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Thursday, June 6, 2019


Applications are invited from Diploma holders in Agriculture, Seed Technology and Organic Farming for admission into four years B.Sc.(Hons) Agriculture Degree Programme through AGRICET to be held on 13.09.2021 for the academic year 2021-22. For further details please visit our website: Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University invites online applications from Diploma holders in Agriculture, Seed Technology and Organic Farming for admission into four years B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture Degree programme through a computer based test AGRICET 2021 for the academic year 2021-22. 
What are the Particulars of AGRICET-2021?
1 The test will be conducted on 13.09.2021 between 10.30AM to 12.00 Noon
2 The Entrance test is 1.30 hour duration and the question paper consist of a total 120 questions.
3 All questions are objective type (multiple choice) only and each question carries one mark.
The candidates shall have to answer by means of online mode.
4 The syllabus prescribed by the ANGRAU to Diploma courses in Agriculture, Seed
Technology and Organic Farming. 
What is the Eligibility Criteria  of AGRICET-2021?
1 Candidates should have passed two year Diploma in Agriculture/Seed Technology/Organic
Farming from ANGRAU/PJTSAU. (those who are going to complete the diploma  requirements in 2020-21 academic year can also apply).
2 Candidates should have complete 17 years of age as on 31st December 2021 with an upper age limit 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of S.C, S.T and 27 years in respect of PH candidates.
Note:The candidates are eligible to write exam in their respective discipline only.

