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Thursday, June 27, 2019

CTET Admit Cards

CTET Admit Card 2019 has been released by Central Board of Secondary Education. Admit card of CTET can be downloaded at at from link below. Candidates who applied for Central Teacher Eligibility Test can download hall ticket and print it. Get download link on this page below. In case of any discrepancy, contact CTET Unit. Login with application number and date of birth. Candidates must bring admit card printout along with ID proof to centre on day of exam. Get here complete details of CTET Admit Card 2019 including download link, preparation tips and related information.

CTET Admit Cards 2019/06/

CTET 2019 Admit Cards download from The Central Board of Secondary Education issued CTET 2019 Notification. Central Teacher Eligibility Test, CTET - 2019 would be conducted on July 07, 2019. Candidates who have applied for the examination are required to download the admit
cards from the official website. As per past trends and normal procedure followed by CBSE for this examination, the CTET 2019 admit card download is expected to begin from next week or  latest by June 20 on Candidates are advised to keep a check on the official website to know the latest updates.

CTET Admit Card 2019 :

Central Board of Secondary Education is conducting CTET July 2019 Paper I and Paper II in pen and paper based mode at 107 cities in India. Know important dates related to CTET 2019 Admit Card from following table.

CTET 2019 Important Dates

Last date to do corrections in application form : 07 Apr 2019
CTET Admit Card 2019 Date :                                 21 June 2019
CTET 2019 Exam Date :                                         07 Jul 2019

Direct Link to Download CTET Admit Cards

You can login from any device. If you face any trouble in downloading, check login details first. Use latest version of web browser to download admit card.

Candidates are requested to note that the admit cards are usually released 2 to 3 weeks before the exmination date. There is no confirmed date availabe at present for the release of the admit cards. All the candidates are hence adviced to keep a check on the official website. Updates as and when available, would be also published on this page.

The examination would be conducted in two shifts.There will be two papers of CTET. Paper 1 will be conducted on 07.07.2019, timings from 9.30 a.m to 12.00 noon, and Paper 2 will be conducted on 07.07.2019 from 2.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m. Candidate who intends to be a teacher for both levels will have to appear in both papers (Paper  1 & 2). person who intends to teach classes Ist to Vth  while paper 2 is for candidates interested in TGT Grade or classes VIth to VIIIth. The questions would be Multiple choice questions and there is no negative marking. Candidates are required to select the correct alternatives. CTET for a person to be eligible for appointment as teacher for class Ist to VIIIth.

#1. Know the complete syllabus of CTET 2019 and its exam pattern.

Candidates appearing in Paper 1 should be fluent with syllabus of class 1 to 5. And those appearing in Paper 2 must have knowledge of syllabus of classes 6 to 8 of that subject which they opted. Also, official syllabus of CTET should be referred.

#2. Practice from previous year question papers of CTET

Actual CTET question papers of previous years give the accurate picture of difficulty level, types of questions. Also, practicing that in given time will enhance speed and accuracy.

#3. Take mock tests of CTET 2019

Practicing is the key to clearing CTET. For this reason, AglaSem has launched CTET Mock Tests for free. You can take it right now.

CTET Paper 1 Mock Tests          CTET Paper 2 Mock Tests

          Mathematics                                                Maths and Science
               Hindi                                                           Hindi
               EVS                                                                 English
            English                                                     Social Science
               CDP                                                                    CDP
    Mathematics in Hindi                                Mathematics and Science in Hind
         EVS in Hindi                                               Social Science in Hindi
          CDP in Hindi                                                 CDP in Hindi

#4. Study NCF

There are questions from National Curriculum Framework in CTET exam. Therefore one should study it well.

#5. Refer few good books over multiple books

There are an abundant number of books to prepare for CTET that are available in market. It is important to refer only few good books rather than trying to study from several. Go for NCERT for theory, and selective few to practice questions.

CBSE Officials will be uploaded Hall tickets of eligible test on their official The candidates may download their amdit cards from CBSE website and appear for the examination at the given centre.

Unable to download CTET Admit Card due to “Remove Image Discrepancy” error – Know What To Do Next!
Several candidates have reported that they are getting the error “Remove Image Discrepancy” when they are logging in to get CTET Admit Card. Don’t worry. This is what you have to do next!

Step 1:- First of all, when you login for CTET Admit Card 2019, you see the message “There is a discrepency in your photograph and/or signature. You are requested to upload correct photograph and/or signature as per guidelines given in CTET Information Bulletin July 2019.” Scroll down and click the link “Remove Image Discrepancy”.

Step 2:- Now instead of CTET Admit Card, you will see the photograph and signature you had uploaded during registration. Check for “Edit option”. You need to re-upload correct image of that where Edit is mentioned. Wherever “No Action Required” is mentioned, that means you do not need to change that image.

Image              Format              Dimension                        Size

Photograph         JPEG/JPG 3.5 cm (widt) x 4.5 cm (height)   10 to 100 kb
Signature           JPEG/JPG 3.5 cm (widt) x 1.5 cm (height)            3 to 30 kb

Please note that if your image was as per above guidelines and still it was rejected, then probably it was unclear or not fulfilling some other criteria. Please upload clear images to get CTET Admit Card.

