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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

How to give Web Options for TS EAMCET 2019 Admissions and Web Options Entry Dates

How to give Web Options for TS EAMCET 2019 Admissions and Web Options Entry Dates

TS EAMCET Counselling 2019: JNTU, on behalf of TSCHE, will hold TS EAMCET Counselling from June, 24 onwards. To participate in online counselling of TS EAMCET 2019, candidates have to register online and book slot for documents verification. The registration for TS EAMCET Counselling has begun from June 24, 2019.

How to give Web Options for TS EAMCET 2019 Admissions. TS EAMCET Counselling 2019 Registration Process started on Jawaharlal Nehru Technology University, JNTU will commence the registration process for TSEAMCET Counselling 2019 on June, 24, 2019 onwards. Candidates who have to register for the counselling process can check the official site of TS EAMCET on TS EAMCET Result 2019 was
declared on June, 10, 2019.
How to give Web Options for TS EAMCET 2019 Admissions and Web Options Entry Dates/2019/06/how-to-give-web-options-for-ts-eamcet-2019-admissions-and-web-options-entry-dates.html

The major steps involved in TS EAMCET Counselling are as follows:

  • Registration – Firstly, candidates have to register themselves for participating in the counselling from June 24 – July 1, 2019.
  • Document Verification – While registering for counselling, candidates have to book slots and get their documents verified at allotted facilitation centers from June 27 – July 3, 2019.
  • Option/ Choice Filling – Post verification, candidates are required to exercise choice filling option for college/ institute and courses as per their preference via online mode.
  • Final Seat Allotment – After filling the choices, candidates will be provisionally allotted seat considering their choices and seats availability in selected college. 
  • Reporting at College –  To complete the admission procedure, one must report to the college, pay fee and complete the formalities.

TS EAMCET 2019 Counselling Fee:

Candidates appearing for TS EAMCET Counselling 2019 have to pay a stipulated amount of fee. The fee has to be paid at the time of Certificate Verification. Given below is the fee as per the candidate’s category:

Category                 Fee (INR)
SC/ ST Category         INR 600
OC/ BC                        INR 1200

Procedure for TS EAMCET Counselling 2019

The counselling process for TS EAMCET 2019 begins with registration for document verification. The whole process is conducted at TS EAMCET Facilitation centers decided by the conducting body. The process includes:-

  1. Registration,
  2. Document Verification,
  3. Option Filling
  4. Final allotment of seats,
  5. Fee payment and 
  6. Reporting to the colleges
  7. Participating in subsequent rounds if required
  8. Seat withdrawal
  9. Candidates who clear TS EAMCET 2019 are eligible to participate in counselling. The process is conducted in different phases. As per the ranks and scores, candidates are called up for TS EAMCET counselling, on different days.

Steps in TS EAMCET Counselling 2019

Stage 1: Registration and Slot Booking

  • Candidates are required to register for certificate verification. The authorities have announced the registration dates and Helpline centers.  
  • One has to report at the center and have to produce the rank card to the officer and then wait for their turn in the registration hall.
  • When the rank is called out, pay the processing fee and a receipt cum verification form is issued.
  • Collect the verification form from the computer operator at the registration counter. One should make sure to verify the mobile no. and Aadhaar Card No.
  • To complete the whole Registration Process, one has to enter TS EAMCET Hall Ticket No., Rank scored and sign in the register provided.
  • After this, wait in the registration hall till the time you are called for Certificate Verification.

Stage 2: Certificate Verification

  1. In this step, candidates who have successfully registered for the document verification are called out.
  2. One needs to verify all the details (Gender, Category, DOB, Mobile and Aadhaar Card No., Eligibility etc) on registration cum verification form are correct or not. In case of any discrepancy, contact the verification officer for corrections.
  3. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/BC categories, contact the caste verification officer. Submit their original caste certificates for verification and clearance. After verification, report to one of the Certificate Verification Officer.
  4. Candidates from OC Category have to directly report to the certificate verification officer.
  5. After getting all the documents and details verified, you will be issued a receipt for the same. Collect the print out of the same. If in case of any correction to be made, contact the Chief Verification Officer. Append your signature after verifying the data.
  6. Collect your manual option form and then leave the counselling hall.

