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Thursday, June 27, 2019

AP DEECET 2019 Provisional Admisssion Letter, Seat Allotment List, Fee Details

AP DEECET 2019 Provisional Admisssion Letter, Seat Allotment List, Fee Details

AP DEECET Allotment Order 2019 available. We have provided the AP DIETCET Admission Letter and Fee Pay Challan. Download Phase 1 AP DEECET 2019 Admission Letter here. Also, get AP DIETCET 2019 Pay Slip, Important Dates in following sections. You can get more information regarding AP Diploma in Elementary Education & Common Entrance Test 2019 on this page. So, the candidates who have completed their APDEECET Counselling Process can check the below details.

AP DEECET 2019 Provisional Admisssion Letter, Seat Allotment List, Fee Details /2019/06/

AP DEECET means Andhra Pradesh Diploma in Elementary Education and Common Entrance Test. Every year the Andhra Pradesh State Board of Higher Education will organize the DIETCET 2019 Exam. Similarly, in the year 2019, Andhra Pradesh Government released the notification to conduct the TTC Entrance Exam. The primary objective of conducting this exam is to provide entry for various Teacher Training Institutes. So, a large number of candidates all over the Andhra Pradesh registered for the exam and completed the TTC Entrance Exam. A few days ago the AP Government announced the DEECET Results. Recently, the AP Government has conducted the AP DIETCET Counselling Dates & Process 2019 here.

AP DEECET/ DIETCET 2019 Allotment Letter Download
We have provided the Complete information regarding the Andhra Pradesh DIETCET Allotment Order 2019. So, the candidates willing to know about the allotted college can download the AP DEECET Phase I 2019 allotment letter. We suggest the students download the Phase I DEECET AP Allotment Letter as soon as possible. After downloading the AP TTC Entrance Exam Admission Letter you have to check for the assigned college.

Not only the allotted college but also you can download the fee payment challan form. So, check the Allotment order and join the college within the given time. Otherwise, your admission is rejected and that seat is assigned to other students in the second Counselling. The candidates can get admission into D.Ed courses through the AP DEECET 2019. For any other doubts, aspirants can visit the official website that is

How to Download AP TTC Entrance Exam Allotment Letter 2019?
We have provided the steps clearly to download the Andhra Pradesh DIETCET Admission Letter 2019. You can also get the Fee Challan on this page. You can easily download with the help of the details given below. Download the AP DIETCET Allotment Order and join in the college at the mentioned time.

AP DIETCET Allotment Order Download Link
Candidates who have completed their 1st Phase AP DIETCET Counselling and want to join in the D.Ed courses can download the Admission Letter and Fee Pay Challan by using the below link. By click on the below link, aspirants will be redirected to the direct homepage where aspirants can enter their registration details to get the AP DEECET Phase I Admission Letter. So, willing candidates can click on the below link to obtain the AP DEECET 2019 Admission Letter & Fee Challan.

Steps to Download the AP DIETCET Allotment Letter:

First of all, go to Official Website @
At the home page check for the AP DEECET Allotment Order 2019 Link.
Then click on the particular link and enter your hall ticket number and password.
Now, your allotment order is displayed on the screen.
Download the file and save it.
Finally, take a print out of the copy for future reference.

List of Documents to be produced at the time of Certificates verification:

Pdf of Online application of AP DEECET 2019.
Rank card of AP DEECET 2019.
SSC or its  Equivalent Cerftificate for proof of Date if Birth.
Certificates of Qyalifying examination Inter or equivalent as submitted in the Online application.
Study Certificate from Class IVth to Xth. In case of private study Residence Certificate issued by the MRO.
Tranfer certificate from the institution where last studied.
Integrated Community Certificate issued by MRO for candidates caliming admission under quota for reservation of BC/SC/ST categories.
Special category certificates issued by concerned authority for candidates claiming admission under quota of reservation for special catefgories.
PH certificate issued by the District Medical Board in case of candidates claiming reservation under quota for PH category.
(CAP, NCC, Sports).
Income certificates issued by Tahsildhar after 01.01.2019 of parents of SC & ST candidates whose income is less than Rs.2,00,000/- per annum from all sources and Rs.1,00,000/- in respect of BC candidates claiming exemption of Tuition fee (Rs.2,385.00 in case of colleges under Government Management and Tuition fee Rs.11,000.00 in case of colleges under Private Management for one year).

AP DEECET Wen Options - Web Counselling Schedule:

Steps to be followed in First Phase of Counselling.

  • Preparation of seat matrix (Rank Assignment).
  • Submission of web based options by candidates.
  • Issue of Final Admission letter.
  • Allotment of seats to candidates.
  • Issue of provisional letters of admission.
  • Verification of certificates of DIETS.

First Phase AP DEECET Counselling:

  1. Rank Assignment : 27.06.2019.
  2. Download Rank Card : 28.06.2019.
  3. Submission of Web options by candidates ; 29.06.2019 to 02.07.2019.
  4. Allotment of seats : 03.07.2019 to 05.07.2019.
  5. Issue of provisional letters of admission : 06.07.2019.
  6. Verification of certificates of DIETS and Issue Final admission letter : 07.07.2019 to 10.07.2019.
  7. 1st day of Instruction : 11.07.2019.

The DEECET 2019 candidates, who are given web options in the phase 1 web based counselling stram, they can download your provisional Allotment Letter from AP DEECET Websits and check your name in your college list. They should attend the certificate verification along with required documents.

Here we are provided model Provisional Allotment Letter for Phase 1 Certificate Verification. Candidates should prepare the required list of documents to be produced at the time of verification of certificates and check your in you are alloted particular college. When the Phase 1 web counselling and allotment of seats process was completed, the 2nd phase web options process will be started. DEECET candidates should follow the below instructions for downloading the PAL.

How to download the Provisional Admission Letter:

First visit the AP DEECET Counselling Website : AP
Now search for the provisional admission letter and click on it. AP DEECET provisional admission letter downloading web will be opened.
Then enter your Hall Ticket No.
Enter your Date of Birth.
Then click on Go button.
Appear your seat allotment details.
Read the Instructions given on it and carry it to the further counselling i.e, certificates verification process.


AP DEECET 2019 Provisional Admission Letter