Step 3:- Once you have uploaded the image, you will get the following screen. Here you will see the message “New scanned Photograph is uploaded. Note:-After ADMIN Approval, previous uploaded image(s) will be replaced with newly uploaded image(s). Candidate is advised to login again and check his/her current status. Only after ADMIN approval, candidate will be allowed to download the Admit Card.”.

Step 4:- Login after 24-48 hours in order to download admit card of CTET 2019.

How To Download CTET 2019 Admit Card from

The steps to download CTET Admit Card from are simple. We explain them in steps below along with illustrations and video to make the process easier. If you still face any issue, please comment below.

Step 1 – Remember that is the official website of CTET July 2019 exam. So first of all, go there.

Step 2 – Now, on the official website, you will see a link for admit card download. You will see this link only if admit card download facility is active at that time. If it is there, click it.

Step 3 – CBSE briefly activated two links of admit card download due to heavy load on server. Now there is only one option, that is to download using application number and date of birth. So when you reach the next page, click on link that appears on it.

Step 4 – Now you reach a login page. Here you have to enter your CTET 2019 Application Number and Date of Birth. Please see the forgot application number, forgot password links if you have forgotten any data.

Step 5 – As soon as you hit the submit button, your CTET 2019 admit card PDF gets downloaded. Go through all details in it. Then print it.

Forgot Registration Number – How To Download CTET Admit Card 2019 Without It?

As you can see in the above steps, registration number or application number is one of the most crucial things to download your CTET Admit Card. But what happens if you lose it? Don’t worry, there is a way out.

When you are accessing the admit card download page, you will see one link called Forgot Application Number, that leads to Find Application Number

Forgot Registration Number
In this case, you will be asked to enter your name, mother’s name, father’s name, date of birth. Then the database will check your registration and send or display your registration number of CTET 2019.

Forgot Password

If you go to CTET Login Page then you also see an option called forgot password. In this case, you will get 3 options. You can recover password using

Security question and its answer chosen during form filling
Verification code sent via text message (SMS) to your registered phone number
Reset link sent via email to your registered email address
Depending upon whichever option you want to go ahead with, reset your CTET 2019 Password.

CTET Admit Card by Name and Date of Birth
If you only have your name details then you can download your admit card by getting registration number first. Direct link to find application number is given on this page above. Also steps to get registration number from there are explained above. All you have to do is enter name details and you will get your application number. Then you can download CTET Admit Card from with it and date of birth.

Exam Instructions :

Please read these carefully. Some important points that are usually in CTET Admit Card are:

In the event that signature and/or photograph is missing or not visible, then candidates are supposed to do as said in the admit card. As per it, candidates have to send an email to CTET Unit with their signature and/or photograph to Candidates with missing / not visible photograph and signature are not allowed to sit in exam centre.

CTET Unit should be contacted if there is any error in admit card.

Do all rough work in test booklet. You should not do any rough work in answer sheet.

You must do entry in exam hall sharply as per schedule.

CTET 2019 Exam Day Schedule

            Activity                                         Paper I                                  Paper II

  1. Enter exam hall                               8.00 a.m                                  12:30 p.m
  2. CTET 2019 Admit 
  3. card checking                                    9.00 a.m to 9:15 a.m     1:30 p.m to 1:45 p.m
  4. CTET Question 
  5. Paper distribution                             9:15 a.m                                1:45 p.m
  6. Break test booklet seal 
  7. and take out answer sheet             9:25 a.m                                1:55 p.m
  8. Last entry in exam hall                     9:30 a.m                                2.00 p.m
  9. CTET 2019 starts                             9:30 a.m                                2.00 p.m
  10. CTET 2019 ends                             12 .00 noon                                4.30 p.m

About CTET 2019:

Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) 2019 is the national level teacher eligibility test. It is conducted by CBSE. Those who qualify Paper I of CTET become qualified to teach classes I to V. And those who qualify Paper II become qualified to teach classes VI to VIII. CTET July 2019 will be held on July 7, 2019. Answer key of CTET 2019 is released after exam, followed by result and Certificate.

Exam Pattern of Paper I

          Subject                                          Questions Marks

  1. Child Development 
  2. and Pedagogy                                         30          30
  3. Language I                                         30          30
  4. Language II                                         30          30
  5. Mathematics                                         30          30
  6. Environmental Science                         30      30
  7. Total                                               150        150

Exam Pattern of Paper II

           Subject                                                              Questions     Marks

  • Child Development and 
  • Pedagogy (compulsory)                                                  30                30
  • Language I (compulsory)                                          30                30
  • Language II (compulsory)                                          30                30
  • Mathematics and Science 
  • (for Mathematics and Science Teacher)                          60                60
  • Social Studies / Social Science  
  • (for Social Studies / Social Science teacher)                  60                60
  • Total                                                                        150              150

Candidates need to score 60% (90 out of 150) in CTET Result to qualify CTET.

Candidates can download their Admit Cards in the following Link : Admit Cards

Direct Link to Download CTET Admit Cards

Website : https://