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Monday, June 10, 2019

JNVS Navodaya Class XI Admissions 2019, Apply Online upto June 15

JNVS Navodaya Class XI Admissions 2019, Apply Online upto June 15 (Navodaya Inter 1st Year Admisions)

JNVS Navodaya Class XI Admissions 2019, Apply Online upto June 15 (Navodaya Inter 1st Year Admisions)- JNVS Navodaya Class XI Application Form for admission into JNV's during the Academic Year 2019-20: NVS has issued Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Class XI Admission 2019 Notification in May 2019. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti invites the applications from the eligible students for admission to Class XI against the vacant seats likely to be available in JNVs during the academic year 2019-20 . Admission will be made on the basis of performance of students in class X Board Examinations certificate by CBSC/ State Education Board. Candidates may apply through Online mode only at Navodaya  Admissions web portal. In order to optimally utilize  the infrastructure and facilities available in these Vidayalayas, it has been decided by the Samiti to fill the vacant seats in XI class through on Merit Basis. The District-wise vacant seats in the Vidyalayas are separately notified in local newspapers.

Online applications are invited from eligible students for admission to Class XI against the
vacant seats likely to be available in JNVs during the academic year 2019-20. Admission will be made on the basis of performance of students in Class X Board Examinations by CBSE / State Education/other recognised Board.

JNVS Navodaya Class XI Admissions 2019, Apply Online upto June 15 (Navodaya Inter 1st Year Admisions)/2019/06/
JNVS Navodaya Class XI Admissions 2019, Apply Online


The main objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti as set forth in the Memorandum of
Association are:
  1.  To provide good quality modern education including a strong component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities and physical education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to their family’s socio-economic condition.
  2. To ensure that all students of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti attain a reasonable level of competence in three languages as envisaged in Three Language Formula.
  3. To serve, in each district, as focal point for improvement in the quality of school education in general, through sharing of experiences and facilities, and.
  4. To promote national integration through migration of students from Hindi to nonHindi speaking State and vice-versa.

Salient Features of Navodaya Scheme

1 Good quality modern education for talented children predominantly from rural areas.
2 Co-educational and fully residential, up to Class-XII.
3 Location – usually in rural areas.
4 Free education including boarding and lodging as well as expenses on Uniforms, Text
Books, and Stationery etc.
5 Affiliated to CBSE.
6 Admission in Class-VI only, through objective type test designed and conducted in the
concerned district.
7 Implementation of Three-Language Formula
8 The medium of instruction in JNVs is the mother tongue or regional language up to
class VIII and thereafter English for Maths & Science and Hindi for Social Science.
Students of JNVs appear for board examinations of CBSE
9 30% of students in Class-IX from a Vidyalaya located in Hindi speaking area spend
one academic year in a Vidyalaya in non-Hindi speaking area and vice versa to
promote national integration through understanding of the diversity and plurality of
country’s culture and people.


1 Date of Birth of the candidate is to be between 1st June 2001 to 31st May 2005(both days
inclusive). This is applicable to all categories of candidates including those who belong to the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
2 The candidate must have passed Class X from a recognized school (affiliated to CBSE
or any other State Education / other recognised Board) of the State where the Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya is located during the academic session 2018-19.

Criteria for Admission of Students to Class-XI against vacant seats

1 Admission of students will be made against available vacancies in Class-XI on the
basis of marks secured by students in Class-X Board Exam during academic session
2 Selection of students will be done as per following steps:
a) District wise merit list will be prepared and students will be selected against the
b) After selecting students against the vacancies in the JNV of the district, a common
merit list will be prepared at State level. After step a) the vacancies exist in any of
the JNV of the same State will be filled from the State level merit list by
considering the option exercised by the candidate.
c) After selection by step a) & b), if the selected candidate does not join even after
making all efforts, vacant seats will be filled only from State level merit list.
3 The selected students will be informed by the Principal of the concerned JNV by
SMS/Speed post.
4 Newly admitted students have to undergo medical check-up by the Vidyalaya Doctor.
Students suffering from infectious disease/serious ailments shall not be admitted.
5 Ten days orientation programme will be arranged for newly admitted students to bridge
the learning gaps and to adapt them for new environment.

Important Note:


1. Registration.

2. Submission of Personal Details (including stream and district preference & uploading of Images). Kindly keep the scanned copy of candidate's signature, parent's signature and candidate's photograph ready before filling up personal details.

3. Submission of marks scored in class X (2018-2019). Kindly keep a scanned copy of your marksheet ready before start filling up class X details.


Note: - Candidate must enter working mobile number. All Communications to the
candidate by NVS and JNV will be only through the given mobile number.

1. Keep the following documents ready with you before proceeding:-
a) Scanned copy of Candidate’s Photograph (max. size 100KB in jpg format).
b) Scanned copy of Candidate’s Signature (max. size 100KB in jpg format).
c) Scanned copy of Parent’s Signature (max. size 100KB in jpg format).
d) Scanned copy of Candidate’s Class X Mark sheet (max. size 100KB in jpg

2. To go to the Admission portal, type in the URL.
Read the INSTRUCTIONS/IMPORTANT NOTES carefully. Click on Detailed
Notification (if needed) to review Eligibility criteria.

3. Go to “FOR CANDIDATES” section. Click on “Candidate to click here for
Registration (Phase-I)”.

4. Fill/Select required information and click on SUBMIT. After successful
submission you’ll receive Registration No./Username & Password on your
registered mobile number.

5. Go to Home page & Login with your Username and Password to complete
Phase-2 & Phase-3.

6. Click on “Registration Form – Phase 2”. You’ll find 4 tabs :-
a) Personal Details
b) X standard details
c) Stream/District Preference
d) Preview Details
Fill required details / upload required documents and submit.

7. Click on “Upload X class details – Phase 3”. Enter class X Marks / Grades
referring your mark sheet and Upload the scanned copy of your Class X Mark
Sheet. Then click on Save.

8. Click on “Download Registration Form”. Print the finally submitted Registration
Form for your reference.

How to apply for admission in Class-XI in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

The candidate can fill the online application form directly on NVS website from 11th May 2019 (from 00:00 Hrs). While education in the schools is free
including boarding, lodging, uniforms and textbooks, a nominal fee is collected from the students of
Classes IX to XII only as per NVS policy. However, children belonging to SC/ST, Girls and from families whose income is below poverty line (BPL) are exempted from payment of fee.
The last date to apply is 15th June 2019.

Declaration of Select List -
Select List will be notified at the Vidyalaya Notice Board as well as published in the website of JNVs
concerned. Selected candidates will also be intimated by post.

Click Here to Download

JNVS Navodaya Class XI Admissions Notification 2019