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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions into 4th Class For the Academic Year 2018-19

Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions into 4th Class For the Academic Year 2018-19

Telangana state sports school admissions 2019 hakimpet admission into 4th class

Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions into 4th Class For the Academic Year 2018-19:

తెలంగాణలోని స్పోర్ట్స్ స్కూల్‌లో ప్రవేశాలకు నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదలైంది. దీని ద్వారా రాష్ట్రంలోని హకీంపేట (మేడ్చల్), కరీంనగర్, ఆదిలాబాద్ క్రీడా పాఠశాలల్లోని 40 సీట్లలో ప్రవేశాలు కల్పించనున్నారు. ఈ మొత్తం సీట్లలో 20 సీట్లు బాలికలు. 20 సీట్లు బాలురకు కేటాయించారు. ఆయా పాఠశాలల్లోని 4వ తరగతి సీట్లను భర్తీ చేస్తారు. 3వ తరగతి ఉత్తీర్ణులైన విద్యార్థులు ప్రవేశాల కోసం దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు. ప్రవేశాల కోసం మండల, జిల్లా, రాష్ట్ర స్థాయిలో పోటీలు నిర్వహించనున్నట్లు తెలంగాణ రాష్ట్ర స్పోర్ట్స్ స్కూల్ ఓఎస్‌డీ డాక్టర్ కె.నర్సయ్య శుక్రవారం (ఏప్రిల్ 20) ఒక ప్రకటనలోతెలిపారు. 

ప్రవేశాలు కోరేవారు జూన్ మొదటివారంలో సంబంధిత మండల ఎంఈవో కార్యాలయంలో సంప్రదించాలని కోరారు. ఎంపికల కోసం... జూన్ 14న మండల స్థాయిలో, జూన్ 21 నుంచి 25 వరకు జిల్లా స్థాయిలో, జూన్ 28 నుంచి 27 వరకు రాష్ట్రస్థాయిలో పోటీల నిర్వహణ ఉంటుందని ఆయన తెలిపారు.
Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions into 4th Class For the Academic Year 2018-19 Telangana state sports school admissions 2019 hakimpet admission into 4th class Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions into 4th Class For the Academic Year 2018-19:/2019/05/telangana-state-sports-school-tsss-hakimpet-4th-class-admissions-2019.html
Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions into 4th Class For the Academic Year 2018-19

Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet has released a notification for admissions into 4th class for the academic year 2018-19.Telangana State Sports School will conduct the selections for admissions of 40 students ( 20 Boys & 20 Girls) each at Hakimpet into 4th class every year in 3 tier system i.e mandal level, district level and state level to pick up highly potential young boys and girls in the age group of 8 years. Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Admissions 2018-19 dtails like eligibility, selection process, schedule given below...


For admission into 4th class, the child should be 8 years of age and born between 01.09.2009 to 31-08-2010 as on 31-08-2018  for participating in the selections.

Sports Schools in Telangana:

1. Adilabad,
2. Karimnagar,
3. Hakimpet

Documents to be Produced::

1.Aadhar card
2.Age & Study Certificate from present school
3.10 Passport Size Photos
4.Copies of Progress reports of class III & IV
5.Community Certificate

Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet Selecion Schedule:

  1. Mandal Level Selections: Before 14-06-2018
  2. District Level Selections: 21-06-2018 to 25-06-2018
  3. State Level Selections (6 days): 28-06-2018 to 07-07-2018
  4.  Admissions: Last week of August 2018

Selection Procedure:

Selection will be 3 tier system i.e mandal level, district level and state level

Mandal Level Selection:

The Mandal Level Selections may be held at the mandal head quarters concerned MEO will be the incharge of entire procedure. The children will be short listed for District level selections on the basis of acoring the maximum points at mandal level on order of merit basis from the following tests as per the schedule.

*30 Mtr Flying start
*Standing Broad Jump
*800 mtr Run
*6 x 10 mtr shuttle run
*Medicine Ball put
*Vertical Jump
*Flexibility Test

The entire nine motor quality tests may be conducted in the mandal level with the help of DSA coaches and Physical Educational Personnel. The Test results should be announced by the MEO on completion of the selection same day by not exceeding 20 boys and 20 girls for IV class.In case of tie, younger age child will be given prefrence.

District Level Selection:

The District Level Selections may be held at the district head quarters concerned DEO will be the incharge of entire procedure. The children will be short listed for State level selections on the basis of acoring the maximum points at district level on order of merit basis from the following tests as per the schedule.

*30 Mtr Flying start
*Standing Broad Jump
*800 mtr Run
*6 x 10 mtr shuttle run
*Medicine Ball put
*Vertical Jump
*Flexibility Test

The entire nine motor quality tests may be conducted in the district level with the help of DYSO's coaches and Physical Educational Personnel. The Test results should be announced by the DEO on completion of the selection same day by not exceeding 20 boys and 20 girls for IV class.In case of tie, younger age child will be given prefrence.

State Level Section:

Proposed dates for conduct of state level selections at Telangana State Sports School (TSSS), Hakimpet.

Tests to be conducted during state level selections.



Motor qualities:

*30 Mtr Flying start
*Standing Broad Jump
*6 x 10 mtr shuttle run
* 1kg Medicine Ball put
*Standing,Vertical Jump
*Flexibility Test ( Forward bend and reach)
*800 mtr Run


*Age verification
*Body abnormalities

Then he/ she should be disqualified and his/ her name omitted from merit list.

Once Coach from TSSS may be deputted to report to DYSO's of concerned district level to assist then to conduct the district selection successfully.
For more details are available at your " Concerned MEO Office" and application forms are also available there