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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

How to apply for Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager posts 2019,Apply online till June 15

How to apply for Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager posts 2019,Apply online till June 15

Apply for StreeNidhi Assistant Manager Posts 2019 till June 15.Streenidhi credit cooperative Federation Ltd Hyderabad has given the Assistant Manager Posts Recruitment 2019 notification and online applications are invited from the eligible candidate for the above said posts.You can now submit your application form by providing the required information.The online application form has been activated for applying from May 30 for the post of Assistant Manager in StreeNidhi,Telangana.We suggest you to look at all parts of the form carefully before starting to complete it.
How to apply for Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager posts 2019,Apply online till June 15 /2019/06/
How to apply for Stree Nidhi Assistant Manager posts 2019,Apply online till June 15

Assistant Manager Posts:144
Last date to apply:15-06-2019

Streenidhi is conducting this recruitment drive to fill in the 144 vacancies for Assistant Managers post in Districts of Telangana state.The official notification states ''the selected candidates for the post are required to work in any mandal(s)/town(s) alloted to them in native district concerned.For administration convenience ,they may also be posted in neighbouring districts.''


a). Candidate must possess the required educational  qualifications as on 31.03.2019 and possess degree certificate.

b). Bachelor Degree from any recognized University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provisional Act, a State Act or an institution recognized by the UGC or n equivalent qalification with minimum 55% marks for OCs, 50% marks in case of BCs and 45% marks in case of SCs/STs/PWD.

Age Limits : 

25 Years to 30 Years
Upper age limit relaxed as mentioned below:
a). 3 years in case of BCs
b). 5 years in case of SCs / STs / PWD

Streenidhi Credit Cooperative Federation Ltd,Telangana is an apex society at state level registered under State Cooperative Societies Act,1964 with its registered office at Hyderabad.

Important instructions to candidates:

  1. Candidates with criminal back ground/where  disciplinary proceeding is pending are not eligible to apply.
  2. While applying for the post ,the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfills the prescribed eligibility norms and the particulars furnished are correct in all aspects.In case if it is detected at any stage that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility conditions or that he/she has furnished any incorrect /false information or has suppressed any material facts ,the appointment will be cancelled.
  3. Mere submission of application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on them any right to be called for written exam.
  4. The Managing director ,Streenidhi reserves the right to keep in abeyance or cancel the recruitment at any point of time without assigning any reason.
  5. Legal disputes ,if any,will be entertained within the jurisdiction of Hyderabad only.
  6. As this Assistant Manager job involves touring and those who are capable can apply.
  7. Documents received which are improper scanned /blurred will be rejected.

Required documents:

  1. Passport size photograph(not more than 50 kb)
  2. Signature (not more than 30 kb)
  3. SSC marks memorandum
  4. Degree Certificate and memorandum of marks
  5. Computer proficiency certificate
  6. Any other qualification ,relevant certificate and memorandum of marks 
  7. Caste certificate issued by the Competent Authority
  8. PWD certificate ,in case of differently abled person 

How to apply:

Online application form will be available on the official websites and
The candidates are advised to fill the application form online and upload the required scanned copies in jpg format only and size of the document shall not exceed 150 kb. No application shall be entertained after the stipulated date and time.
Submission of applications in another form will not be accepted.

Also Read | Stree Nidhi Telangana AM Recruitment 2019 Apply For 144 Assistant Manager Posts

Steps to fill Streenidhi online application form 2019:

step 1:Visit the official website-
step 2:Click on ''Apply Online'' on the home page under running 'Assistant Manager Notification
step 3:Register yourself
step 4:Fill the application form with required information like
 a.Personal details should be filled in section 1
 b.Education details should be filled in section 2
 c.Work details should be filled in section 3
Tick the declaration under section 4
step 5:Finally,submit the application form
step 6:Download the confirmation page and take a printout for future reference.

Click here for direct link to Apply for Streenidhi Recruitment

Important dates:

Online applications can be submitted from 10:30 a.m on 30-05-2019.
Last date and time for submission:5:00 p.m on 15-06-2019.