exam and important instructions about matters which are related.Candidates should study the handout carefully.

The time for test is 2 hours 30 minutes.Candidates must obtain minimum qualifying marks separately in each section and minimum marks in the aggregate to qualify for the examination  and interview.Descriptive paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who qualify in the objective part of main examination.

The total number of vacancies to be filled through this exam is 590.Out of the 590 positionsavailable in the LIC AAO recruitment ,350 are reserved for AAO Generalist,150 are reserved for AAO IT ,50 For AAO CA,30 for AAO(Actuarial) and 5 for AAO (Rajbhasha).The total number of vacancies and the reserved vacancies is provisional and may vary according to the actual requirements.

Steps to download LIC India AAO prelims admit card 2019

  1. Log on to the LIC's official website
  2. At homepage,look for the ''careers'' section,given at the bottom of the page,click on that
  3. Now click on AAO recruitment 2019,followed by clicking on hall ticket link for AAO recruitment 
  4. Enter your registration number and DOB and hit on the submit button
  5. Your AAO admit card will appear on your screen ,check all the details mention on the page carefully.
  6. Download and take a print out of the admit card for future referance.

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Posts Admit Cards,Main Exam Dates 2019 Steps to download LIC India AAO prelims admit card 2019 /2019/06/
LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) Posts Admit Cards,Main Exam Dates 2019

Important dates for LIC AAO Mains:

  1. Commencement of call letter download:11-06-2019
  2. Closure of call letter download:28-06-2019
  3.  The ongoing recruitment drive by LIC India is to fill 590 vacancies.

  4. Important dates for LIC AAO Posts:
  5. Start date for online registration of applications and online payment of application fee/intimation charges:02-03-2019
  6. Last date for online Registration and online payment of application fee/intimation charges:22-03-2019
  7. Download of call letter for online preliminary examination from 22-04-2019 to 30-04-2019 Dates of online examination -preliminary (tenative): 04-05-2019 and 05-05-2019
  8. Dates of online examination-main (tentative):28-06-2019

Important dates for LIC AAO Prelims :

Commencement of call letter download:22-04-2019
Closure of call letter download:05-05-2019

Candidates can download the admit cards from the LIC official website through candidate login from IBPS website can download it upto april 30,2019.The LIC AAO examination is likely to be conducted on May 4-5,2019.

Candidates should note that the LIC AAO 2019 prelims admit card will be available online from 22-04-19 to 05-05-19.The application process for AAO (Generalist/IT/CA/Actuarial/Rajbhasha) started on 02-03-19 and the online applications were accepted upto 22-03-19.A notice posted on the official website said that the download of the call letter link will be activated soon.

LIC AAO exam dates:

The exam for LIC AAO recruitment is tentatively scheduled for may 4th to may 5th,call letters for the exam will be made available from April 22 to April 30 ,2019

Click here to Download LIC AAO Main Exam Admit card

Click here to Download LIC AAO 2019 Prelims admit card

Selection process for LIC AAO Posts:

Through preliminary ,main exam and interview the LIC will select candidates for filling up 590 AAO post.

LIC AAO Exam Pattern:

The LIC AAO preliminary exam will comprise questions from reasoning ability ,quantitative aptitude and English language(vocabulary,grammar,and comprehension).The exam will carry a total of   70 marks.There will be sectional cutoff in the prelims.While the pass marks in English paper is 10  marks.and 18 marks for the other two papers.There will be sectional timing as well.For attempting each section,candidates will have 20 minutes.Candidates equal to 20 times of number of vacancies in each category ,subject to availability ,will be shortlisted for main examination.

Candidates who qualify the prelims will be eligible to appear for the main exam,which is scheduled to be held in June.

The final merit list,for the posts,will be released after the pre-recruitment medical examination,after which candidates will be offered appointment later.

LIC Assistant Administrative Officer Admit cards:

Admit card for the LIC Assistant Administrative Officer  (AAO) post will be released on April 22,as per the exam schedule.The admit card would contain the details of the exam date ,shift ,venue and other personal details of the candidate required for the prelims.The LIC AAO prelims exam will be held on May 4-5.Candidates can download the LIC AAO admit card from the official website of  the LIC.

Click here for

LIC AAO Posts 2019
LIC AAO Posts recruitment web page