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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Schedule for Digital Lessons Transmission for Telanagana Schools July-2019

Schedule for Digital Lessons Transmission for Telanagana Schools July-2019

State Institute of Educational Technology(SIET) Hyderabad SIET, Hyderabad was established in 1985 with 100 percent financial assistance from Government of India, New Delhi as a Production Centre of Educational Television and Radio Programmes in regional language(Telgu) for school children in the age of 5 to 14.

Schedule for Digital Lessons Transmission for Telanagana Schools July-2019 /2019/06/Schedule-for-Digital-Lessons-Transmission-for- Telanagana-Schools-July-2019.html

SIET - State Institute of Educational Technology at Hyderabad focuses on research and production of audio and video programs. The main objective of this institution is to support the Department of School Education in the implementation of Educational policies and programs.

The Programmes Are:

  • Educational Video Programmes
  • Educational Radio Programmes
  • Interactive Multimedia Learning Objects

Ongoing activities of SIET: 

  1. Production of audio programmes for SSA for Classes I to VII both for Telugu and Urdu medium schools.
  2. Conduct of workshops and training programmes for persons involved in the use of media material.
  3. Production of education media material for both TV and Radio and transmission through Doordarshan and All India Radio, Hyderabad.
  4. Evaluation and Research on material produced by the Institute.
  5. Conversion of Video programmes into CDs and supply to schools.
  6. Production of video programmes for SSA(School Edn., Dept), MANA TV Channel and other Departments, for income generation.


SIET has released the Digital Lessons transmission schedule. Download Here