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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Dr YSRHU HORTICET - 2019, AP Horticulture Degree Entrance Test 2019

Dr YSRHU HORTICET - 2019, AP Horticulture Degree Entrance Test 2019

DR YSRHU HORTICET - 2019 AP Horticet Degree Entrance Test 2019 Notification

About the University
Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University, formerly Andhra Pradesh Horticultural University, is a state university located at Venkataramannagudem, near Tadepalligudem in West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. It was established in 2007 by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and focuses on education and research of horticultural science.

Dr YSRHU HORTICET - 2019, AP Horticulture Degree Entrance Test 2019 /2019/06/

Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University HORTICET-2019 Notification, Horticultural Common Entrance Test 2019. Entrance test for Diploma Horticulture Students for Admission in B.Sc,(Hons) Horticulture Course 2019-2020. Dr.Y.S.R. Horticulture University has to be published the Horticultural Common Entrance Test - 2019
soon on its web portal. The Y.S.R. Horticultural University invites the applications from Diplome in Horticultural candidates for admission into B.Sc.(Hons) Horticulture Degree Programme
for the academic year 2019-2020.Application form, Last date for applying, Exam date, Hall tickets, Results, Counselling dates for admission details are given here.

Check out the details of the Topic HORTICET 2019 Application Form, Fee, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Date, Eligibility. HORTICET is the state level common entrance exam for seeking admissions in B.Sc (Hons) Horticulture. This exam will be conducted by Dr.Y.S.R. Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem. Candidates who are interested and eligible for studying in this university can apply for the admission before the last date. Application form website address is also provided to you. Applications are to be submitted only through online mode. Go through the article, for more information about the entrance test.

The appplications are invited from Diploma holders in Horticulture from Andhra Pradesh for admission into B.Sc (Hon) Horticulture Degree Pragramme through HORTICET for the academic year 2019-2020. For more details and to download the application form, please visit our

HORTICET Eligibility Criteria :

The Eligibility Criteria for HORTICET which includes the Age limit and Educational Qualifications. Candidates should pass in Horticulture course from Dr.YSRHU/ANGRAU. (Those who will be completing in 2019-17 academic year can also apply through their principal/Vive principals of Horticultural Polytechnics under Dr. YSRHU. Submission of final memorandum of marks -cum-pass certificate of Diploma in Horticulture is must at the time of Admission counselling.

Age Limit : 

  • The age limit should be between 17-22 years.
  • For SC/ST candidates, the age limit is upto 25 years.
  • For Physically Challenged candidates, it is upto 27 years. 

Last date for Application : 30.06.2019

Educational Qualification :

Candidates who have passed Diploma in Horticulture from Dr.Y.S.R Horticultural University are eligible for applying the admissions.

HORTICET 2019 Exam Pattern

  1. The Exam is in Offline Mode.
  2. The questions will be of objective type.
  3. Each question paper contains 200 questions for 200 marks.
  4. The duration of each question paper is 2 hours.

HORTICET Syllabus 2019 :

  • The syllabus of the entrance exam contains all the subjects and topics covered in their Diploma in Horticulture.
  • Total No, of B.Sc (Hons) Horticulture seats alloted to diploma holders:
  • Total No. of sealts alloted to diploma holders is 15% of seats of B.Sc (Hons) Horticulture i.e, 83 seats 47 Govt. Colleges seats and 36 Private College seats.

As per the rules of Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The above seats will be allocated in the ratio of 85% for local candidates and the remaining 15% seats will be treated as unreserved quota.

How to Prepare HORTICET 2019 Exam :

  • The best source is to refer the past question papers and practice those model papers. When we refer the previous question papers then we automatically know the important topics and type of the questions.
  • Motivation and planning in the study are mandatory.
  • Put small daily targets, weekly targets and Revise the subject or topic as many times as possible until you are perfect on that.
  • Mark the questions that we feel important or tough.
  • Have to improve faith in yourself.

HORTICET Exam Date : 30.07.2019

How to Apply:
Interested candidates may apply for admission in the prescribed proforma (enclosed) along with a Demand Draft of Rs.700/- for General /BC candidates and for Rs.350/- in case of SC/ST/different abled persons drawn in favour of the'COMPTROLLER, Dr.Y.S.R. HORTICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, payable at TADEPALLIGUDEM Branch IFSC Code:ANDB0000550 on any Nationalized Bank (Original DD should be attached with the application form).
Application form duly filled should reach 'The Registrar, Dr.Y.S.R.Horticultural University, Venkataramannagudem-534101,  West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh on or before 30.06.2019 by 4.00 p.m either in person or by post.
Applications received after the last date will not be entertained and Dr.YSRHU is not responsible for any postal delay.

Last date for submission of Application : 30.06.2019
HORTICET Exam Date : 30.07.2019

For more deatails to placed on web portal....

For details please contact to the University Officials @

AP Horticulture Degree Entrance Test 2019 Application Form