Total number of B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture seats (supernumerary) allotted to Diploma holders: 
Out of these 72 seats under Affiliated Agricultural Colleges, 65% of the seats will be filled
under Convener Quota at the time of counseling and the remaining 35% seats will be filled by the Management of affiliated Agricultural Colleges from the merit list obtained from the
AGRICET-2021 examination duly following the rules and regulations of the University. 
What is the Reservation Process for AP AGRICET -2021 ?
1 As per rules of Government of Andhra Pradesh.
2 The above seats will be allocated in the ratio of 85% for local candidates and remaining 15%
seats will be treated as unreserved quota.
What is the  Medium of Entrance Test?
 The question paper contains questions in Telugu medium.
What are the List of Centers for Entrance Test? 
What is the Process for Submission of Application for AGRICET-2021?
The candidates shall submit his/her AGRICET-2021 application ONLINE through the University website: with a fee of Rs. 1200/- (Rupees one thousand two
hundred only) and Rs.600/- (Rupees six hundred only) in case of SC, ST & PH candidates.
The last date for submission of application without late fee is 13.08.2021. 
The candidates may also submit their online applications with late fee of Rs. 2,400/- (Rupees two thousand four hundred only) for General candidates. For SC/ST/PH Rs. 1,800/- (Rupeesone thousand eight hundred only) from 14.08.2021to 17.08.2021.
Candidates need to make payment online through Multiple Payment Gateway. After successful completion of online submission of application, the candidate must send
the hardcopy of the submitted ONLINE application along with the following documents (by
Regd.Post/Speed Post) so as to reach “The Convener – AGRICET-2021, O/o The Associate
Director of Research, RARS, Lam -522034, Guntur District, A.P. on or before “21.08.2021”
List of documents to be attached with the hard copy of ONLINE application:
1. Hard copy of online submitted Application form
2. Proof of Age (Xerox copy of SSC certificate)
3. Attested copy of the marks statement of X standard and Diploma Course (or) Completion
Certificate of Diploma issued by the Head of the Institute.
4. Latest character certificate issued by the Head of the Institute last attended indicating that he/ she has never been found guilty of misconduct during the study period and never been fined and punished.
5. Latest Caste Certificate (in case of SC/ST/BCs) issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer.
6. Proof of local status (last 7 years) through study or residence.
7. Certificates issued by the concerned authorities in the case of Special categories like PH,
NCC, Sports and CAP.
8. Self attested passport size photograph
9. Payment acknowledgement (Transaction ID/UTR) paid through onlinefor Rs. 1200/-(Rs.
600/- in case of SC/ST/PH) (or)in the event of late fee paid Rs. 2,400/- (Rs. 1800/- in case of
Note: Candidates are informed that submission of hardcopy ONLINE
application along with the necessary documents is mandatory, w i t h o u t
which he/she will not be eligible for counseling process.
2021onwards.The hall ticket can be downloaded by entering the Registration Number of the
applicant from the University website: with respective diploma
specialization (Agriculture/Seed Technology/Organic Farming), with indicated Entrance Test Centres.
 The Hall ticket shall be presented at the Examination Hall, failing which the candidate will not be allowed for the test. (if the photograph/Signature is missing or blurred or invisible on Hall Ticket, paste your passport size photograph & sign in prescribed area duly attested by Gazetted Officer with seal and a Xerox copy of the same Hall Ticket is to be handed over to the invigilator).
The list of candidates applied online with the hall ticket numbers will also be displayed in the
University website.
Social Distance – Computer Based Testing (SD-CBT)
1 Mask
2 A pair of Hand Gloves
3 Personal Hand Sanitizer
4 Personal Transparent Drinking water bottle with water
5 A Simple pen
6 Admit Card, Identity Card issued by any statutory authority.
1 No other item will be permitted inside the exam centre. The admit card will clearly states the items permitted to be carried and that they are not permitted to carry anything else.
2 Candidates will be told to switch off their mobile phones, and deposit it at the designated location, to be collected while exiting.
What are the Qualifying marks for AGRICET 2021?
 The qualifying percentage of marks for the AGRICET 2021 is 25% (30 marks out of 120 marks) of the maximum marks considered for ranking.
 However, for candidates belonging to SC and ST, no minimum qualifying marks are prescribed. But their admission will be limited to the extent of seats reserved for such categories (vide G.O.Ms.No.179, LEN & TE, Dated:16.06.1986). 
AGRICET – 2021 results 
The merit list of the candidates will be displayed in the University website
and the eligible candidates shall be informed about the counseling date though the University
website. For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student securing the same
combined score obtained, the tie shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking by successively considering the following.
I. The total marks secured in AGRICET-2021
II. The percentage of aggregate marks secured in the qualifying examination
III. SSC Overall Grade Point
IV. If the tie still persists the date of birth of the concerned candidates, the older being
given preference over the younger. 
The counseling for admissions will be held at auditorium, RARS, LAM, Guntur.
Help line No. 9440137105
Timings: 10.00A.M to 5.00PM
1. Hall Ticket must be carried at the Test Center and also in examination hall. Failing
which he/she will not be allowed to appear for the test.
2. The test is of 1½ hours duration. The date and time are indicated on the Hall ticket.
Candidates should reach the test center in time. Candidates will be allowed into the
examination hall half an hour before the scheduled starting time. Candidates will not
be allowed into the examination hall after the test has started and will not be permitted
to leave examination hall before the closure of test time under any circumstances.
3. The candidate has to follow meticulously all the instructions given on the question
paper booklet, else his/her answer sheet may not be valued.
4. The test will be of objective type with multiple-choice questions with only one answer
being correct among the four alternatives suggested.
5. Carrying of calculators, Log Tables, Cell Phones, any other electronic gadgets and
loose papers into the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
6. If the photograph/Signature is missing or blurred or invisible on Hall Ticket, paste
your passport size photograph & sign in prescribed area duly attested by Gazetted
Officer, and a Xerox copy of the same is to be handed over to the invigilator. Further
they are required to produce any one personal identity such as AADHAR CARD or
7. Inform the Candidates that “Adoption of any kind of unfair means and act of
impersonation at the test will render the candidate liable for invalidation of his/her answer script. Further, he/she will forfeit the claim of appearing for further test and
will make him/her liable for prosecution”. 
What are the Important Dates for AGRICET 2021? 
  1. Notification of AGRICET 2021 24-07-2021
  2. Commencement of submission of Online application form 29-07-2021
  3. Last date of submission of Online application form (without late fee) 13-08-2021
  4. Last date of submission of application form with late fee 17-08-2021
  5. Edit option of online application data already submitted by the candidate 19-08-2021 to 20-08-2021
  6. Hard Copies to reach Convenor, AGRICET-2021 25-08-2021
  7. Downloading of Hall-Tickets from website: 26-08-2021 to 30-08-2021
  8. AGRICET 2021 - Examination 13-09-2021
  9. Time of Examination 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon

