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Friday, June 28, 2019

TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2023 Free Coaching Admissions (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online

TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2023 Free Coaching Admissions  (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online

Boys and girls from Schedule caste students from Telangana are invited to apply for admission into Long Term NEET coaching in Operation Blue Crystal (OPBC) at TSWR COE (G) Gowlidoddi, TSWR IIT (B) Gowlidoddi, TSWR COE (B) Chilkur, TSWR COE (G) Narsingi for the academic year 2023-24. The selection is based on the results of NEET 2023.

TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions 2019 (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online /2019/06/TTWREIS-Long-Term-NEET-2020-Free-Coaching-Admissions-2019-National-Level-MBBS-Entrance-Test-apply-online.html

TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2023 Free Coaching Admissions (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online

No. of seats:
  1. Gowdipalli - 100
  2. Chilkur - 50
  3. Narsingi - 50

  1. Students who participated in NEET 2023 are eligible to apply for NEET Long Term Coaching.
  2. Income: Annual parental income should not exceed Rs. 1,50,000 in rura regions and Rs. 2,00,000 in urban areas.
  3. Students who have already enrolled in OPBC are ineligible for the 2023-24 batch.

  1. Students will be chosen using the seat matrix above depending on their NEET 2023 results.
  2. BC and OC seats will be filled on merit in NEET 2023, regardless of gender.
  3. The seats will be assigned in the following order.
  4. Candidates must apply online by assessing the TSWREI Society website at and paying Rs. 200 using the payment gateway.
  5. Candidates must attach their NEET 2023 score card and a picture with their application.
  6. Applicants without a NEET-2023 score card will be rejected.
  7. The application deadline is June 30, 2023.
  8. Selected applicants will be notified via SMS of their admission on 30.07.2023 and will be listed on the Society website.
  9. The certificaion verification will take place on 04.07.2023 at TSWR COE (G) Gowlododdi.
  10. The classes will begin on July 4, 2023
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TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2021 Free Coaching Admissions (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) Apply Online


Applications are invited from Boys and Girls of exclusively ST community for admission into NEET Long term coaching in Medical stream in Operation Emerald at TTW IIT Study Centre, Rajendranagar, Ranga Reddy District, Hyderabad to appear NEET-2022 for the academic year 2021-2022, from the state of Telangana. The Selection criteria are based on the NEET-2021 marks.

The following are the instructions to apply for admission.
1. The seats in Operation Emerald (OPEM) will be filled based on below seat matrix.
2. Students in take : 100 students from ST category (50 Boys + 50 Girls)  (Gond-12, Koya-13, Yerukula-05, Lambada-65 & Other ST Communities -05)
3. NEET-2021 cut off Marks:
a. For ST (Lambada, Yerukula, Koya, Gond) - At least 300 marks in NEET-2021 exam.
b. For PVTGs (Kondareddy, chenchu, Thoti, Kolawar, kolam, Mannewar)- there is no restriction on NEET-2021 marks.
4. Income: Parental income per annum Should not be more than Rs.1,50,000 in Rural and Rs.2,00,000 in Urban areas.
5. Students, who joined in OPEM earlier, are not eligible for 2021-2022 batch.
6. Submit application along with D.D. of Rs.100/- in favour of The Secretary, TTWREIS, Hyd – 28. PVTG students are exempted from paying application fee.
7. The candidates have to use the given application form which is available in to apply for Long term NEET coaching OPEM.
8. The candidates have to enclose caste, income certificates, NEET - 2021 score card and DD for Rs.100/- along with application. 
9. The application without NEET-2021 score card will not be valid.
10.70% of the total seats would be given only to the ST students who have studied in TTWREIS institutions and other Govt. Colleges.
11.The candidates have to submit the filled in applications along with required documents in any of the following RCO offices of TTWREIS.

12.The last date for applying is 22.11.2021.
13.Selected candidates will be informed through SMS regarding their admission on 24.11.2021 as well as placed in the website above portal.
14.The certificate verification will be on 26.11.2021 at TTW IIT Study Centre Rajendranagar, Hyderabad (students have to attend in person for the verification).
15.The Classes will commence from 29.11.2021.
16.The students have to follow the rules and regulations framed by the TTWREI Society.
17.The candidates can download the application from the website:
Clixk Here to Download


TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online

TTWREIS, TS Gurukulam NEET Free Coaching, TTWREIS/TSTWREIS Long term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions 2019; TTWREIS/TSTWREIS NEET Free Coaching 2019, National Level MBBS Entrance Test 2019 Free Coaching, Long Term Free Coaching Admissions 2019, TS Social Welfare Online Application Form, Long term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions, Application Form

TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions 2019 (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online /2019/06/TTWREIS-Long-Term-NEET-2020-Free-Coaching-Admissions-2019-National-Level-MBBS-Entrance-Test-apply-online.html

TTWREIS Long Term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions 2019 (National Level MBBS Entrance Test) apply online

Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TTWREIS/TSWREIS) has published the Long Term Intensive Coaching 2019 Notification for National Level MBBS Entrance Test NEET 2020 and the application are invited from Boys and Girls for admissions into Long Term Coaching for the academic year 2019-2020.

The Selected candidates will be informed
through SMS regarding their selection on 30.06.2019 as well as placed in the above portal.
The classes will commence from 01.07.2019.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The students must have scored marks and above in EAMCET-2019
  2. The student must have scored 250 marks and above in NEET-2019 (to select under 70% quota)
  3. Only students those who passed IPE in MArch, 2019 are eligible
  4. 50% seats for ST students studied in TTWREIS/ Govt.Jr.College and 50% for Private College
  5. The students who belong t ST community should apply (The Latest caste certificate issued by the Tahsildhar concerned)
  6. The total number of students intake is 100 only
  7. The income limit of the parents should be below 2.00 lakhs (Certificates issued by Tahasildhar of their native 1st June, 2019)

Selection Procedure :

The students will be selected on merit basis the student must have scored of 80 marks and above in EAMCET - 2019  (to select under 30% quota) and 250 marks and above in NEET-2019 (to select under  70% quota)

Venue of the Coaching :

TTWIIT Study Centre, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad in YTC Building.

The selected candidates will be informed through SMS.

Admission Processs:
The applicant should submit his/her application through online our website:
On-line application will starts from 20.06.2019.

Application Link : TTWREIS NEET Coaching Online Application

'Last date for submission of Online Application for admission into long term NEET-2019 : 28.06.2019
TTWREIS Website :

Important dates for NEET 2020 Coaching:

  • Last date for submission through online is on 28.06.2019.
  • Selected candidates will be informed through SMS  on 30.07.2019.
  • Classes will commence on 01.07.2019.


TTWREIS/TSTWREIS Long term NEET 2020 Free Coaching Admissions 2019
TTWREIS/TSTWREIS Long term Free Coaching Admissions Online Application Form 2019 (Live)