Stage 3: Exercising Choice Filling Option

  1. In this stage, a candidate has to select the college and course they wish to join. They need to select it in the form of priority.
  2. The options should be done from higher to lower preference. Select as many options as possible.
  3. The Seat Allotment for TS EAMCET 2019 is done according to the choices opted, seats available and courses opted.
  4. If all the vacancies are filled in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice, then one will be allotted a seat in subsequent order. 
  5. Candidates opting for manual option entry form has to mention their district code, course code and college code they wish to get in. This option helps a candidate to save time and also helps to fill the details correctly online.

Stage 4: Logout

After successfully completing the Option Entry, click on ‘Logout’. After clicking the tab, 3 Options will appear- ‘Save and Logout’; ‘Confirm Logout’ and ‘Cancel Logout’.

  1. If you click on ‘Cancel Logout’, it will retain the Option Entry Form for entry to some more options.
  2. f you click on ‘Save & Logout’, it will save the option exercised up to that point of time and display the details of the options exercised.
  3. Clicking on ‘Confirm Logout’, it will directly display the details of the options saved up to that instant.

Procedure for Web Options Entry:

  1. Immediately after Certificate Verification, the Login ID will be sent to the candidates registered Mobile Number. All the messages/OTPs/Allotment detais etc, will be sent to the Registered Mobile Numbers, hence advised to keep the mobile with you till the end of admission process.Download the list of colleges/branches/districts from the website
  2. Take the print out of the manual option entry form from the website.
  3.  Consult parents/ friends and prepare maual option entry from as per your preference duly writing institution code, branch code and district code, This is for your convenience and to avoid mistakes and save time while entering web options.Candidate can excercise and modify the options any number of times within the scheduled dates.
  4. Candidate has to excercise as many options as possible to avoid disappointment of not getting a seat.Candidate are advised to excercise options carefully in the order of priority. The order of priority of options is the important criteria in securing the seat.The candidates can excercise options from Home/Internet/Help Line Center (HLC).
  5. If the candidates is excercising options from Internet Center, make sure that proper logout is done after saving the options to avoid manipulation of the password by the Internet center person.
  6. Generate the password by clicking on candidates Registration link in the website.
  7. Do not share the password with others.
  8. After successful password generation, Login with the details under the Link candidates Login and enter OTP as received in registered Mobile Number.
  9. Refer the manual option entry form prepared by you and enter the options in the werbsite.
  10. Candidates are advised to exercise options carefully in the order of priority. The order of priority o options is the important criteria in securing the seat.
  11. Candidates has to exercise as many options as possible to avoid disappointment of not  getting the seat.
  12. Candidate can exercise and modify the options any number of times with in the schedule dates.Take a print out of final options saved for reference

Certificates Required for Verification

Candidates have to bring the following certificates in original along with 2 sets of Photocopies at the time of Counselling Process:

  1. TS EAMCET 2019 Rank Card
  2. Photo ID Proof
  3. TS EAMCET 2019 Hall Ticket
  4. S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo
  5. VI to Inter Study Certificates,
  6. Transfer Certificate (T.C)
  7. Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-cum-Pass Certificate
  8. Caste Certificate issued by competent authority if applicable.
  9. Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for a period of 10 years in case of Non-Local candidates.
  10. Residence certificate in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education
  11. For Physically Challenged (PH) / Children of Armed Personnel (CAP) / NCC/Sports / Minority Certificate needs to produce -
  12. PH-certificate issued by District Medical Board – Only candidates with 40% and above disability are considered eligible

CAP-certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer - Identity card and Discharge book (in case of Ex-Servicemen) and Service Certificate (in case of in-service men) issued by Competent Authority for verification.

NCC & Sports - Original Certificates issued by competent authorities
Minorities - SSC TC containing Minority Status or Certificate from the headmaster
Anglo-Indian - Certificate issued by Tahsildar of their place of residence

Note: It is advisable to fill many choices as it increases the chances of getting a seat.

Note: Candidates can add, modify or delete the details as many times as they want to within the time frame that is provided. The options saved in the server on the last day will be frozen. If you wish to change the frozen details, then you need to approach any of the help center provided. This will be the final chance to get any of the changes done.

Direct Link to TS EAMCET Registration