AP AGRICET 2019: ANGRAU B.Sc (Ag) Admissions 2019-20

AGRICET 2019: ANGRAU B.Sc (Ag) Admissions 2019-20 | AP AGRICET 2019 Application Form | AGRICET 2019 Application Form Fee, Syllabus, Exam Pattern & Exam Date | AP Agricet 2019 (BSc Agriculture Entrance Test )by ANGRAU | AGRICET 2019: Admission Process, Exam Dates, Syllabus, Result | AGRICET Result 2019 Date - Check Cut Off, Merit List, Counselling

AP AGRICET 2019 Notification: 

 Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU)is going to Conduct AGRICET-2019 on 21st July 2019. Applications are invited from Diploma holders in Agriculture and Seed Technology for admission into four years B.Sc (Ag.) Degree Programme through AGRICET 2019 for the academic year 2019-20. For further details and downloading the application form and Eligibility, Syllabus etc, will be mentioned in schools360 and in
AGRICET 2019: ANGRAU B.Sc (Ag) Admissions 2019-20 AGRICET 2019: ANGRAU B.Sc (Ag) Admissions 2019-20 | AP AGRICET 2019 Application Form | AGRICET 2019 Application Form Fee, Syllabus, Exam Pattern & Exam Date | AP Agricet 2019 (BSc Agriculture Entrance Test )by ANGRAU | AGRICET 2019: Admission Process, Exam Dates, Syllabus, Result | AGRICET Result 2019 Date - Check Cut Off, Merit List, Counselling AP AGRICET 2019 Notification: /2019/06/

Important Dates of AGRICET 2019

  1. Application Forms accepted from : ...................
  2. Last date to submit the Application Form :..................
  3. Last date to submit the Application Form with Late Fee : ...................
  4. AGRICET 2019 Exam Date : 21st July 2019

B. Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme for the Academic Year 2019 -20

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University invites applications from Diploma holders in Agriculture and Seed Technology for admission into four years B.Sc. (Ag.) Degree programme
through AGRICET 2019 forthe academic year 2019 -20.

Particulars of AGRICET-2019

 The test is on  21st July 2019  between 10.30AM and 12.00 Noon

The Entrance test is 1.30 hour duration and the question paper consist of a total 120 questions.
All question are objective type (multiple choice) only and each question carries one mark. The candidates shall have to answer in OMR sheet.
The syllabus prescribed by the ANGRAU to Diploma courses in Agriculture and Seed Technology.

Candidates should have passed two year Diploma in Agriculture/Seed Technology from ANGRAU/PJTSAU. (those who are going to complete the diploma requirements in 2016-17 academic year can also apply).
Candidates should have complete 17 years of age as on 31st December of the year of admission with an upper age limit 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of S.C, S.T and 27 years in respect of PH candidates.

Total number of B.Sc (Ag.) seats (supernumerary) allotted to Diploma holders:
University (Govt.) Agricultural Colleges:
The total number of seats in University (Government) Agricultural Colleges are 112 (101 for Agriculture Diploma holders and 11 for Seed Technology Diploma holders).

Private Agricultural Colleges :
The total number of seats reserved for Diploma holders of Agriculture and Seed Technology in all private Agricultural Colleges(6) are 72 and out of these 72 seats 65% of the seats will be filled under Convenor Quota at the time of counseling and the remaining 35% seats will be filled by the Management of Private Agricultural Colleges from the merit list obtained from the AGRICET-2019 examination by duly following the rules and regulations of the University.

AGRICET 2019 Exam Date : 21st July 2019

Reservation : i) As per rules of Government of Andhra Pradesh.
ii). The above seats will be allocated in the ratio of 85% for local candidates and remaining 15% seats will be treated as unreserved quota.

Medium of Entrance Test: The question paper contains questions in Telugu medium.

Centers for Entrance Test:
Sl.No. Name of the Examination Centre
1. S.V.Agricultural College, Tirupati, Chittoor District.
2. Agricultural College,Bapatla, Guntur District.
3. Agricultural College, Naira, Srikakulam District.

VII: Submission of Application for AGRICET-2019:

The candidates may apply for admission in prescribed proforma along with a Demand Draft for 500/-(Rupees five hundred only) for General Candidates and Rs.250/- (Rupees Two hundred and fifty only) in case of SC, ST & PH candidates DD draw in favour of Comptroller, ANGRAU, payable at Guntur.
Application form can be download from the University
CompletedApplication in all aspects along with 2 self addressed envelopes affixed with Rs.5/- postal stamp must reach by 5.00PM on or before............., either in person or by post to Convenor, AGRICET 2019, Office of the Associate Director of Research, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tirupati – 517502.

Submission of Applications with late fee:
The candidates may also submit their Applications with late fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for General Candidates and Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) for SC,ST& PH candidates DD draw in favour of Comptroller, ANGRAU, payable at Guntur from 25.06.2017 to 30.06.2017.

Issue of hall Tickets
The list of eligible candidates along with the hall ticket numbers will be displayed in the University website on,............. those candidates who have not received the hall tickets can however download the Hall Ticket from the University website and attend the Test.
Applications received after the last date will not be accepted. University will not be responsible for any postal delay.

Certificates / Documents to be enclosed with the Application

  1. Diploma Certificate/Course completion Certificate
  2. Date of Birth Certificate
  3. Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/BC candidates issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer.
  4. Aadhar number
  5. PH, NCC, Sports and Defense etc. Certificates issued by the concerned authorities.
  6. Study or Residence or relevant Certificates for proof of local status (last 7 years)

Qualifying marks for AGRICET 2019.

The qualifying percentage of marks for the AGRICET 2019 is 25% of the maximum marks considered for ranking. However, for candidates belonging to scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, no minimum qualifying mark is prescribed. But their admission will be limited to the extent of seats reserved for such categories (vide G.O.Ms.No.179, LEN & TE, Dated:16.06.1986).

AGRICET – 2019 results

The merit list of the candidates will be displayed in the University website and the eligible candidates shall be informed about the counseling date by post or though the University website. For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student securing the same combined score obtained, the tie shall be resolved to decide the relative ranking by successively considering the following.

  1. The total marks secured in AGRICET-2019
  2. The percentage of aggregate marks secured in the qualifying examination
  3. SSC Overall Grade Point
  4. If the tie still persists the date of birth of the concerned candidates, the older being given preference over the younger.
  5. The counseling for admissions will be held at auditorium, RARS, LAM, Guntur.

The OMR Answer sheets of AGRICET-2017 will be preserved for one year from the date of publication of results after which they shall be disposed off.

List of Enclosures:

  1. Proof of Age (Xerox copy of SSC certificate).
  2. Attested copy of the marks statement of X standard and Diploma Course.
  3. Latest character certificate issued by the Head of the Institute last attended indicating that he/she has never been found guilty of misconduct during the study period and never been fined or punished.
  4. Latest caste certificate (in case of SC/ST/BC’s) issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer.
  5. Certificates issued by the concerned authorities in the case of Special categories like PH,NCC, SPORTS and CAP.
  6. Three passport sixe photographs pasted on the application form.
  7. Two self addressed envelopes with Rs.5/- postal stamps (for sending the hall ticket and rank card).
  8. Demand draft bearing No., Dates for 500/- (Rs.250/- in case of SC./ST/PH) drawn in favour of Comptroller, ANGRAU payable at Guntur. The filled in form should be sent by ......... to the Convener, AGRICET-2019, Office of the Associate Director of Research, RARS, Tirupati – -517502.
  9.  The candidates may also submit their Application with a late fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) for General Candidates and Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) for SC,ST& PH candidates DD drawn in favour of Comptroller, ANGRAU, payable at Guntur from .......

APGRICET 2019 Exam Pattern – Syllabus

  1. The AGRICET Entrance test is 1.30 hour duration and the question paper consist of a total 120 questions.
  2. All question are objective type (multiple choice) only and each question carries one mark.
  3. The candidates shall have to answer in OMR sheet.
  4. The syllabus prescribed by the ANGRAU to Diploma courses in Agriculture and Seed
  5. Technology.

AGRICET 2019 Application Fee

  1. AGRICET 2019 Application Fee Amount (in Rs)
  2. General Category Rs 500
  3. Reserved Category (SC, ST & PH) Rs 250
  4. Application Fee (Late) for General Category Rs 1000
  5. Application Fee (Late) for Reserved Category Rs 500

Download Official Notification:

AGRICET-2019 Notification
Apply Online 
Official Website